Tired of being nice

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Author's Note:

Photo is a crossover of RWBY × Overwatch, both of my ships being cute.


Genji's P.O.V.




"You bring DISHONOR!!"


"You'll be ok...My love.."

I gasped, coated with sweat as my alarm continues to beep. I put a hand on my forehead and shut off my clock. Why did they have to get a clock that sounded like one of those heart rate monitors in the hospital?

I sighed, and it was the same dream I had after I woke up from my surgery for my cybernetics. Great... now I have a headache.

Someone knocked on the door, I wondered who it was ?


Annnnnddddd that's Zenyatta...
I chuckle and opened the door, to see him hovering from the floor with a bow tie on his neck.

I looked at him puzzled
"Why are you wearing a bow tie?"

"Why aren't YOU wearing a bow tie?" He replied tightening the bow tie on his neck.

I tilt my head sideways "Why would I wear a bow?"

"You're right, you seem like a tie guy.."
"Zen get to the point.."

The omnic sighs, his voice rumbled through metal. "Today's the wedding remember.."

My eyes widened
"Crap!! I forgot!!"
"No shit sherlock.."

I look through my closet to find clothes, but I realized. I don't wear clothes....

I sighed
"I need help..."
"Oh really... cuz I thought you were gonna say 'I need healing'"

I shake my head "What am I gonna do?!" I look at myself. Nobody wants to see this freakish cybernetic body!!

If Zenyatta could roll his eyes he would, "Just follow me!!"

The omnics pulls me through the hallways as we reach to a dressing room. Hana comes out of the curtains with a pink dress.

"And the most lamest dress award goes toooo..." I chuckle as she crosses her arms.

"Says the one who's wearing pajamas, you know you can't wear that to an actually wedding right?" She says then looks at Zenyatta "Oh hey Zen.."

"That's why he's here... Genji looks like he's been trashed then ran over.." Zen says snapping his fingers.

"Hey!!" I scolded at him.

Hana looks at me. "Yeah... we are going have to work on that, this" she says waving her hands on me "is not gonna work if you want to impress Angela.."

"Nothing, get into the room.."

I was forced into a chair as Zen dives a comb into my rough hair. "Ow!!"

"Hmmm.... let's see.." in the mirror I could see Hana going through the trunk of suits. Then holds up to of them, looking at the navy blue. "Oooo looks nice... but... Blue doesn't suit you.."

Then she picks up the green one, "Now this ones good, it'll make you look like a man instead of a shrub!!"

I groan "Do you guys enjoy making fun of me..." I said wincing from another tug of my hair as Zen dumps massive amount of what I'm hoping is gel...

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