Fabricio 36

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The first day of school was always horrible, the first day at a new school was even worse; I had lost track of how many times some girl or dude had tried to slide me their number, or how many times the teacher fucked up my name, or how I already caught my twin brother giving head to three dudes in the bathroom. I couldn't deal with this shyt until June, I wanted to graduate with my friends and more importantly with Darion, damn I really missed him and yeah I had broken up with him but I could see the writing on the wall; my uncle was scared something would happen to me because of Darion's family between Roseline and that dude Nico.... well my uncle had heard some pretty bad stuff. But even when I tried to look past all that stuff I could see Darion wasn't happy; Odion leaving, everything that had happened with his family, his job, and just the general stress he was under and I knew with my uncle freaking every five minutes and Federico constantly trying to ruin my life.... I knew he wasn't the only one who needed a break. After a horrific half-day of school I took my ass home and as I pulled up Darion and Odion were in front of their house playing basketball.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked walking over to him and he smirked a little, Darion looked at his older brother who walked into the house mumbling something about Darion being mad about losing. "It's the first day and you're already skipping." I said shaking my head.

"I'm taking a personal day..... plus we went to Six Flags yesterday and we didn't get back until late last night and I'm not in any rush to see anyone at my school besides I just seen half those people at my party." Darion said grabbing a towel and wiping his face. "You just got out?" He asked and I nodded. "Why don't you come with me? Your uncle is at work.... Federico isn't getting out until later, it's better than you sitting in the house and watching those stupid ass courtroom shows you like." Darion said smiling.

"Aight let me go change and then I'll follow you up there, you know once you start working you tend to lose track of time and I'm not trying to piss my uncle off." I said and Darion nodded, stared at me for a second before walking back into his house. An hour later we were sitting in Darion's office as he typed away at his computer, honestly if all he was going to do was work I could've stayed my ass at home.

"So any cute girls at your new school.... or dudes?" Darion asked glancing over at me and I rolled my eyes.

"You'd have to ask Federico, I really wasn't checking for any of them like that." I said looking at him and could see he was trying not to smile. "What about you? I heard you left your party pretty early and you weren't alone." I said and he shrugged.

"I hooked up with somebody..... I'm single, just like you are." Darion said and I nodded but didn't reply. "Red you have no reason to be mad that I fucked someone else.... I can see it in your eyes and I know it's hard because if I found out you had hooked up with someone else I'd be kinda salty too but we both agreed that we needed to take a step away from each other because of everything that was going on.... so let's not complicate things more by adding jealousy to this friendship." Darion said reading my emotions perfectly.

"Yeah, you're right.... my fault. What's this..... I said grabbing a book off his desk and started flipping through it. "The Jamaican Jackhammer, The Haitian Hurricane, L'orgasme de trois heures (The orgasm of three hours), Papi's Secret Technique...... Darion what kind of shyt is this?" I asked laughing and he quickly grabbed the book and put it into his desk.

"Umm.... it was a birthday present, so umm..... what are you doing this weekend? I figured we could go to the football game and then chill at my place..... if your uncle is cool with it, that is...." Darion said locking his desk and I found myself wondering what else was in that book.

"I'm getting to a point where I don't care if he's cool with it or not..... I deserve some fun and if that means having to sneak out the house I'm going to do it and face the consequences whenever I get home." I said smirking. "Now let me see that book." I said as the door opened and Armani walked in with Lil' Leaon's sexy ass.....

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