Stories by the afternoon

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Hanzo's P.O.V.

The moment my sword hit your body, I felt instant regret. 

But I couldn't stop, it was like my body was possessed by my own grief, anger, and foolishness. 

When you drew out your final breath, I returned to my normal self. My sword, immediately dropping to the wooden floor with the sound of clattering metal. 

I felt sick. 

The stickiness of my hand. What was that? Blood?

The sweat that dripped down my neck. Guilt?   

My eyes shot down to the ground where he was lying, unconscious? NO, HE'S DEAD NOW!!

The first thing I did was cry out, refusing to believe what was lying in front of me! 

I don't remember how long I was crying, but all I remember was when I looked up Uncle Giichi and the elders of the Shimada clan were staring down at me. 

The leader that had suddenly been dethroned. 





While the Elders all screamed at me, lashing out their insults, splattering my name with dishonor, my uncle only stood by watching me with his beady black eyes. 

Knowing that the blood on my hands had sealed my fate, 

And his as well. 

Genji's P.O.V.

"The Elders dragged me out, plucked the crown off my head and put it on top of another killer's head." Hanzo says, his fingers tracing the curves of the tea cup. The warmness of cup, used to comfort him. 

"What about my body?" I say, feeling my voice vibrate through the metal parts that were a part of me. 

Hanzo lets the melting tea roll down his throat, "The Elders threw it down the hill the night after, cursed me as a killer. Knowing that I just cleared the final stage for them to gain control of the whole clan." My brother turns to Angela, "And I suppose, that's when your people found him." 

Angela puts a hand under her chin, her perfect brows furrowed with concentration as her pale skin creased like paper but still looked like perfection. "That explains the condition of the body." 

Zenyatta puts down his tea, having spilled it over him. Since he had no mouth to drink with, yet he poured the drink into his slit anyway. "Let us not focus on the past anymore, whats done is done. We need to focus on what we're going to do now." 

I nod, agreeing for once of what Zen had said. However, it was still unbelievable that the people that I had spent time with, just saw me as another opponent to eliminate. But the past was in the past, now is now. "What do we do now?" 

Hanzo folds his hands, "We have to dethrone Giichi." His words so cold, that he didn't even add 'uncle' to the name. "That should be a must." 

"How do you suppose we do that?" Angela says softly, but not at all taking the situation lightly. 

"We put them under the spotlight." Hanzo says, pulling out a file letting a bunch of photos spread across the table. "Expose the truth to the world that Shimada clan is actually the Immortals." 

Me, Zen and Angela crowd around the photos that are scattered. I pick one up to see a photo of Uncle Giichi himself buying weapons from Talon, which explained the similarities between their weapons, just as I had thought, Talon was cooperating with them. 

I look through the pile to see receipts, photos, face comparisons between the members of the Immortals and the members in Shimada clan, many that I had talked to before in the past. "It must've took a long time to gather this much evidence." 

"I gathered much as I could with the short time I had in hand, I've been planning for this day for a long time." Hanzo says looking back to make sure that nobody was looking our way. "Once we expose them, the clan will be is disorder. That will be our time to strike, we'll go in and arrest the people. You complete your job and I'll complete mine." 

I look toward his direction, "Your job?" Throughout my whole life with my brother, he always had a stern attitude, always settled things either his way or his way. "What is your plan on how we go in and arrest Uncle Giichi?" 

"We go in with our weapons, of course. How else do you expect to arrest them?" Hanzo says bluntly. 

"Brother-" I stop my self when I hear the chair screech against the floor. I look up to see Angela standing up nervously. 

She smiles sheepishly, "I'll get the bill," Noticing the tension between me and my brother, she looks towards Zenyatta. "Let's go Zen." 

"Wha- why me?" Zenyatta says slumped in his chair but Angela manages pull him out anyway. 

I make a silent note to myself to thank my lover after. Even the thought of her, makes me blush. 

Hanzo clears his throat, bringing my attention back to him. "You were saying?" 

I sighed, not knowing where to start. I put my hands on my lap, addressing the problem up front. "We should take the matter slowly, peacefully. In this mission I do not want any casualties." 

"Genji, they're murderers..." 

"And we will be as well if we kill them..." I reply, my voice stunning not only myself but my brother.  

"Fine, we'll do it your way..." Hanzo replies slowly leaning back against his chair. Looking out the window, of the town we spent our childhood in. "You've changed a lot." 

I chuckled lightly, "I suppose so.." 

"Must be that swiss doctor." 

"Eh?! What is that supposed to mean!?"

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