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Genji's P.O.V.

Sakura only stares at me, her dark black hair splattered on her bright pink kimino and her worried eyes shaking from my stare.

Before she could respond someone knocks on my door. Ripping my attention away from her. "Who is it?"

"It's Uncle Giichi!"

I open the door and the man comes in with a happy smile. "Ah! Have you finished packing! I was going to take you to see the people of our clan!!"

He looks behind me, "Ah! Sakura, what are you doing here?" Giichi nudges me. "You two weren't getting too comfortable were you?" He chuckles under his breath.

I scoffed, looking at Sakura who jumps from her nervous tense then into a laugh. "Oh Uncle Giichi! We are still too young for something like that!" She giggles. "I'll be off now!"  Sakura looks back at me, "I'll see you later, Genji~" then leaves through my door.

How fake can someone be?

"So Genji, are you ready to meet your old friends?" My uncle pats me on the back, leading me out of my room.

Maybe... the mission can wait..

Mercy's P.O.V.

"Okay, the last robbery from the Immortals was last week at a convience store.." I chewed on the button of my pen as I looked up at the store I was in front of. "This should be the place."

I sighed, Shimada clan gave me an uneasy feeling. I needed to focus on the mission and also Genji. I mean, I'm glad that Genji is finally reunited with his home. However, how could he feel at ease even with the clan changing it's ways?

Since Genji was living the life at Hanamura and Zenyatta was still packing his stuff. Although I am not sure what he has to unpack?

However, that leaves me alone to focus on the mission.

I chin up, standing up straight. "You can do this Angela!" I walk into the store, the bell ringing when the door close behind me.

"こんにちは!! (Hello)" The store clerk smiles bowing behind the counter.

I smile back walking up the clerk, "おはようございます, (Good afternoon sir) I wanted to ask you some questions about this shop."

The man nods, "Mm, what would you like to know?" Folding his hands on the counter.

"I want to know if there were any suspicious activities going on around the town of Hanamura. If I remember correctly, there was a recent robbery in this shop?" I asked.

The clerk's smile wavers away, I can see his folden hands quiver. "I.. I don't seem to... know, what you're talking about..."

I stare at his stance, sweaty forehead, tense shoulders and quivering arms. All qualities of a lying suspect.

My eyebrows knit together, but the real question is why was he lying? "You don't have to worry bout anything... I'm from Overwatch we will protect you.."

The shop keeper jumps, how did what I say make this matter even worse? "I'm sorry, it's almost closing time. And I'm afraid you won't find any answers around here.." he says looking down to the floor.

"I see.." I say, what was the sudden change of attitude? "Then I'll take my leave, thank you for having me here." Once I set foot outside the store. The door slams close and locks from the inside.

This town is so weird. It's as if they're hiding something. I tap my pen on my finger, I know he was lying about the recent robbery but why would he want to lie? Shouldn't be report it to the police? I mean, I did get the information from witnesses, but why does it seem that they want to hide the crime around here.

I look around the place, Hanamura gives me an unsettling feeling..

Genji's P.O.V.

It was evening in the Hanamura tower and after meeting all my old friends, I still haven't seen Zenyatta or Angela around since this morning.

I know I've been hard on Angela but why can't she just let me enjoy this while it lasts. But I do feel bad, she's probably overworking herself and pulling an all nighter even when I said not to.

Maybe I should visit her...

Someone knocks on my door, "Who is it?" I ask, taking off my visor. I probably should show my face tonight since everyone's going to be there.

"It's Rikuuuu~" that son of a bitch, I chuckled under my breath. I opened the door, revealing the red haired man. He put smiled, "Ya~a Genji!! You're still as ugly as you were years ago!"

"Why you!" I grab his hair and pull it. "AH!! HEY WATCH THE HAIR!!" Riku yells, both of us laughing.

"What are you doing here?" I ask when we finally settle down in my room. Riku sits on the floor, while I fold the rest of my clothes.

"What I'm here for five seconds and you want to get rid of me already!?" Riku crosses his arm. "I'm starting to think you hate me even more than Sakura!"

I snorted, "I meant there must be a reason for you to be here?"

"Well, Giichi told me to pick you up so we could eat dinner together. Everyone's going to be there!" Riku says folding his hands under his head.

"That sounds fun!"
"Sakura's gonna be there.."

He laughs, "Anyways let's go, any of your friends coming?"

I thought of Zenyatta, he locked himself in his room plus he doesn't even eat. Angela... I don't even know where she is...

"Yooo~ Genji! You coming?" Riku says already out of my door. I nod, I probably... shouldn't worry about them.

Angela's P.O.V.

I've been walking for hours, the sky's turn black with the sun replaced by the moon. And still no info about the 'Immortals' everyone either is too frightened or ignores me when I ask about them.

Should I get back? It's getting pretty late..

I sighed in defeat my legs too tired to continue walking. Time to head back I suppose.

But before I even proceed walking I could hear a footstep behind me. One? No two.. Thugs-

Before I could finish my thought someone roughly grabs me by the waist and covers my mouth from screaming.

"MMHH!!" My voice muffled by their hand. This strength, rough skin, a man.. wearing a black mask with black covers.

I bite on their finger, causing them to yelp then step on their foot. Turning around to elbow them in the face. Blood on their mask, but it ain't mine. They hit the floor, seem to be out for a minute.

A blade runs through my skin. "AUGH!!" I clutch my arm where the wound was, blood seeping into my jacket.

A women, black overalls as well as a mask. Her hair was covered by a hood, carrying two daggers, one in each of hand.

She jabbed one towards me, I dodge her attack grabbing her hand then cracking her wrist, and taking the dagger from her. "Agh!!" The women clutches her wrist and I take this advantage knocking the other dagger out of her hand and to the side.

"Die!!" The man behind me says grabbing the dagger on the floor. I turn around meeting his stare with the curve of the blade smiling at me.


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