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Mercy's P.O.V.
As the new commander Pharah ordered us to look out for clues on Dva's and Jack's disappearance.

Right now she was standing by my left side as Genji walks by my right side.

"Do you think we should tell her about the ghost?" I whispered to Genji.

"It might be a good idea to let her know...." Genji says whispering back.

I tap Pharah on the shoulder and she looks at me shooting me a smile. "Find anything?" She says.

"Actually... We need to tell you something.... " I say shifting my feet. We stop at the place where Jack was last at, the creepy painting still didn't have Gerald in it... I shivered of the fact that he might've jumped out of the photo.

I explained Pharah the whole situation about the mansion being haunted, the night Genji came and Dva story.

When I was done Pharah stared at me dumbfounded.

She shakes her head "Do you think this is a joke!! 2 agents are gone because of this and your goofing off of a ghost!!"

Genji growls throwing a shurrieken at a painting.

"That painting used to have Gerald and Widow...where is he now.." He says.

Pharah looks up shivering in fear. "Whatever..." She says walking away.

Genji's P.O.V.

I grab Dr. Ziegler's hand as we both ran away from Pharah running the other direction.

"Genji!!" Angela whispered.

I covered her mouth "look we can't work with her if she won't believe us... We need to find Jack and Hana and I think I know where they are..."

She gasp "where!!"

I remembered the day when we first arrived to the mansion hearing the sound in the bushes. I remember seeing a glint of light in the lighthouse. A sniper...

We reached to the lighthouse. Climbing the thousands of steps.

Angela catches her breath putting her hands on her knees "ha..ha... Ugh.. we're finally here!!"

We were finally in the top of the lighthouse but Jack and Hana weren't here...

"Uhh.... Genji.. I think you were wrong.. " Angela said looking through the old switches as she takes a seat.

I notice something under the table of switches and buttons. A trapdoor?

"Or am I?" I draw my sword as Angela jumped out of her seat and cut through the lock in one slash.

I open it as the opening revealing only darkness. I smile "After you... "

Pharah P.O.V.
I grumbled, gun in my hand as I walk through the halls that seem to only get darker. 

Tap Tap

I sighed was Angela right..
I smack my head stop it Pharah GHOSTS AREN'T REAL!!

Tap Tap Tap

They aren't real....

Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap

Are they?

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