Marquise 27

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While everyone went up to the hospital I elected to stay home, don't get me wrong I was happy for my big bro but at the same time, I just wanted to be alone.... or somewhat alone since Ace was down the hall with Jela. I thought back to my mom and felt a pang of sadness, we had made plans to spend winter break together she was telling me all the things she had planned for us and now..... I jumped outta bed and walked over to my laptop, I needed to do something to take my mind off of everything so I hacked into the school's database to see if the schedules were up yet and if necessary change them around a little bit. I knew punk ass Anderson would do whatever it took to make sure none of my family had the same classes because he was under the mistaken impression that we were a gang or something. After a few minutes and very little difficulty I found the schedules and smirked they don't realize what they had just done by putting; me, Alex, Ace, Darion, Odion, and Lauren together in most of our classes and just before I print them off I felt a cold chill go down my spine.

"Why must you always cause trouble?" Dad Two asked and I looked at him and smiled, everyone said we were just alike and for the most part I agreed minus a few minor details. "I told you about hacking into shyt Marquise....." He said rolling his eyes, I thought back to when I was in third grade and I changed Cori's grades to all F's because he had broken one of my favorite toys. "How are you feeling?" Dad Two said sitting on the bed and watching me.

"I'm coo..... why aren't you at the hospital with everyone else?" I asked trying to change the subject off of me.

"I got kicked out..... Paris's grandma showed up and I cussed her ass out because she kept getting smart with your dad, I don't even know how that bitch knew but I have a pretty good idea. Now back to you..... how are you really feeling Marquise?" He asked and I avoided his eyes; unlike Dad One, Dad Two was a little more difficult to mislead, he just had a way of drawing the truth out.

"I'm hurting but I'm going to keep pushing through because that's what my mom would want... occasionally I'll cry but I'll get through because I have you, dad, Noah, Cori, and Ace." I said checking my watch. "Umm but I'm about to head over to Darion's..... so we can discuss this party I'll see you later dad, oh and I need you to look over my list of demands for Noah." I said getting up and walking down to Ace's room.

"Bruh can you knock? You better be lucky my girl just left.... had you walked in here like ten minutes ago..... we going to Darion's?" Ace asked and I nodded. "Aight let me take a quick shower, then we can go." Ace said limping to his bathroom and I went to call Cori to see how everything was going.

"Wassup Quise?" Noah said answering Cori's phone. "Cori fainted when the baby was coming out but he'll be fine..... how are you feeling?" Noah asked and I rolled my eyes.

"How's the baby doing?" I asked not really wanting to talk to him about my feelings again.

"She's good, they haven't picked out a name yet but other than that she's good.... kinda on the chunky side but then again it's to be expected. Ayy I'll have Cori call you back once he recovers.... you coming up here?" Noah asked.

"Nah we're going to Darion's.... I might come up there when everyone clears out." I said before hanging up. Thirty minutes later we were all sitting in Darion's living room and I could see he was pissed about something probably Fabricio and helping him with his problems was easier to deal with than my own problems. "What's going on with you and Fabricio?" I asked kicking my feet up and looking at my little cousin.

"I have no idea..... it's like we're good one minute and the next we're fighting then ten minutes later we're fucking in the kitchen followed by more fighting." Darion said quietly. "I'm not even going to worry about it anymore.... I'm trying to plan this damn party, I was talking to Tremaine earlier and his cousins will be coming up here for the party so that's a few more people Saint is going to have me driving around."

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