Château Guillard

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Mercy's P.O.V.
I looked at both Pharah and Genji with bumps bruises everywhere.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO LUCKY ANA SHOT U WITH A SLEEP DART" I yelled while tying the rest of the bandage around Pharah's leg.

"AND YOU!!" I said pointing at Genji "YOU COULD'VE BEEN VERY HURT!!"

I looked him in the eyes, mines bubbling with tears "You're body may be machine but... you're still human Genji.."

He looks back at me "Ange-"

I punch him

"NANI!!" He said his eyes bubbling with tears as Pharah burts into laughter.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!!" I said sighing as I put a bandaid on Genji's nose. "Please don't do that again" I say putting my arms around him.

His face buries under my shoulder I could feel his smile "I won't..."

"Well..." I turn around. "I'll just get going..." Pharah says standing up with her crutches. "We're leaving to France tomorrow so might as well get ready."

I watch her as she left the room.

"You should go to her..."

I look back at Genji. He smiles then says "It would make her day..."

I nod and went out the door, when I get to the hallway I see Pharah walking slowly with her crutches.

"Pharah!!" I said catching up with her.

I look at her I think about Genji and my heart.

"Pharah... I-"
She stops me "I get it.. you don't love me... you love Genji" she says.

I gasped.

"I don't blame you... He's kind.. And worthy for you..."
"Didn't you ever know who won the fight!!"
"I DON'T CARE WHO WON!!" I said tears in my eyes.

"You... don't hurt others just to get what you want... Genji shows that... And that's why I love him!!" I yelled my feelings starting to spill.

Pharah went silent

Then she chuckled "I guess that's why you're called Mercy.... I respect your decision..." she says but before she goes "But that doesn't mean I've given up." She smiles then walks away

I sighed there was one thing about Pharah that stood out





Whether that's good or bad...

It's Pharah way.

"Ok everybody!! Get your stuff packed into the van!!" Jack said as he helped Lucio and Dva into the car.

Genji looked good as new since his cyborg body held up better than a humans.

On the other hand Pharah still had crutches but healed most of her injuries.

Hanzo and Reinhardt were packing the luggages into the van as I hand mines to Hanzo.

"So you're.. this angel? Genji was talking about..." Hanzo says.

I gasp "Genji talks about me!?!"

"He wouldn't shut up about it..." he said groaning. I laughed it's good to see them getting along.

As the van started to drive, I smile to myself,

I wonder what happens next?

Widowmaker's P.O.V.
I looked around, it's been so long since I was here... I wonder if my stuff was still here... I look through my books and something fell out of one of them.

I picked it up

My wedding photo, I remembered that day. It was beautiful but dreadful..

"Hey Amelie!! Look our amigos seem to be coming now..." Sombra says looking through the tech table.

Doomfist stands up adjusting his gaulent. "Then we better get into position...." he says.

Reaper who stand in the corner looks at him "hmph.. don't see why we can't just kill them all at once..." he says.

"There are just too many to manage... we should do this quietly as possible." Doomfist says.

"Haha!! Just my style!!" Sombra says.

I smirked

It's showtime

Author's note
Just want to say thank you for the support you've guys given me on my update!! It really helped me through my first day!! Thank you so much!!

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