Cortez 57

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Sa'vion really came through with Mr. Anderson, I don't know what he said to him but I went from almost certainly being expelled to getting suspended for ten days and having to write that bitch ass nigga Clark an apology letter (though I didn't mean anything in it). But I needed these days off to get my head right, I was going through a rough time; I missed my little brothers and sisters, I missed my ain't shyt mama, and even though I was getting better it was still a lot to deal with for a teenager. I can't tell y'all how many nights me and JD sat up talking about the loss of our mothers, he really was like my brother our stories were pretty much parallel. Then there was Jayvion.... that moody little fucker, I know it wasn't his fault but still; he was my bro as well he just needed to get his anger issues under control but he seemed to be getting closer to Cori and Trinity, and I think that had a lot to do with my boyfriend Bishop. Don't get me wrong they were coo but I think Jayvion was more attracted to women so naturally he was drawn to dudes who always had women around though I knew he was still fuckin with Adonis..... Bishop, damn I couldn't wait for them to get home from practice. I swear being home from school was boring as fuck when everyone else was there, damn I was bored as fuck.... I was so bored I was tempted to go chill with Savior's little evil ass, just as I was talking myself out of the idea a key entered the door and they all walked in the house.

"Damn what are y'all doing out of school so damn early?" I asked as JD, Julio, Bishop, Jayvion, and Adonis all sat down. Whatever Adonis was saying was lost because I was too focused on Bishop, damn he was sexy as fuck; I shook my head and listened as Adonis went on about the teachers having a meeting or something so school got out early. "That's coo I guess, so what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I asked glad to have something to do.

"Darion wants to take me and Odion out for dinner or something."Jayvion said shrugging. "So I should probably head over there soon.... Donny you wanna give me a ride?" Jayvion asked Adonis.

"What about y'all two? What y'all plan on doing?" I asked JD and Julio. JD wasn't doing anything but Julio had to work so it was just going to be me and him here since Bishop had to go do something with his parents though he promised he'd be back later tonight. Me and JD sat in the living room smoking and playing the game and it had gotten to the point when I could just look at him and tell. "What's going on with you bruh? You seem a little off these last few days." I said wondering why he seemed so damn nervous.

"I think..... Dro caught me and Julio.... I can't be sure but we were at in his room and the door was open, we weren't doing anything besides a little kissing but Dro.... the way he looked at me, it was like he just knew.... he hasn't said anything to me or Julio so maybe I'm trippin." JD said nervously.

"I wouldn't worry about it.... I mean what's he going to say?" I said looking at JD. "There's a simple solution to all of this come out.... I mean nobody in your family is going to trip hell Odion already knows about you and everyone at school well fuck them, you only gotta deal with them for this year and next year after that you'll probably never see them again." I said truthfully.

"Nigga you come out!" JD said defensively.

"I'll do it if you will." I said back. "Look I like Bishop a lot, matter fact I love him.... and maybe coming out is what's best for our relationship, it's getting a little repetitive having to turn down girls and not being able to give them a real reason why. Coming out would be good for us....." I asked and JD shrugged, before pulling out his phone and smiling. "You still texting that nigga from the restaurant?" I asked shaking my head.

"It's not like that Cortez..... we're just friends. It's nothing serious, I wouldn't do anything to fuck up what me and Julio are building. He keeps me calm and I can talk to him about things without him thinking I'm soft.... so don't worry about Tyler, he's coo but I don't look at him like that, it's nothing." JD said and I really hoped it was just 'nothing' because I've seen Julio with those damn ninja stars and I knew he had no problem pulling them out if need be and I would hate for JD to end up with a ninja star in his ass over 'nothing'.

Later that night JD had gone to go get Julio from work leaving me and Bishop at the house by ourselves, I sat there listening to him go on about..... I'm not sure because he was talking so damn fast it was almost impossible to understand any of it, I swear listening to him talk was like listening to Boomhauer from King of the Hill.

"You didn't understand a word I just said did you....." Bishop said laughing.

"Not even one..... I think I caught the beginning but after that it came out all jumbled and incoherrent." I said honestly. "Take your time and start from the top...." I said grabbing his feet and laying them across my lap.

"I was staying that school is boring as fuck without you there..... and I think that nigga Monterio is coming for your position." Bishop said and at first I thought he was talking about trying to take Bishop from me but then I realized he was talking about football. "He's good but I think you're better, though I'm a little biased."

"I'm not worried.... if he is better than me oh well, football is just something I do so I can be close to you I'm not really sweating it. You got any plans for Thanksgiving." I asked and he went on to tell me how he was visiting his grandparents. "We're having a big ass dinner over JD's uncle house... I was hoping you would come so I could introduce you to everybody." I said quietly.

"Cortez I know most of your family." Bishop said looking at me like I was crazy.

"Nah I want to introduce me as my boyfriend, I've been doing some thinking and I wanna come out. Think about it Bishop people are already speculating that we're more than friends and we love each other... when you love someone like I love you we shouldn't hide that love." I said looking into his eyes.

"I'm coo with that.... but there's just one problem... well two, my mom and my dad. You know they are super conservative, highly religious, and slightly homophobic.... and you know once shyt becomes public my dad will find out first since he works at our school... Just... just let me talk to them first and then we can make our final decision." Bishop said and I nodded. "What you wanna do for the rest of the night?"

"Whatever you want..... but we can't be up all night because you got school tomorrow." I said smirking and Bishop rolled his eyes. "What? I got suspended because of you."

"I know.... it's fucked up that Clark didn't get suspended but I think he got the message. Let's go shoot some pool." Bishop said getting up and we walked down to the basement where the pool table was and I couldn't help but look at Bishop's ass. "I'll break..... what are you doing?" He asked as I pulled him into my arms and started kissing his neck.

"Kissing my dude......" I said returning to his neck.

"You going to that fight?" Bishop asked and I shook my head. "Why not? You loving watching those boxing matches." He said quietly as I began taking his pants off, Bishop hated watching Tion's fights because he said they were a waste of money mainly because they were over too damn quick.

"Because they said no kids allowed..... so we're just going to stay here.... which will be good because that means we don't have to worry about anybody walking on us.... though we wouldn't have to worry about that in the first place if we just came out." I said as I picked him up and put him on the pool table.

"I told you I have to feel my parents out first....... and I hope you don't think you're getting any ass because you topped last time so it's my turn." Bishop said hopping down and moving behind me. Before we could get to the real reason I brought him down here we heard footsteps upstairs then someone coming down the stairs.

"Ayy y'all trying to play doubles? Me and Julio versus y'all." JD said and I shrugged, I guess we could get one game in, since Bishop was staying the night there would be plenty of time to talk later tonight, I hope his parents didn't trip about us dating but if they did I wonder how JD would feel about Bishop staying here..................................

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