Noah 106

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Just as I suspected my leg was broke, normally I would've been pissed considering that I needed my legs to do my job but seeing as how I was suspended until this stupid ass investigation was over with and the season was damn near over there wasn't too much I could be mad about regarding my leg.... However, the woman sitting in the corner giving me the 'you're an idiot look' was a different subject entirely; let me be clear I loved my girl but she was really testing my patience, I let a lot of shyt slide but her taking my kids were... and the fact that she wouldn't tell me where they were made that shyt even worse. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was trying to fuck right here in this hospital because she was looking sexy as fuck... maybe it was all these damn sedatives they had me on. Before I could decide on whether to cuss her out or attempt to get up and bend her ass over the door opened and Doctor Uncle Blaze walked in looking at me like I was a complete idiot as well, why the fuck was everyone treating me like I was the bad guy in this situation?

"A window Noah? What the fuck were you thinking? You do realize you could've killed yourself and Siant right?" Uncle Blaze said walking over to me and checking my vitals. "Ethically I'm supposed to ask if you're still feeling suicidal and keep you for seventy-two hours but I know you weren't trying to kill yourself because Marcus would beat your ass and then kill you. But you're lucky Saint took most of the impact."

"How is he?" I asked feeling slightly guilty about how things went down, don't get me wrong I was still pissed but I could've handled things differently.

"He's stable but I think they gave him a little too much pain medicine because he's hallucinating... but he's good, I think you have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment." Uncle Blaze said nodding in Jade's direction. "I'll be back to check on you in a few." Once he was gone Jade walked over to the bed and started fixing my pillows and avoiding eye contact. Lust overtook anger as I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me, she resisted a little until my tongue made contact with that spot between her ear and neck that drove her crazy.

"Noah st...op we need to talk.... fuck...." Jade said as I pulled her into the bed, I rolled on top of her and damn near ripped her jeans off.

"Go ahead baby talk, I can multi-task." I said biting her inner thigh and moving myself to a more central position, but before I could start I heard someone being loud as fuck outside my door and I rolled my eyes.... maybe this was a sign that this wasn't the place for what I was just planning. Jade jumped up, grabbed her jeans and ran into the bathroom while I reposition myself back into a more comfortable position. Seconds later the door open and Toussaint rolled into my room, he looked pretty fucked up which gave me a sick sense of satisfaction; he rolled over to me and stopped right next to my bed and grabbed my hand.

"You didn't trust me Noah and that shyt hurt me, but I get it..... I gave you every reason not to trust me so I'm going to tell you everything, my reasoning behind why I didn't want you involved and why I championed Juelz as hard as I did." Saint said looking at me.

"How about instead of beating around the bush you just tell me." I said snatching my hand away.

"It started after my dad died, I was determined to find out who was behind his attack... then me and Mario had a conversation and he reminded me of something that happened at my dad's wedding. Brick made it a point to separate me before the shooting started and that told me that whoever was behind everything was wanted me to survive and that they were coming for me directly. So I started doing some thinking.... if they were coming for me then they would target those closest to me; Mario, Trinity, TJ, Taryn, and you..... my suspicion was confirmed when that shyt happened with Troix." Saint said quietly.

"Okay, you're still not telling me why you kept me from knowing ANYTHING and why trust punk ass Juelz." I said getting pissed.

"Well I'm getting to that.... that night we found Troix confirmed the one thing that I feared and this is no shade towards you No' but you don't have the heart to do what NEEDS to be done, Cori is the one who pulled the trigger and that split seconds hesitation you had could've been the difference between life and death. So keeping you in the dark was my way of keeping you out of harm's way, I know you'll throw hands with anybody but you won't kill... even for your kids; you might beat the fuck outta someone but you won't pull the trigger." Saint said.

"Whatever Saint... you know damn well if it came down to it I would've been right there next to you but instead you wanted Juelz there because you trust him more than me." I said looking into his eyes.

"In the beginning I didn't trust Juelz but he's proven to me over and over again that he'll do whatever to protect Jakari and Jade, at first the reason I told Juelz was because if I had to choose someone to have by my side I would've rathered it been someone who kept me on my toes, I couldn't nor wouldn't put you or Mario in that situation so if Juelz would've died it would've been a lovely funeral." Saint said shrugging.

"So you picked him because if he would've died you wouldn't have cared? That's fucked up Saint even for you that's pretty low.... I thought that nigga was your 'brother' and that 'you would die for that nigga'?" I asked looking at him.

"As I said, in the beginning, I didn't care if he lived or died, I just trusted that the love he had for his love for his son and Jade would keep him loyal to a certain extent, it was a gamble that paid off... As we worked together Juelz showed me another side of him, he put himself at risk by going to Benjamin and trying to set him up. He killed someone that was seconds away from killing me.... say what you want but he's proven that he was loyal. Then me and him had a heart to heart conversation, we both said some things but we came to an understanding despite everything he's my brother but if it comes to choosing between him and you, I'll always pick you, you're my fuckin brother and this little fight which I won won't change that." Saint said just above a whisper.

"Why couldn't you just tell me like 'Noah here's what I'm doing and this is why I need you to stay outta sight.'?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"Juelz was easier to control, I've known you damn near my entire life Noah and I know you're a free thinker... you wouldn't have followed any of the plans I had set up and that could've ruined everything." Saint said and I started to interrupt but he started talking again. "Answer me this if I would've told you to stay on the bench would you have listened?" Saint asked.

"Of course not, but...." I said but Saint cut me off.

"And if I would've told you that Juelz was essential to my plans would you have been willing to put you differences aside for the good of the family and been able to play nice?" Saint asked and I sat there staring at him because he knew my answer. "Exactly my point you were a liability and one of my greatest weaknesses." Saint said and I sat there staring at him wondering if I should punch him in the face again.

"Did you're plan work? I mean did you get your target?" I asked and Saint shrugged. "So you're not sure what happened?" I asked getting pissed.

"Nah while I was waiting for some information, some psycho broke into my house and attacked me......" Saint said smirking, we sat there quietly and I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that Saint was still a bitch for everything he's been doing these last few weeks, I was just about to let him know when the door opened and Juelz walked in and looked at us.

"Ayy we need to talk...." Juelz said looking at Saint, our eyes connected for a second and then he turned to Saint.

"Close the door and tell me what happened." Saint said and Juelz grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Everything was running smoothly, Sa'vion was in Colorado waiting for Benjamin to show up and when I confirmed that he was on his way there... me, Smoke, and Yuri were going to end this, however..... Benjamin was already dead by the time we got there, he was beheaded and.... it wasn't any of us." Juelz said quietly.

"Aight thanks...... I'll hit you up tomorrow." Saint said dappin him up and as he walked out Juelz turned and looked at me like he wanted to say something, though there was no malice in his eyes. Once he was gone Jade finally emerged from the bathroom and Saint asked her to step out of the room. "I gotta tell you something.... I think..... I know the person who got to Benjamin was my dad." Saint said with absolute certainty, I started to remind him that Uncle Zyshaun was dead but he quickly started talking again. "Noah my dad wouldn't have gone out the way that he did and everyone keeps telling that I'm hallucinating but I swear to God on the life of my unborn son.... my dad was just in my room." Saint said and I could tell that there was no convincing him otherwise, but IF Uncle Zy was alive.... then why did he go into hiding in the first place??????

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Given everything that was stated in this chapter, do you still believe that Saint was wrong for how he handled the situation and if so why? 

2) Who should get the next chapter ANY CHARACTER is eligible!!!

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