Toussaint 105

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It had been two days and I hadn't heard from ANYONE which was making me extremely nervous, it didn't help that it was nice as fuck outside and given everything that's been going on I took that as being an ominous sign. But these last two days have given me a lot to think about and the more I thought about it the more I came to the conclusion that I made the right decision in leaving Noah out, given the way he was acting the last time I saw him; I love that nigga, the bond me and Noah shared was something much stronger than brothers but that nigga was temperamental as fuck given what he did to my car. But I understood his anger and for this extremely delicate situation, I needed clear-headed individuals around me for the operation.... But did I have control of this situation? Juelz was M.I.A., I hadn't heard from Mario, Sa'vion, Jade, Smoke, or Uncle Marcus which only added to my anxiety. I paced around my dad's study checking my phone to see if anyone had the decency to at least call me back but of course no one had. Fuck it, I'm about to go find someone who can tell me what's going on...damn this must be how Noah felt, before I could even open the door, however, I heard someone moving around downstairs.

"As I told you Saint, your security ain't shyt.... you were really going to hit me with a bat?" Noah asked as I crept into the parlor. "Sit down we need to talk." Noah said walking over by the fireplace and pouring himself a drink.

"I gave my security the day off... I wanted to be alone with my thoughts and this bat would've knocked your head clean off your shoulders, did you forget my stint in Little League, I was the home run king. I'm just glad you finally found your nuts to talk to me man to man instead of sneaking me." I said placing the bat down on the table. "Aight so what do you wanna talk about? Do you wanna start with an apology? Nah I know you better than that No' you want to know where Jade is..... I'm sorry but I can't tell you."

"Actually I wanna start with Juelz.... why do you trust that nigga Saint?" Noah asked looking into my eyes.

"Because... Juelz is family and we're a lot alike, I know he'll do whatever is necessary to protect his family and I'm not saying that you won't Noah I'm just saying that Juelz.... that nigga doesn't have a conscience, he doesn't let things like morals and honor get in the way of his mission." I said shrugging.

"Family.... you said that nigga would do anything to protect his family." Noah said laughing humorlessly. "Did you know that Benjamin called me? Yeah, he told me that Juelz told him where my wife and kids are hiding.... the nigga that you TRUSTED TURNED ON YOU AND PUT MY WIFE IN DANGER, MY KIDS IN DANGER, HIS SON IN DANGER!!!!!" Noah yelled jumping up and I bit the inside of my jaw because this was an unexpected bit of news. "THANK GOD MARIO HAD THE FORESIGHT TO BRING THEM BACK OTHERWISE WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD'VE HAPPENED ALL BECAUSE YOU PUT YOUR FAITH IN THE WRONG NIGGA!!!!" Noah yelled pacing around.

"You spoke to Mario?" I asked and Noah seemed to turn red before my eyes.


"Noah.... bro, there are things you don't understand." I said trying to keep calm but I was growing agitated with him yelling at me, I get that he was upset but he really needed to calm down before I got pissed. "I'm going to tell you everything when the time is right but for right now I'm asking you to trust me."


"You really think that low of me Noah?" I asked feeling the sting of his words in my soul.

"NO, BUT YOU'RE NOT TELL ME SHYT SAINT!!!" Noah yelled before taking a deep breath. "Saint you gotta tell me something, what the hell is this plan you got cooking up in that head of yours and why won't you tell me what it is..... I'm the same nigga that's been with you from the beginning and I'm asking you.... begging you as your best friend, cousin, brother, confidant tell me what's going on." Noah said as tears built in his eyes.

"Noah all you need to know at this point in time is that I trust Juelz one million per......" Noah punched me dead in the eye, and that was the fuckin trigger. I loved this dude like a brother but I wouldn't let Trinity of TJ get away with no shyt like that so I damn sure wasn't going to let Noah get away with hitting me.

I'll say this much though Noah was quick and his reflexes were superior to mine but that only came from his years of playing football, the thing I had over him was the man who raised me... Don't get me wrong I loved Uncle Khalil but he and my dad had two different definitions of parenting; Khalil Cunningham was all about love (nothing wrong with that) but Zyshaun Prater was all about power, teaching me from the moment I arrived here how to command respect whether it be with my hands or more deadly methods. It didn't take long for me to get the upper hand.... though that's only because I was holding back I really didn't want to hurt this dude, I only wanted to restrain him but he was too pissed and suddenly I was back on the defensive.

We went blow for blow, punch for punch, kick for kick.... I was only trying to tire him out but it seemed like he was running on pure anger, anger that he seemed to have bottled up for years came pouring out in every punch he threw. I punched Noah in the face and he fell backward tripping over one of the chairs we had knocked over in our scuffle; that seemed to enrage Noah even more because the next thing I knew he ran over to the bat I had placed down earlier and started charging me.... I didn't think I just reached around blindly and grabbed something heavy and tossed it at his leg as he ran full speed, I heard a crack and then he dropped and I knew instantly that his leg was broken or at least really fucked up.

"Noah it's over.... let's just call this round for me and get you to a hospit-OWWW!!!!" I yelled as Noah punched me in the dick, as I crumpled over Noah stood up and I could tell he was hurt badly, hell I was too we were both cut up and bloodied for our brawl and I really wanted to end this so I managed to get back to my feet and looked across the room at his as he struggled to stay up. "Noah I don't wanna do this..... just stay down, I'm begging you." I said as tears sparkled in my eyes, this hurt me as much as it hurt him but I knew he had that Cunningham pride that wouldn't let him stop. "Noah..... let's just stop and get you to a hospital bro, it's not worth it."

"Fuck you pussy....." Noah said wiping the tears from his eyes. "I've lost everything.... my wife, my family, my career and now my best friend, my brother...... how could you do this to me Saint." He said and it felt like he had been holding this in for the longest time.

"Noah..... there are things you don't understand, but one thing is perfectly clear...... Juelz is my brother and I'll die for that nigga." I said wanting nothing more to tell him everything but I still couldn't not until I was absolutely sure, but as I testament to how much I loved this nigga I was willing to risk our friendship, our brotherhood to keep him out of this.

"So be it then........" Noah said as a last rush of energy surged through his body, we both knew he couldn't win but he was going to go down swinging; the door opened distracting me for a second as Mario and Jade stood there both of their faces showed the same look of shock. Noah took advantage of my distraction which was all the opportunity he needed as he grabbed him tightly, the struggle began and before I knew it we were both crashing through the window falling......................

I don't remember much, just that as we fell I sacrificed my body, twisting in midair to make sure I took the brunt of the fall, which is probably how I ended up with all this glass in my back and a large piece in my side. Rushed to surgery and thankfully for some good ass doctors, I remember waking up high as fuck to a man sitting in my room looking out the window.

"Not the way I would've handled things but hey.... the job is done and now you can fix this mess you made." He said and to be honest I wasn't even sure he was really here because I was high as fuck on pain meds but as he got closer tears formed in my eyes and I smile to my face, maybe I was high because there was no one he would be caught in public with the black eye he was sporting but it all seemed real.

"Noah?" I asked wondering how my bro was doing and he smirked.

"He's fine a little banged up but he'll live.... we don't have much time but there's a lot we need to discuss." He said as someone started trying to get into the room.

"AYY WHY THE FUCK IS THIS DOOR LOCKED!?!?!" Mario asked from the other side, my guest touched my face and shook his head the next thing I knew he was gone as the door opened..........

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Next chapter is an open chapter so comment whichever MAIN character y'all want to hear from. MAIN CHARACTERS INCLUDE; Noah, Saint, Mario, Jade, Darion, Odion, Kylan, and Cori.

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