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Author's Note:
Shoutout to AutisticPeaShooter cuz he/she (OR ARE YOU JUST A PEA) is pretty cool. Check out pea's story!!

Oh right the pea wanted advice. This goes for everyone, I'm not the best writer. I'm actually pretty lame, so my first advice is to read over the chapter, I know you guys are excited about publishing a chapter but you should always read through it to make sure you don't make any mistakes. (Lol, I still make mistakes even though I do that)

And make your story sound not as short. Try to be descriptive in your writing to make it sound long. Also don't be repetitive, that drives people crazy seeing 10 Angela's in a paragraph. Though seeing that in real life would be awesome!!

I don't know what else to say other than that just learn from your mistakes. You live and learn!!

Genji's P.O.V.
I yawned as the morning light showered through my curtains. Just yesterday I became an agent of Overwatch. This meant I could stay at one of the dorms.

I sat up, I still remember living with Zenyatta before all of this. I wonder, what happen to him?

Mercy's P.O.V.
"Anyways it's nice to see you again Zen.." I said as the omnic.. floated by me. "I'm suprise you joined the support class, I never thought your orbs could heal others!!"

Zenyatta shrugs "Meh.. it's some Tranquility stuff I still don't get it!!"

I chuckle "You wanted to see Genji, right? He just passed his entrance exam.."

"Oh really? Who did he have to fight against?"
"Commander Morrison.."
"Oh that dickhead..."

I knocked on Genji's door. "Er.. Who did you fight against?"

"Some cowboy guy.."
"Oh Mcree? I'm suprised, he's a tough opponent what's your tatic?"
"I hit him in the balls.."

The door swung open as a groogily Genji stepped out. "Uh- Dr. Ziegler?"

"Boi get your ass up!!" Zen said smacking him over the head.

"Ow!!" He rubbed his head as his eyes widened "Zenyatta!! Eh? You came!!"

Genji was going to hug him when one of Zen's orbs hit him on the head again. "Don't touch me, before washing up!!"

"Agh... are you sure you're a healer?" He says, then looks at me "Anyways good morning Dr. Ziegler.."

"Ah yes, good morning to you too!! I just wanted to bring Zenyatta along since he wanted to see you.."
"I see.."

Zen looks at him "You've gotten more edgier..." his gaze darkens. "That is all!! I'll be in the training area if you need me!!"

As he walks away Genji frowned "What was that about?"

I shrugged "I don't know.. he sounded so serious all of a sudden.."

Genji leans back on the frame of his door. "So.. what are you doing here?"

I smiled "I have a suprise for you!!"

He smirks "really? What is it?"
"If I told you what it was, it wouldn't be a suprise.."

"Alright~" he chuckles "Let me just wash up then we can go together, alright?" Genji says pursing his lips together.

I nod "I'll be waiting here then!!"

Zenyatta's P.O.V.
It was dark...
Of course it was...

I sighed as I look up from my meditating. His aura has gotten more sinister ever since he was captured by Talon.

I have to help him get rid of this disquire. If I don't...

Who knows what he'll be capable of doing....

Genji's P.O.V.
"We're almost there!! Hey!! Stop peeking from the blindfold!!" Angela's voice rang through my ears as she leads me by my arm.

"But I don't know where I'm-"

I groan, I must've tripped over a chair or something.

"Ah!! Sorry!!" Angela says pulling me up "Let's go!!"

"I still don't see the point of the blindfold though..."
"Oh just shut up and work with me!!"

We walk a couple of more steps then...
"OKAY!! We're here!!"

As she removes the blindfold I blink to adjust the lighting.

"SUPRISE!!" Poppers go off as confetti falls everywhere. 

My eyes widened when I see the view, all of the agents of Overwatch.


And surprisingly Pharah who was in the back.

"Hiya love!! Nice to see you back!!" Lena says putting an arm around me.

I tense up "You don't hate me for what I did to you?"

She laughs "Of course not!! It was an accident and it wasn't even your fault!! It's like that one time I accidently put a pulse bomb on Reinhardt!!"

I laugh "How did that go?"
"Painful I must say my friend!!" Reinhardt says crushing me into a bear hug.

"Watch the ribs!!" As he releases me and walked away. 

"What is this for anyways?" I said rubbing my stomach.

"It's a suprise party for all new coming Overwatch Agents, we need to celebrate there first day!!" Jesse says. Then pops open the liquor. "Hey doc can he drink beer?"

"If you give him any, I will shoot you!!"

Jesse looks at me "Sorry darling, doc's got great aim..."

I chuckle, as a warm feeling started to build in my chest. Is this how it felt? To be cared about?

Hana poked me.
"Hey!! Genji come play League of legends with me!!" 

I guess so...

Mercy's P.O.V.

I walked to the supplies area.
Where did they keep all their papercups?

Then I stumbled in the commander's office, well Jack's office.... his door was a ledge open, I look through to see him talking on the phone with a black little box on his desk.

"Hey... it's me"
Who was he talking to?

"Yah.. I got it.. I hope she'll like it.."

Then Jack took the box and opened it, to reveal a beautiful diamond ring that shimmered as he moved it.

A wedding ring!!

"Don't worry.. I'll ask her..." his cheeks went red.
Was the ring.. for me?

My mind started rolling 100 times at once. Jack's going to ask me to marry him!! BUT!! DOES HE KNOW ABOUT ME AND GENJI


But now that I think about it, Jack has kissed me before I was captured by Talon!!

My shoulders slumped as I feel my cheeks grow red and my heart starts beating really fast.

Could it be... that I still like Jack?
I shake my head. You're just misunderstanding Angela!! Maybe it's different women.

But the thought just made my stomach churn.

"Yah... she's perfect, she's like an angel to me..."

'Angel' was a dead giveaway... me!!
It's literally in my name!!

My face flushes, I wasn't worried that if I was the one he was proposing to.

I was worried of what I would say...

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