Noah 24

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I might have to go to The League to have Jakari's dad tested for drugs because there was no way he should've been able to keep up with Saint, then I realized Saint was toying with dude... I've seen Toussaint fight so many times that I should've noticed from the beginning that Saint wasn't really going all out, well he wasn't until Jade's side nigga got a clean shot to Saint's chin then I saw Saint eyes burn with anger and he knocked Jakari's dad on his ass and my bad ass little son let out a loud 'Oooooo'. Jakari's dad jumped up and I moved in between them and pushed them apart mainly because I didn't want the police coming to my house over some bullshyt, I looked into Saint's eyes and without saying a word he nodded and walked into the house then I turned to dude and we stood there staring at each other for a second..... I could tell he wanted to say something but instead, he stomped to his car and sped off down the street. I walked into the house and Mario was still going over the list, I'm kinda glad Mario elected to stay in the house because there was no telling what he would've done if he would've come outside during the fight.

"I really don't like that nigga....." Saint said as I walked into the bathroom where he was checking his face in the mirror. "Like I know my dad wants us to get along or whatever but I had disloyal ass niggas.... maybe it's the Virgo in me but I can hold a grudge and after that little stunt he pulled at USC.... I can't fuck with him like that, then he was dickin down your wife so to me that was ultimate disrespect." Saint said as Troix walked into the bathroom and Saint picked him up.

"I can't say exactly what I want to say because somebody in this room likes to repeat everything he hears but.... you shouldn't let that nigga get under your skin Saint, do like I do and ignore that nigga." I said and Troix looked at me, damn I needed to figure out how I was going to get outta here tonight because I had a team meeting in the morning and saying here with Jade was dangerous. "But for like the hundredth time...... thanks for having my back Saint." I said looking into his eyes.

"Well I gotta stick up for my little brother, I know you don't wanna fight Juelz because of the kids but I have no loyalty to that nigga so I have no problem beating his ass..... Troix don't say that." Saint said and Troix started smiling. "Ayy let's take Troix and Jakari to get some food." Saint said and I shrugged.

"Jade we're about to take the kids to get something to eat." I said walking into the living room where she and Mario were whispering quietly. "What are y'all up to?" I asked looking at the suspiciously and they look at each other and smirked. "If y'all are planning something for my birthday please don't.... I want a small dinner with my family, that's it.... NO PARTIES!" I said picking up Jakari and walking out the house.

"I want a son......" Saint said watching Troix and Jakari run around the playhouse. "I mean I'm happy to be getting my little girl but there's nothing like having a son, I see the bond you and Troix have and a nigga gets lowkey jealous." Saint said and I smirked.

"Hey, Noah....." Some chick said walking past me and I nodded but that was all the acknowledgment she got from me, that shyt happened all the time but I only had eyes for... "Damn you can't speak? I mean we did date for a couple weeks, you even snuck me into your room a few times though we never did anything." The woman said smiling and I looked at her for a second and then it dawned on me.

"Ashley....." I said standing up and giving her a quick hug, yeah we had a brief relationship but the second Jade came back into my life I cut everybody off but had I known she would've grown up to look like this......

"Damn you done grew the fuck up....." Saint said eyeing her. "In high school, you were built like a male swimmer but now....... If I was single and straight I would definitely......" Saint said smiling.

"As charming as ever Toussaint." Ashley said turning towards me, she looked at me lustfully and started to say something when Troix ran over to me and jumped on my leg. "Who is this cute little boy?" Ashely asked and Troix stared at her for a second and I quickly covered his mouth because I learned to read the signs and he was straight about to call her a bitch.

"This is Troix.... my son, my oldest is right there." I said pointing to Jakari who was still playing on the playground. "Look it was good to see you." I said as Troix ran back to his brother, Ashley looked at me for a second and smiled, then kissed me on the cheek.

"It was good to see you too Noah....." She said sashaying away and I stood there watching her until Saint punched me in the arm.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again Noah, you've earned the right to fuck at least one chick since Jade cheated on you with a fuck nigga..... and if there was one person you could fuck and not feel guilty about it afterward it would be her." He said pointing in the direction Ashley just disappeared in.

"Saint.... why do you keep trying to get me to cheat on my girl? You tried it with Adrienne, you tried it with Amara, and now you're trying it with Ashley..... damn all these damn 'A' names but I'm not cheating on Jade.... end of discussion." I said shaking my head. "How would you feel if I kept trying to hook you up with NFL Players?" I asked and Saint smirked.

"Well me and Mario were talking about tag teaming somebody for my birthday.... so as long as Mario is cool, I don't see an issue. But look Noah I'm not trying to get you to cheat on Jade, I'm just trying to help you out because you'll never forgive Jade for cheating on you unless you fuck somebody else.... I know you bro and you can hold a grudge longer than I can. I'm just trying to help you move past this situation with Jade in a different way." Saint said and right when I was about to tell him how stupid he sounded Jakari walked over.

"Dad, can we have ice cream?" Jakari asked and thought about it for a second, ice cream sounded good as fuck right but I also knew Jade was cooking and.... you know what fuck it, we got the kids together and took them to my dads house because they always had snacks so I figured I let Troix and Jakari go nuts over there while I talked to my dad and Uncle Enzo.

"I'm just going to let you know now Noah, I've seen Marquise's list and I just hope you're prepared for to meet his demands.... I'm staying out of this because if it was up to me his ass wouldn't get shyt." Dad One said opening a bottle of water.

"See that's y'alls problem, y'all let them get away with too much.... Lorenzo's ass knows better." Uncle Enzo said and I decided to keep my mouth shut because honestly, Ace was a bigger hoe than Marquise he was just smarter with his shyt. "Nah seriously though Lorenzo is a good kid and maybe I need to loosen the reins a little bit." Uncle Enzo said and again I started to remind him that he really couldn't say shyt to Ace because Ace moved out months ago and when he did go home it was to chill with Uncle Legacy.

"You need to lock Ivanna's ass in a damn dungeon because I'm tired of her and Armani fuckin in my studios." Saint said and Uncle Enzo got up and left the grotto, he was a little sensitive about his daughter.... I definitely wasn't going to be like him when it came to Khaliah.

"I heard you and Juelz got into a little disagreement earlier today....." Dad One said and Saint rolled his eyes.

"Noah, I love you bro...... but Jade got a big ass mouth." Saint mumbled.

"Actually Troix told me..... his exact wording was 'Pawpaw, Unca Saint beat that niggas ass' and then he went into a very dramatic demonstration of the fight. I'm surprised your dad hasn't called you and said anything yet.... but then again he's out.... fishing." Dad One said and I knew he almost let something slip, it was no secret that Uncle Zy was out trying to figure out who was behind the wedding day incident.

"Fishing Trip.... come on Uncle Khalil you can do better than that. I'm not stupid I know what my old man is up too, just like he's got people watching my every move what kind of son would I be if I let my dad go somewhere without having someone reporting his every move back to me? You know me better than that....." Saint said smirking and we started joking around a little bit until Marquise walked down into the grotto fighting back tears.

"What's wrong Quise?" I asked looking at my little brother and the pain on his face damn near caused me to start crying but the words that escaped from his lips broke my heart.

"Mom.... she's umm..... there was an accident and...... she's gone......." Marquise said and before I could react I was on the phone calling for a flight up to Pittsburgh...................

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