Darion 34

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This party was already getting a little crazy, honestly, I didn't know half these people but they seemed to know me; and after what happened at the wedding I was still on edge though I knew Saint's security was a million times better than it was at the wedding. I walked around the party avoiding people who kept trying to talk to me, for some reason I wasn't feeling it... maybe it had something to do with Fabricio not being here and even though we broke up I was still hoping we could be friends. I spotted my cousins doing various things; Marquise and Ace were talking to some girls that went to our school, JD was sitting with Cortez, Julio, and Bishop, Cori and them were out on the dancefloor, while Lauren was standing in the corner with Migùel.... I really didn't know what to think about them because Lauren swore she couldn't stand him but yet she always seemed to be smiling whenever he was around. As I made my way through the club I saw Trey standing off to the side with Armani and Lil' Leaon and for some reason seeing Trey with his ex, set me off until I saw Trey getting ready to swing on him, Zacari and Kasson pulled Trey back and I started walking over there until I noticed Alex was bleeding from his lip.

"What happened to you?" I asked and he waved me off. "Come on Alex it's my birthday please tell me you weren't here fighting." I said knowing Alex more than most of us except for probably JD and Cori got the infamous Cunningham anger.

"Nah I went outside to meet you with Norelle and your girl was out there trying to get in, when I told the security under no circumstance is Danielle allowed in here she snapped and smacked me in the face, then Norelle punched her and they started fighting.... now they aren't letting Norelle in." Alex said and I nodded.

"Man come on....." I said leading him to the entrance where a small crowd was gathering. "Ayy Norelle is good, she gotta got though." I said pointing at Danielle, then she started crying and shyt putting on a show but she should know by now those tears didn't move me. "Y'all come inside and enjoy this party." I said and as we walked inside I pulled Alex to the corner. "Please tell me you're not still talking to her?" I asked and he shrugged.

"We text but it's on some friend type shyt.... I'm good with Norelle and I'm not going to fuck that up for a bitch that wants my cousin." Alex said and I shook my head, I swear he was slow sometimes. I walked through the club and saw Odion with Xavier and Maseo, he looked at me and gave me a sneaky grin and held up an unopened bottle of liquor, basically telling me that he wanted me to take a shot with him. I held up one finger and kept walking because it was still a little early and I wasn't trying to let my big brother corrupt me just yet, I walked over to the corner and checked my phone hoping for a text from Fabricio but nothing yet.As I stood in the corner Adrian and Jesùs Gomez walked over to me and I instantly didn't trust their smiling faces.

"Here's a little gift from The Gomez Brothers." Jesùs said handing me a small bottle with an ex on it. "It's a little concoction we brewed up ourselves, we noticed you weren't really enjoying yourself so we'd figured he help you loosen up. It's one hundred percent drug-free if you're worried." Jesùs said and I took the bottle and put it in my pocket, I didn't know these niggas so I had no plan on drinking it unless I heard it was safe from someone I trusted.

"Ayy Trey, what's in this?" I asked pulling him over to the side and showing him the bottle. Trey's eyes got big ass fuck and he shot his cousins a look of absolute loathing.

"It's this nasty ass shyt they came up with one day.... whatever you do don't drink it, it's like taking Viagra and X-pills at once except it natural like fruits and some other shyt..... I took it once and I swear I fucked for at least ten hours." Trey said reaching for the bottle, but I pulled away and smirked.

"Hold up.... I'm starting to think that you're trying to tell me something, Tremaine Carter. First, that book that had me questioning my own skills in the bedroom and now this super secret drink that's supposed to make me horny.... I mean if you wanted the dick all you had to do was ask." I said turning the charm on.

"Darion.... if I wanted some dick I could've had it by now, let's not kid ourselves and act like you don't think about me when I'm not around, now I try to be a humble guy but I know when someone is attracted to me." Trey said smiling. "Close your mouth.... I'm about to go chill with my cousins." He said walking off leaving me stuck. Thirty minutes later me, Odion, and Jayvion were alone in Uncle Zyshaun's office, he had already poured us like five shots apiece and was working on a sixth.

"Come on y'all, one more..... y'all know I don't drink anymore so y'all gotta turn up for me..... please." Odion said begging with his eyes.

"Man aight....." I said, taking another shot and Odion smiled. "Aight... no more, now can we please go enjoy our party?" I asked and Odion nodded. We walked back downstairs and I started to enjoy the party a little bit more, maybe it had something to do with all those shots but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Trey. He was dancing like no one was watching and everyone's eyes seemed to be on him, or maybe it was just me that couldn't look away.

"Come let's dance....." He said pulling me towards him and we started dancing right there in the middle of the room. "You aight Darion....." Trey asked and I nodded, damn he was sexy as fuck. "You sure because you're looking at me like I got something on my face." He said.

"It's nothing..... you're just sexy ass fuck." I said slurring a little bit and he shook his head. "Ayy you sure this shyt doesn't have anything funny in it?" I asked pulling out the bottle and Trey looked at me, before taking it out my hand. Trey opened the bottle and drank half of it before passing it back to me.... fuck it.... I finished the bottle and tossed it somewhere in the crowd, he was right that shyt was nasty ass fuck; like blackberries, strawberries, chocolate, carrots, and oysters.

It took about an hour before it hit me.... I knew I wasn't high, hell I've been high before but this was something completely different, it was like every cell in my body was urging me to fuck something or someone. I mean it was hard to describe but I was painfully horny so that mixed with the drinks and at this point, I was ready to go find Danielle, that just how horny I was.... but that wasn't necessary because someone was feeling the exact same way I was at this moment.

"Bro I'm starting to feel it....." Trey said and I looked at him for a brief second before kissing him, I don't know what had come over me but I couldn't stop myself.... for a split second I thought about Fabricio but the horniness overpowered everything. My hands traveled down Trey's back until I had a handful of ass, I felt Trey's hand slide into the front of my pants and started rubbing my dick which was already throbbing at this point. "Let's.... get the fuck outta here." He said and I nodded, I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd until we ran into Odion and Kylan.

"Where are y'all going?" Kylan asked smiling and he could tell by the look on my face that now wasn't the time, I pushed past them and we hopped in the backseat of one of the cars Saint rented for us. The entire ride back to Trey's apartment there was zero talking.... it was nothing but the sounds of us kissing when we finally arrived I swear it was like the elevator was moving in slow motion. We walked in Trey's apartment and time stood still as we stood there looking at each other. .... He didn't speak but his eyes told me exactly what he wanted....why was I so damn nervous though? I've had sex plenty of times but this felt new.... different.... almost forbidden and those feelings almost made me want it even more. I looked across the room at Tremaine and realized my hands were shaking bad as fuck, like I didn't know what the fuck was wrong with me, he must've sensed my nervousness and decided to make the first move; he pulled his shirt off and I took in every detail of his body, all those hours we put in at the gym were really paying off, he was cut but not bulky. I guess it was my turn so I pulled my shirt off nervously and tossed it into the corner of the room, after that we went piece by piece until we were standing across from each other completely naked..... I took a deep breath and took a step towards him but he held out his hand, without saying a word he led me to the couch............

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next chapter: Trey, Fabricio, or Alex?

2) Who should get the next five chapter arc: Kylan or JD?

3) Why do people have an issue with characters breaking up, especially characters who are in high school? It happens in real life so why is it such a big deal when it happens in stories?

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