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Mercy's P.O.V.

I snuggle into the soft pillow, covering myself with the warm blanket. Despite the comfortable state I was in, I suddenly grew tense. Why am I feeling comfortable?

I jolt up from my bed, my eyes opened, taking in the scenery of my room. The sunlight shining through the window and into my eyes. Wasn't I working on the mission files?

A chill went through my spine as I began to freak out. It felt like realizing you had homework that you didn't do. I yelp, pulling the covers off my legs and ran to the living room where my work should've been laid in a mess with my laptop on the middle.

Except, it was gone... that's when I started to scream. "AHHHH!!!" My fingers, running through my blond hair, "MY WORK!! WHERE DID IT GO? DID SOMEONE STEAL IT?! NONONO!!"

The sound of footsteps emerged from the living room, and I immediately switched off from panic mode to fighting mode. Maybe it was because of how much rest I got last night, I turn around quickly and was ready to meet the face of the target with my fist. Only to find it was Genji, so my fist stopped midair a couple of inches from his face.

"GAHH!!" He stumbled back, almost spilling the two cup of coffee he had. I relax myself, it was only Genji.

Wait, why was Genji in my room? A million thoughts went through my head at once and they weren't all appropriate.

"Angela?" Genji says, nudging me with the cup of coffee. "Your face is red.."

I stuck my head out of my thought cloud and went back to reality. "Ah! Right.. sorry about that!!" I took the coffee out of his hand and drank a couple of sips before looking back up at him.

I coughed, pulling back a strand of hair behind my ear. "Did anything happen to us, last night?" As soon as I said that my eyes immediately hit the brown pool of coffee.

Genji hesitates for a moment, "Yes, actually a lot happened." He chuckles, making the hairs at the back of my neck stand up. "I took you to bed, let the blankets brush to your skin an-"

"AHHH!!!" I yell, like the mature adult I was. A million thoughts started running through my head. My reaction made him laugh, and his playful laugh made my face more red than it already was.

Genji pats my shoulder, "Nothing happened," his soft words, making me calm. "I found you asleep on the desk, so I took you to bed and finished up the reports for you."

"Oh," trying to get rid of my flush appearance. I looked over to my clean desk, well that explains everything. "Thanks Genji," I smiled, then sat down next to the desk and patted on the space next to me signaling him to sit next to me.

We put our cups down, my coffee with only a little bit left, while Genji's cup looked as if he didn't even drink it.

I open up my laptop, the written out report, that was finished by Genji. "So I take it that you've finished reading my theory on who the group is."

Genji's eyes grow dark, "Yeah.." he takes a quick glance at me. "According to the recent attack, you think someone in Shimada clan might've been the one attacking you and even joined the Immortals." 

I nod, "They have to be, we've only been here for two days, who did we piss off." I sighed, "However, I only think one person is in the Immortal's group." Genji looks at me with awe. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him, Genji shakes his head. "Nothing, just admiring how beautiful and smart you are." he says smiling at me. I sighed, going back to my laptop. "Focus Genji!!" I smack his arm lightly. 

There was a sudden knock on my door. Both me and Genji look up at the door. "I wonder who it is this early in the morning," I say, standing up to walk up to the door. 

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