Cheers Love!!

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Art from SplashBrush

Angela's P.O.V.

"This is not going to work!!" I said looking at the mirror.

"Sure it is!!" Lena said putting her googles on me.

I shifted in the clothes Lena lend me.

My butt feels so tight....

She puts a wig on me and stands back "Now you look just like me love!!"

She turns me to the mirror. She was right... I looked like her......

"Now!! When you get out there shoot some people stay safe and find Genji..." Lena said as if reading from a clipboard.

I look at her "Lena... Genji almost killed you.... why would you wanna help again?"

She looks up and smiles "Well... you just have to put some faith in people love!! Plus if you believe in him!! I believe in him...."

I smile and hug her "Thank you Lena..."

She hugs me back and when we release she hands me a case.

I take it "What is this?"

"Your suit!! Just in case my suit is too tight for you...." she says.

I smile "Thank you Lena...." I said again before heading out the door.

I went to the launchpad where everyone was waiting for me.

"Agent Tracer glad your here!! Next time  try to come earlier..." Jack said putting his visor on.

I nod, son of a...

"ALRIGHT LET'S GO!!" Reinhardt said patting me in the back so hard my wig almost went flying.

As the rest of the military troops went aboard I climbed in after then and sat next to Jack.

"I really hope you don't mind for me bringing you on a mission so sudden after your recovery Agent Tracer...." Jack says.

"It's fine I guess....." I said rolling my eyes.

He sighs "I'm serious...."

"Then why didn't you just ask Angela!!" I said then covered my mouth realizing what I just said.

"Its just.... after everything she's been through, Genji... the media... the last thing I want to do is remind her of what happened back then...."

I look at him realizing that tears were falling down his cheeks.

"As a commander I'm suppossed to lead my followers but now.... I feel like everything I'm doing is just wrong!! I always thought about the people we save .... but when it comes to saving millions of lives vs saving one you love.... I end up hurting both sides...." he sighs wiping his tears "I'm sorry for rambling on.... just forget what I said....."

I look at him, I never knew that he was getting hurt not me.... and I blamed everything on him.....


Before I could say anything Lucio yells from the pilot section "We're here!!"

Jack stands up "ok team!! Get ready!!" Then he turns to me "We'll return to our conversation after the mission..."

I wanted to stop him but before I could touch him he was already walking away.

I pick up Tracer's Duo pistols.
Uh.... how do you use this again?

Genji's P.O.V.

I looked up taking out my sword that was stuck to a soldier's chest watching the blood run down the blade.

(Wow that's edgy)

"Stop wasting your time taking out small peasants and focus on the objective!!" Reaper snarled under his mask.

I nod putting my sword on my back.

As we both go outside we see Moira sitting down, she stands up when she sees us.

"Ah!! Done having fun Genji?" Moors says touching my chin

I look away brushing her off "Its not fun at all..." I sighed walking  the other directions.



Reaper jumped looking behind him looking at a soldier who was behind him now dead with one of my shurrikens sticking out his throat

"Watch your back next time...." I said walking towards the body.

The soldier was wearing a jacket with a circlcular symbol.

"Overwatch....." Reaper whispers
"They're here!!" Moira says growling.

"Overwatch? What's that" I said.

Both of them looked at each other.

"Its... nothing... let's just get back to ba-"
They're hiding something.

"But the objectives that way..."

Reaper sighs "Fine we'll finish the mission fast, get in and out quickly, avoid Overwatch and don't ask!!" He says morphing into dust.

I rushed to follow him but Moira touches my arm.

"Genji!!" I look back at her.

"I have a request to make...."
I look at her, "what is it?"

"We're going to meet Overwatch whether we like it or not.... so I want something from them that I know you can get...." Moira says.

I look at her it was as if her eyes were brimming with fire. "What is it?"

She smiles.

"A certain.... angel..."

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