Julio 74

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Let me be absolutely clear... there was no way in hell we would've been able to reach Odion, so all we could do was to watch in horror as Odion brought the bat down; we all let out a sigh of relief as Odion hit the ground inches from Xavier's dad's head before saying something then walking off. I knew we more than likely weren't getting paid because we were supposed to be watching Xavier's house but we got a little sidetracked, I put the blame on Adonis mainly because had just stopped talking the argument that distracted us could've been completely avoided. We were doing our part, watching the house when Adonis started talking and of course he brought up that nigga Tyler..... to be honest, I was getting sick of hearing this person's name; this was the third or fourth time that someone had brought him up and JD looked a little nervous at the very mention of his name and whenever he gets nervous he becomes defensive and that led to a big argument between him and Adonis that continued until we arrived back at Justice's house.

"Adonis, answer me this simple question... why are you such a bitch made ass nigga? Like seriously, now I can take you starting shyt because I do that shyt all the time but what I don't do is lie. Like you're trying to make this whole Tyler situation bigger than it is when we both know that's not the case." Justice said and I could tell he was getting pissed.

"First of all, I'm far from 'a bitch made ass nigga' now I'm definitely not trying to start anything. All I said were you going to invite Tyler to your party. It was a simple question.... now it wouldn't be such a big deal if you weren't still texting him.... See the thing is you're not really mad at me, you're mad because you're being sneaky and now you're caught. But look I gotta get going Amara is going out of town and I gotta go say bye, I'll catch y'all later especially you Jayvion." Adonis said winking before walking out of the house, a few seconds later Cortez, Jayvion, and Bishop all walked out as well leaving me alone with Justice.

"Justice, are you fuckin that nigga?" I asked looking into his eyes and he stood there looking like I had just stabbed him in the heart.

"That's a stupid ass question Julio, you know me if I'm not feeling something I let it be known. I don't hide shyt and I don't cheat.... if I wanted that nigga Tyler I just break up with you and fuck him because in case you didn't get the message.... I'm that nigga." Justice said and I was tempted to throw that heavy ass ashtray at his over-inflated head.

"I just think it's funny how you didn't even try to deny the fact that you've been texting him. Like forreal Justice, what's going on with you and that nigga because I'm starting to have my doubts about us......" I said looking at him and he just stood in that same spot looking stupid. "You know what since you don't wanna say anything........"

"Julio where are you going?" Justice asked as I grabbed my keys from off the table and started walking out the door.

"I'm about to go talk to this nigga Tyler.... and ask him what's going on between y'all." I said calmly and Justice stood there stuck. "What you don't got nothing smart to say?" I asked watching as he pulled out his phone. "What are you......"

"Ayy Tyler..... I'm going to have to cancel that gift I was having you make the more that I talk to my dude the more I'm starting to feel like he would want something else for Christmas.... I'll still pay you because I know you put a lot of work into it." Justice said looking at me.

"Aight coo.... I mean it's already done so if you still want them you can get them just in case." Tyler said hanging up, Justice looked at me for a split second before stomping off upstairs and slamming his bedroom door. Okay, I felt kinda stupid because he was trying to do something nice and I didn't trust him, even if I never voiced my concerns every time I heard Tyler's name I felt like he may be cheating on me. So I walked upstairs and open his door, Justice was sitting on his bed, playing the game with tears streaming down his face.

"Man move......" He said looking through me. "I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm pissed the fuck off because I should've beat Adonis's ass, I'm pissed because my mom is gone.... I'm never going to see her again, I'm pissed because now my uncle is gone, and I'm pissed because the person who I'm dating was supposed to trust me and took the word of some lame ass nigga over mine."

"JD I'm sorry.... I should've trusted you, but you gotta look at it from my perspective. Since we were little I've always seen you with multiple girls constantly moving from one to the next never wanting to settle down because in your words 'I'm that nigga' even when we were kids you were saying that and now it's like......." I said trailing off.

"You don't think I can sustain a monogamous relationship?" Justice said looking at me and I didn't respond because in the back of my mind that's exactly what I was thinking. "Wow, okay, coo..... that's fucked up Julio, I mean it would be easy for me to think those things about you as well because let's not pretend you were some fuckin angel because I remember when you were living in New York whenever we'd talk on the phone you'd be bragging about all the girls you smash. We were both fuckin with a lot of people so don't try to make it seem like I'm the only one with a past......." Justice said tossing his controller across the room.

"What's going on with you Jus....." I asked and looked at me and I could tell he was close to tears again.

"I lost my mom and favorite uncle in less than six months...... someone is taking out members of my family, I'm scared because what if I'm next?" Justice said. "I'm scared to be in this house alone because every little sound I be thinking it's someone in the house.... every time a car rolls past the windows I'm thinking it's someone coming to do a driveby. I'm seventeen.... I'm not ready to die." Justice said quietly. "If my dad was here he'd tell me to man up and stop crying...." Justice said laughing humorlessly. "Damn I need a drink....." He said walking out his room.

"Justice.... Justice....." I said following him down to the kitchen and watched as he searched through his cabinets. "So you're just going to ignore me?"

"Maybe... I'm still mad at you. Once I calm down maybe we can have a real conversation." Justice said slamming cabinet and stomping around the kitchen.

"Fuck it... I'm trying to own up to my mistake and you wanna act like a child, maybe I should just leave then." I said walking towards the living room but before I could reach the door Justice ran in front of me and given the way his chest was rising and falling I could tell he was pissed.

"Don't leave me......" He whispered I didn't get a chance to say anything before his lips were against mine and his hands were rubbing all over my ass. "Stay Julio......" He whispered as we fell on the couch. Just as things were getting good a frantic knock came at the door and we quickly broke apart and pretended that everything was normal as Justice went to open the door.

"OPEN DOOR BITCH!!!!" Troix said as soon as the door opened as Noah and Jade walked in with all their kids. Me and Justice looked at each other and I could already see where this was going.

"JD please.... look I wouldn't come to you unless I was desperate I just need you to watch them for a couple hours. Please?" Noah said looking at Justice who walked over to his bookbag and grabbed out a notebook and started writing stuff down.

"Julio do you want anything?" Justice asked looking at me, I thought about it for a second and smirked.

"A bottle of Magnum Grey Goose...." I said smiling and Noah rolled his eyes before nodding. After they left Justice turned on a movie which Troix and Jakari watched intently, while Nasir and Khaliah sleep on the couch. I followed Justice into the kitchen and watched as he paced around, apparently deep in thought. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at him.

"Noah could've gone to Uncle Khalil, Uncle Marcus, Cori, Marquise, Ace, or any number of people in our family but he came to me saying that he was desperate. I just find it weird because....." Justice stopped talking and for the next ten minutes, he tried calling every person in his family only to either get ignored or told that they'd call him back. "What the fuck is going on?" Justice asked nervously.

"I'm not sure but look I'm about to run to my house real quick, I'll be back within twenty to thirty minutes so so you think you can handle these little de..... angels?" I asked and Justice nodded, after that I drove home and saw that my dad's were sitting on the porch. "Wassup?" I asked noticing the worry in their faces.

"Justice we need to talk....." My dad said and my heart began to race because the last time they said we needed to talk was something extremely bad............................

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