Julio 75

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My face was burning hot.... I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed to answer a question in my entire life; when my dads said that we needed to talk I wasn't expecting this; I mean the way they said it made me think that the world was ending and in a way it kinda was. I suspected that they knew what was going on between me and Justice but they never said anything about it so I left it alone but when they started having talking I realized that we were having 'THE Talk' and let me tell you it was completely different from the talk we had about girls. But as embarrassing as that was that was nothing compared to my dad asking me if I was a top or a bottom...... they didn't seem angry or anything like that but given the looks that past between them I kinda got the feeling that they had a little bet going on so I went with the safest answer I could think of which was to say that I was verse which was kinda true even though I had never actually fucked Justice and to be honest I had no desire to.

"Are we umm.... are we finished because this conversation is extremely awkward and I really don't think I can be around y'all for at least a week." I said avoiding their eyes, but they both nodded and as I went to get up I remembered something else. "Have y'all heard from anybody today? Noah stopped by saying that he had something important to handle and no one seems to be answering their phones so I was just wondering if y'all knew what was going on." I asked and my dads looked at each other suspiciously.

"They're having a family meeting.... I was there a little earlier and I let my opinion be known and then left, whatever they decide is on them but my decision has already been made. That's all I'm going to say on the matter, if you're planning on staying at Justice's house tonight call me when you get there and if y'all decide to go anywhere I wanna know where you're going, when you get there, when you'll be leaving..... everything Julio I'm not playing either." Papai said and I nodded, he was usually the chill one so whatever was going on was serious if he was on me this hard about my moves. Once he walked off I looked at my dad who was checking his reflection in the mirror, no lie this dude was a serious fitness nut and a little vain if I'm being honest but he was also always blunt with me so I knew he'd give me some answers.

"Dad.... what's really going on?" I asked and he looked at me second and smirked.

"Grown folks business that has nothing to do with you.... now if you'll excuse me I have to call Devin and see what all I missed, I'll be in my office with the door opened so please don't eavesdrop on my conversation." My dad said walking off and if that wasn't a hint I didn't know what was...

After listening to him and Uncle Devin talk for about five minutes of nothing then came the juicy part.... Apparently what was going on at Uncle Zyshaun's house this very moment was a discussion about security; some of the people felt that it was best to pull us all out of school and have us be homeschooled until Saint found out whatever happened to Uncle Zyshaun the other half felt the idea was stupid and that there were other ways of keeping us safe. From what I gathered it was a very intense conversation going on there wasn't a definitive answer on what to do just yet.

"Justice what are you doing?" I asked walking into his house, once I realized that my dad was finished revealing anything interesting I decided to leave before I was forced to stay and when I arrived at Justice's house I found him tiptoeing around the living room looking for something. "Where is Troix and Jakari?" I asked looking at the twins who were sitting on the couch in their own little worlds.

"I don't know... we're playing hide and seek and I haven't been able to find them since like ten minutes after you left." Justice said his voice dripping with concern, I felt a similar sense of panic because I had been gone for a while and I knew if anything happened to either one of them......

"Let me try something...... AYY TROIX, JAKARI WE'LL SEE Y'ALL WE'RE ABOUT TO GO TO THE STORE!!!" I yelled and sure enough, they came running down the stairs saying that they wanted to go too. "See you gotta bribe them in order to find them. Where we're y'all hiding?" I asked.

"I.... I..... I... wanna go to the store." Troix said looking at me and I looked at Justice who smirked.

"We'll go a little bit later Tro....." Before he could finish Troix kicked him in the leg and called Justice his favorite word in the entirety of all languages. "YOU LITTLE MONSTER!!!" Justice said reaching for Troix who ducked out of his grasp and took off running. "Man I swear to God that little boy is bad as fuck." Justice said rubbing his leg and looking at Jakari. "And this one... with his innocent little face he's probably the mastermind behind everything, it's always the quiet ones."

"Leave them alone Jus... it's not their faults you suck at hide and seek." I said smirking and he looked at me as if that was a challenge.

"You really think I couldn't find them? Be serious Julio IF I wanted to find them I could have I was just trying to keep them distracted.... but if you really think I'm not a beast in hide and seek, let's make a game out of it once Noah comes to pick them up." Justice said and I could already see where his head was at.

"Speaking of Noah..." I told Justice everything I overheard from my dad's conversation. "I don't think my dads will pull me out of school and from the sounds of it Uncle Devin is feeling the same way, there's gotta be a better way to deal with everything that's going on but pulling us from school isn't the answer."

"I don't care what they decide I'm not leaving school.... as much as I hate that place and how I'm counting down the days until I graduate, it's been a distraction for me giving everything that's happened and for those eight hours I'm able to focus on something other than my pain." Justice said quietly and I went to touch him but he pulled away. "Don't touch me.... because if you touch me I'm going to start feeling 'things' and there are children present, I already wanna eat your ass while you're suckin my dick but I have to resist." Justice said smiling.

"I'm hungry bitch....." Troix said walking back into the living room and looking at Justice.

"This is all your fault you know that right? Between you and his uncles teaching him that word every time he calls y'all a bitch it's karma." I said. "I guess I can order a pizza or something because I'm not cooking." I said sitting down and watching cartoons with the kids.

"Thanks, y'all I really appreciate this......" Noah said when he finally came to pick up his children, I started to ask about the meeting but I could tell he was tired and stressed.

"Where's Jade?" Justice asked and Noah looked a little annoyed by the question.

"Saint had to talk to her about something........ I'm going back to pick her up but since Saint lives around the corner from me, they weren't too much trouble were they?" Noah asked looked at all of them knocked out on the couch.

"Yeah, they weren't too bad.... Troix got a smart ass mouth but other than that nah, I'll watch them any time.... as long as the price is right." Justice said and I had to look at him like he was crazy because I was pretty sure that him and Troix were about to come to blows at one point during the day. "And since we're discussing price where's my payment?" Justice asked looking at Noah.

"Man I got you tomorrow.... that thing I had to do last longer than I expected but I promise after practice I'll bring the stuff by, you mind helping me take them out to the car though?" Noah asked and after getting them all into their car seats, Noah pulled off leaving me and Justice alone for the first time since our disagreement.

"Jus.... I'm sorry about earlier, I know I apologized earlier but I feel like telling you again. I know that not trusting you was foul as fuck and I should've got all the facts or at least made my own judgment instead of listening to Adonis....." I said looking into his eyes and he shrugged.

"It's coo Julio..... I'm over it and I won't bring it up again as long as you don't. Now turn I'm about to turn off all the lights and you better be hiding by the time I get finished..... you were talking a lot of shyt earlier and the 'Prater' in me never forgets an insult while the 'Cunningham' in me never backs down from a challenge." Justice said getting up and turning off the light in the living room, just at made it to the bottom of the stairs there was the unmistakable sound of a gunshot coming from somewhere outside...............

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