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Genji's P.O.V.

From the arcade where me and my friends would play to the ramen shop where I loved to eat. Nothing has changed since I left.

I breathe in the air of Hanamura. "This place is so beautiful but it's strange to be back here."

Zenyatta hovers behind me, "If it gives you creeps then we should finish the mission quickly."

Angela nods, touching the metal armor on my arm. "Please tell me or Zenyatta if you feel uncomfortable Genji, your health is much more important."

I nodded, they're already worried about the mission I can't have them worrying about me. I smiled reassuringly, "I'm alright, you don't have to worry about me."

"Augghhhhh...." I could almost imagine Zenyatta rolling his eyes if he had them. "Lets just go already, Angela you hungry?"

"A bit, maybe we should stop by a restraunt for some lunch..." Ziegler says, then turns to me. "Genji, you should lead, after all you do know your way around Hanamura.. is that correct?"

"Yes, I remember there was a near by sushi bar. It's on this block..." I point to the restraunt that was lit up.

Zenyatta hovers forward while we manage the luggage, when we reach to him, he gasps. "Look!!"

The monk tears the paper from the door and waves it in front of my face. "No omnics allowed!! How fucking racist!!"

I shove the paper away from my visor while Angela steps forward. "We could go find another restraunt, maybe theres one around that'll accept omnics!" Her stomach growls.

Zenyatta sighs, "I'm used to these ass hat restraunts. They always reject what they can't understand. Hmph! Anyways you guys go in. You're hungry and I don't eat! So seem's fair, I'll be in the corner over there when you guys are done." Then hovers away before we could catch him.

"Well, shall we go.." I hold the door open for Angela.

She sighs, "I feel bad for Zen." But Angela shakes her head, "Yeah, let's go.."

When we enter the restraunt, a chill went down my spine. It was the same restraunt I ate at, before my brother killed me.

Mercy's P.O.V.

This is.. the restraunt me and Genji first met. I look over to him, his visor was covering his face but he was just standing there.

"Hey!!" A Japenese sushi maker yelled as he slams his knife through a salmon. "DIDN'T YOU READ THE SIGN!! NO OMNICS ALLOWED!!"

"Eh? But sir, I'm no-" before Genji could finish his sentence the man threw a knife at me.

I flinch ready for the bloody injury, but the blade stops in front of my face. Genji catching the knife in midair. I jump back almost touching the blade.

"We will leave, but violence is not the solution..." Genji says, his deep voice made his sentence seem like a threat. He steps over and stabs the knife into the wooden table. Genji grabs my hand pulling us away from the restraunt.

I sighed, "Maybe we should just head to the Shimada temple...." ignoring my growling stomach.

"Good point," Genji says. "But that place use to be my favorite, I was friends with the boss, that fact that he didn't recognize me.." he sighs.

He turns to me, "Now that I remember, we met in that restraunt.. didn't we."

My eyes widened, "You remembered?!"

"Of course I did," I could hear him laugh. "It was the first time I fell in love with someone..."

"Y-You love me.." I say do quietly it almost sounded like a whisper.

"Yeah yeah you guys are together!!! LET'S GET A MOVE ON ALREADY!!" Zenyatta yells who must've been waiting by the entrance.

"We aren't!" I yell in an instance I look back at him. "Are we?"

"If that's the case then why you idiots holding hands?" Zen responds with a little sass in the end of his sentence.

I look down at our hands, he was holding my hand since he pulled me out of the restraunt! I yelp, and we both let go.

Genji coughs, "Forget about it... we need to head to Shimada temple..."

"I thought you guys were getting food?" Zen says
"Things got violent.." Genji replied.

Zenyatta walks first but I take Genji's arm. "Genji, I need to talk to you, are we together?"

But to this point I couldn't even read him, his visor was own so I couldn't even say if he was sad or happy. However Genji's voice felt cold and thin.

"To be honest, I don't know myself... I love you Angela, but I don't know if you really love me.."  Genji says brushing off my grip as he catches up with Zenyatta.

My hand falls by my side, his words leave me stunned and left me alone. Was he always so cold? No, did I do something wrong?

Now that I think back, me and Jack then the news of me and Fareeha's relationship. All I've been doing was hurting him. And he dealt with them all, while I've been selfishly ignoring him.

I never once considered how he felt about my actions...

I sigh, looking up at the blue sky. I love Genji, he's the only one who understood and helped me to where I am now. And for that, I will protect him.

Genji's P.O.V.

"Hey aren't you being a bit too rough on Angela.." Zenyatta says, the cherry blossom petals fall down like a light drizzle in the morning.

One of them falls onto my hand the pink rosy color catches my eye. However, I still feel bothered by my clustered feelings. "I only spoke of the truth, haven't you always told me to be true to yourself,"

"But not in a way where you hurt others.." Zenyatta says. "She cares deeply about you. So don't bend her feelings around."

I sighed, but I don't respond to him. I should just focus on the mission. We knock on the wooden gates and wait for a few seconds for someone to come.

"No one's there?" Angela says behind us.

After her words the door creaks and slowly opens revealing a familiar face. He had a gray beard and a sword hanging by his side in the belt of his kimino robe.

"Ah!! There's my nephew!!" My uncle says. Welcoming me with arms apart for a hug. "Welcome home, Genji."

"Uncle Giichi?"

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