Tion Jr. 55

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Just two more weeks, two more weeks and I could fuck to my heart's content.... I swear my training regiment was intense; I was hungry, tired from hours of studying my opponent, most days I was sore as fuck from hours upon hours of training, and worst of all NO SEX..... Which was my biggest issue because I loved having sex but this fight was important, though I knew in my heart that I would win I rather be over prepared than underprepared. I got out of bed and looked around my room.....damn, I could feel a 'that' thought forming in my head and I quickly shook it out, now wasn't the time for feeling sorry for myself I had to get to the gym and stay my ass there until midnight. After a quick breakfast, I started to head out but I heard a key entering my door, which caused my internal alarm to start going off because NO ONE, not even my twin sister Taryn had a key to my place. I tiptoed through my kitchen and grabbed my gun.... damn I really would hate to catch a charge before my fight but self-defense is self-defense and I had a damn good lawyer. I hid in the corner as the person enter the house with a hood on and entered the code to my alarm, what the fuck.......

"Little bro I would really appreciate it if you stopped pointing that gun at me." My big brother Saint said and I let out a sigh of relief before the anger started boiling back up. "Wait before you start bitchin......" Saint started but then stopped.

"You plan on finishing that sentence?" I asked as he took his hood off and started walking through my house like he owned the place.

"Nah.... I just didn't feel like hearing you bitch. Now go put some real clothes on we're having a Brother Day and we gotta go get Trinity. We'll meet up with Taryn a little later but you know she has a habit of judging you and Trinity for y'all's horrible taste in women and it's too early to be listening to that nagging."

"I gotta train Saint.... in case you didn't get the memo, I have a very important fight coming up in a couple weeks." I said looking at him. "Wait before we even discuss that.... how the fuck did you get a key to my house and how do you know my alarm code?" I asked looking at him.

"Because you're an idiot.... you've had the same code for everything since we were kids, which is something you need to work on changing because these are dangerous times for us and if something were to happen to you or any one of our siblings....... look get dress I got something important I wanna talk to y'all about." Saint said and I rolled my eyes but didn't argue because this was my big brother we were talking about and though I gave him a lot of shyt and we were always competing mainly over Trinity, I had so much respect for him that I followed his instructions without question.

A sign of our competitive nature reared it's ugly head when we stepped outside and we both unlocked our cars at the same time..... now we could ride together but there was something in Saint's eyes that seemed to challenge me so the second he started to move I took off running towards my car and he to his...... Racing to Trinity's house wasn't the best idea considering I could've crash but I wanted to win (which I did) and Saint wasn't too thrill maybe because he had gotten pulled over.

"I let you win since that's probably the only win you'll be getting in the foreseeable future." Saint said agitated and I couldn't help but laugh at this sore loser, but when I walked into Trinity's house I instantly stopped smiling and became pissed. "I'm going to kill him." Me and Saint said at the same time as we walked through the house looking for our little brother. We found Trinity in his bedroom with two.... three.... four butt naked girls of every shade of black laying next to him, I'll give my little bro this he had impeccible taste but.....

"I blame you for how he turned out." I said shaking my head. "Look at him..... I think it's because of you. I think he feels like he has to make up for your sexual choices, not that there's anything wrong with it.... Mario is my bro but I think Trinity is over-compensating for your lifestyle." I said taking a little dig at Saint, now before y'all start trippin keep in mind who my dad, uncle, brother, second dad, and half the people in my extended family are I'm far from homophobic... I just like pissin Saint off.

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