Fake Dragon

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Genji's P.O.V. 

I stare at Angela who was dancing with the mysterious man under the mask he had worn. Who the hell does that guy think he is? 

My fingers started to curl into a fist, anger rushing through my veins. I couldn't stop the feeling from spreading through my body. And let my madness get the better of me. 

"H-Hey Genji?" My master whispers to me, looking around the crowd who were also enjoying their little dance. Failing to get my attention, he finally smacks my metal arm, bringing me to his attention. "DUDE!!" 

I look back at him, picturing his angered face. "You good?" he asks. 

I look down at the ground, "I don't know." I sighed, scratching the metal covered around my arm. "I guess, I deserve this huh?" 

Zenyatta smacks me harder on the arm, "OW!!" I yell rubbing my arm. 

"THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" He shakes his head, as if he was done with humanity's bullshit. "Why do humans talk about not deserving of people's love, because of what you did in the past!!" Before I could respond, Zen points a finger at me. "The past is in the past! You're her boyfriend now!! So act like it!!" smacking me in the arm again. 

I look down at Zenyatta with whole new vision. Someone who I thought was just a knocked up omnic who could never be qualified to be a monk. To someone who was probably more human than everyone else. 


"Also where ya girlfriend at?" 

What? I look behind me to see both my girlfriend and the mysterious man she was dancing with to be nowhere in sight. "What the-" I say, looking around for them. 

Zen pulls the sleeve of my shirt, catching my attention. "Up there!" he whispers. I look behind me to see the two climbing up the wooden stairs to go up to second floor, the man with a hand on Angela's back. 

I let the anger to be left to burn in my stomach, not letting it get to me. "Let's go.." I said calmly, with Zenyatta following me. 

We follow them, pass the waiters and up the stairs. Making sure we didn't make any creaks or sounds to strike their attention toward us. 

I quietly followed them, through the balcony, till the man stops walking with Angela and just stands there in the middle of the hall. "What is it?" mercy asks the man under the mask. 

"Just wondering why the person behind us hasn't introduced themselves already?" A familiar voice speaks through the mask the man was wearing. 

I jolt up, finally stepping out of the shadows, accepting my defeat that I've been caught. Angela gasps when she see's me, I look to her expression to see that she was slightly uncomfortable by the man's grasp on her waist. 

I growled slightly, "All I ask, is that you get your filthy hands off of my girlfriend." I said, my fingers touching lightly to my sword. 

The man chuckles lightly, stepping back from Angela immediately. "Don't worry, I have no intention of being with a women like her." Angela scolds at the man next to her, "All I ask, is that you lend me your ear, maybe let us have a little chat." The man reaches for his mask, "I hope you don't mind.... brother." Taking it off to reveal the face of the blue dragon. 

I'm surprised, the shock making my body go slack, not daring to move. However, Angela was the opposite, almost immediately she smacks the knife from Hanzo's hand, letting it hit the ground. Then swept him off his feet, making him land face first to the ground. Putting a knee to his back, and his arms grabbed by her small, but dangerous hands. 

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