Corinthian 84

993 81 71

It seemed like the whole city was looking for Troix.... after someone leaked the news that Noah Cunningham's son was missing it was all over the news and after about four days I began to lose hope and the guilt was making me physically sick.... but I've never seen Noah and Jade more determined they seemed to be everywhere and I felt even more guilty because I still hadn't found the courage to tell Noah about the conversation I overheard Jade and Saint having..... Speaking of Saint that nigga was starting to sketch me out because he was M.I.A. during this whole thing, like I haven't seen or heard from him; I wanted to give him the benefit of a doubt but I was always taught to judge people by their actions and Saint's actions the last few days have been weird. On day five of the search, we were all sitting around my dad's house going over plans for another search party, I hadn't slept at all last night; Paris had gone back to school and I was stressing over Troix......

"Aight so Cori you'll be with Marquise, Dad Number Two and uhh... Aunt Liberty." Noah said and our eyes connected, I wanted to argue but he wasn't asking me, he was telling me and given the circumstance, I was just going to have to suck it up.... at least I wasn't with Ivanna and Armani again because those two were the absolute worst. After we got our marching orders we headed out and to say things were tense was an understatement.

"Sooooo Corinthian you haven't said a single word to your mom and we've been looking for about seven hours." Marquise said and sometimes I forgot how annoying he was.

"That's because I'm looking for Troix, everything else is irrelevant at the moment." I said calmly.

"True but you can talk and look at the same time.... I mean why not kill two birds with one stone? We can look for Troix and air out any tension between you and Aunt Liberty at the same time." Marquise said.

"Marquise take a walk with me...." Dad Number Two said putting his hand on Marquise's neck and pulling him off leaving me with my mom and for about twenty minutes we walked around silently.

"See.... this is the shyt I'm talking about this family is toxic, if I would've known this was going to happened I would've held off on my book." She said and I felt like my entire body was on fire, I tried everything they taught me in anger management but that only seemed to fuel the fire.

"Why are you even here mom? Like seriously are you only here because you want to dig up more information on this family? Or is it because that nigga didn't want you anymore? Or maybe it has something to do with you being a miserable bitch and you want everyone else to be just as bitter as you are....." I said and she looked at me for a second before smacking the fuck outta me, I checked my lip for blood and smirked. "I must've struck a nerve."

"You don't know shyt about me Cori.... and one thing about me is I don't tolerate disrespect, especially not from MY children." Liberty said and I pissed her off even more by laughing in her face.

"You don't tolerate disrespect but you have no problem disrespecting hmm..... let's see, you disrespected Cam by cheating on him and yes I know you cheated first, you constantly disrespect my REAL parents by questioning their parenting skills when if you ask me they did a damn good job, you disrespect this family by calling it toxic and then you wanna exploit it by writing some dumb ass book... so what is it Liberty? It can't be money because you took half when you and Cam got divorced; so answer me this... Who in this family hurt you so bad that you're taking it out on everyone else because what you're doing is beyond petty and vindictive." I said looking into her eyes.

"I don't have to answer you.... stay in a child's place." Liberty said waving me off as if I was some random nigga in the club. See Marquise got his smart ass mouth from Dad Number Two, Noah got his short temper from Dad Number One.... me I got both and that tended to land me in a lot of trouble, just as I was about to go off on here my phone started ringing and she had better be lucky that it was Noah otherwise I would've......

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