Quamir 93

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Macon Bolling Allen, widely believed to be the first African American Lawyer so I understood why Marcus took on the Macon persona... from the stories I've heard Marcus or Macon was a lot more deadly than anyone I had ever met because he thought from a lawyers perspective which was very calculating and dangerous in the sense that he could kill someone in front of a hundred people and convince those same people that he was innocent. Lowkey I've always believed that lawyer made the best criminals because they knew the law inside and out, which made them capable of thinking a hundred moves ahead of everyone else.... however there was a brief moment when Kaiser mentioned Khalil's name that he dropped the Macon facade and I saw a concerned husband shining through, I also saw the parent when the subject of Liberty came up and I knew he was planning something extremely devious. He paced around his hotel room and it seemed like hours before he finally spoke, but that was only after I asked the same question I've been asking since we arrived here.

"So what do you wanna do boss? I mean I don't believe Khalil had anything to do with Zyshaun's death but at the same, he might know something.... and then there's the whole Noah situation. I know you feel like Noah should know what's going on and I agree... however I feel like Saint is truly trying to protect him by keeping him out of it and he ha a point about Jade and the kids; I'm speaking from the perspective of a parent if I had to lose my daughter to save her I'd do it in a heartbeat." I said looking at him.

"Saint..... may be right on this one. Jade needs to take the kids and leave, I've been doing some thinking and I think this is exactly what whoever this person is wants; if Jade were to leave now, it would only give more ammo for Liberty and fuel the rumors that Noah is abusive.... but if she stays like Noah wants then that makes Jade and my grandchildren easy targets. I gotta hand it to this person they're playing a very smart game....." Marcus said quietly.

"How are you going to convince Noah that he should let them go?" I asked knowing that in and of itself would be an impossible challenge.

"Noah is stubborn... like his damn daddy, whenever they make up their mind about something they truly believe in then there's no changing it. Normally if there was even a one percent chance that I could say something to change his mind I'm usually pretty good at getting them to see things my way.... but Noah won't budge on this one so I'll have to do something he might end up hating me for." Marcus said quietly. "Look I gotta head back to Houston, Khalil has been blowing my phone up and I starting to think he can't even tie his shoes without me.... remember don't tell Saint about what Kaiser said until I get more information." Marcus said before walking out of the room.

Now that I had some time to myself I was able to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together...Aight so here's a list of everything we know so far, it started with Zyshaun's wedding and the death of Vanessa, then there was Zyshaun's business trips and I remember him coming back shook over something, from there the next thing that happened was Troix's kidnapping, and now we had Liberty going out trying to destroy Noah's career... Base on all that what I gather from this person is that they really hate not only Saint but Noah as well.... which tells me that they have history with this person, the only questions I have now is who was this person and what did Noah and Saint do to piss them off so badly. My phone started ringing and I knew without looking that it was Saint.

"Wassup Saint?" I asked.

"Look I'm sorry to have to do this to you... but I really need you to come to New York, that situation can wait a few days but as it stands I need you here." Saint whispered. "Sorry I can't really talk right now because Caprice got us trying on suits for this damn party....." Saint said aggravated and I tried not to laugh, he could pretend to be annoyed all he wanted but I knew what he and Mario did to Caprice Evan and given the ass that dude had on him I really couldn't even blame them.

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