Lets talk

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Author's Note:

Artist who dres this beautiful art is Ballin from Tumblr! Only one question... Why is mercy looking down?

Mercy's P.O.V.

I walked out of my room, shutting the door behind me. I breathed in the Hanamura air, trying to think that the atmosphere wasn't as cold as I thought it was.

I look down at my bandaged hand, if we stayed here any longer we might run into some trouble. That's why I must talk to Genji quickly.

I walked over the bridge the bottom of it revealing a lily pad river. I wouldn't blame Genji for wanting to stay, this place was once his home and it was beautiful.

His black hair caught my eye. As I saw him leaning over the railing of the bridge, staring into the crystal clear water which reflected the moon like a mirror.

I walked over to him, looking into the water with him. I didn't say anything, maybe because I didn't know what to say or maybe because I didn't want to say anything.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Genji says so quietly it almost sounds like a whisper. "The way you can see the moonlight in the water."

I nod, "It is." I finally replied, then leaving us in bitter silence.  I didn't know whether to bring up what Zenyatta had told me. What it ruin the mood?

"I went to dinner with my old friends.." Genji says not looking at me. "Sorry I didn't invite you, didn't know where you were at the time."

I coughed, "It's alright." I snuck a glance at him. "It must've been nice meeting your friends since you haven't seen them for so long." I managed a smile, but he didn't return one.

"I guess..." he sighs, pulling a hand through his hair. "What am I even saying, it felt horrible.."

"Genji..." I put a hand on his arm, not knowing how he would react. At first Genni's hand flinched at my touch but finally settled down to intertwine his fingers with mine.

Then he looks down at my arm which had a bandage wrapped around. "What happened to your arm?" Genji says strictly, holding up my arm up to my face as if I couldn't see the wound.

I winced from the grip he was holding me. "It's nothing.." I whispered.

"Then why would you need bandage to wrap up your wound." His grip tightened. "Why did you wince in pain?" Genji scolded.

I pulled my arm away from his grip. "Because you were the one that hurt me!" I yelled back, my voice louder than I expected it to be. Surprising Genji of course.

I put a hand on my bandaged hand. Not daring to look up at his hurt expression.

"I'm so sorry... I-" Genji stops and scolds at himself. "I just.. feel worried, like someone will come out and stab me in the back."

I stare him in the eyes not withdrawing from my stare. "Genji, me and Zenyatta are here to help you.." I put my hand on his arm. "But only if you will let us help you... and that means no more isolating yourself from the rest of the group."

Genji looks at me, stunned by the words that came out of my mouth. I was a bit suprised myself, but he chuckles his lips widening to a smile. Making my heart melt.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you Angela... and I'm not just saying for the actions that happened this evening but from the morning as well." Genji starts to say. "I guess I was a bit jealous, you were someone special to me. And I don't know... if you thought of me the same way..." 

My fingers curl onto the bark of the railing. "Genji, I love you.." I turn to him with the most serious look, but I could feel a surge of redness spreading against my cheeks.

But he laughs, "Please don't say that because you pity me, heh.."

I grab both sides of his face and pull him down to me, so that we were at the same eye level. "Angela? What are you doing?" Genji asks, his face flustered, trying to remove my hands carefully, but my grip was stronger.

What am I doing?

Without thinking, I pressed my lips onto his. I closed my eyes, a surge of my happiness that I kept in my heart, finally spilled out.

I broke the kiss, when it felt like I couldn't hold my breath any longer. But I still held a strong grip on his sleeves, afraid he would run away again.

However, he stayed. Stunned, just standing there shocked of what just happened.

"A-Angela.. Why did yo-"

I cut him off, yelling. "Listen for once! Will you just listen?!" My shout made him finally shush and I finally caught my breath with my tears already building up in my eyes.

"Will you stop worrying... stop worrying, Stop being jealous of the people you say I love.." my head hung down, staring at the ground. "Because, since the day I met you... I've always, only loved you..." I whispered, my tears falling down, wetting the wooden planks of the bridge.

There was a moment of silence, I didn't care raise my head. The last thing I wanted was him to see my embarrassing state.

"Angela..." his soft soothing voice called out my name. Genji's warm hands, held my cheek and pushing away the strands of hair that were stuck to my tears. "I'm such a fool.."

His greens eyes met my blue eyes. But they weren't cold, they were warm. Colorful, so lively... "It's my fault, I should've focused on you then those other people..."

Genji leans towards me. "I love you too Angela..." he says to me, smiling so bright despite his many scars.

I stared at him touching his hands that touched my face. Then smirked, "I don't know Genji, how do I know you really feel that way?" I say mimicking his words with a mischievous smile.

Genji chuckles, "Okay I deserve that.." His eyes glowed with a daring and dangerous feeling. "Then let me prove it to you.." he says leaning even closer to the point I can feel his breath against my skin.

And closer..
So that his lips finally found his way to meet mine.

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