The Golden Girl

909 19 17

Hanzo's P.O.V.

I straightened my tie, making sure it was folded correctly. Hid the blade of my knife inside my pocket.

Smoothed out my collared shirt, making sure the collar stuck out, but not too much. Made sure to sharpen my arrows, but not too sharp

Fix the laces of my dress shoes as the head shimmered. And fixing my bow, making sure the string was strong, as it gleamed with destruction.

For tonight was a perfect night, to crash a party.

Genji's P.O.V.

I knocked on the door of Zenyatta's room. I would usually go to Angela's room, but the maids pushed me out saying that they were prepping her for the party. I don't understand why, she was already so beautiful.

"Master, are you ready?" I asked from the other side of the door. 


I jump from his voice. Also what hair? I didn't even know omnics grew any hair. Unless they wear a wig. Zenyatta with a wig? I couldn't help but stiffle a laugh just by the thought of it. The door of his room swings open almost hitting me. 

"Ok bitch, I'm ready..." Master says with a bow tie on his neck and smoothing his bald head as if he had hair. 

"Why... Are you wearing a bow?" I asked him, he looked at me. If he had an actual face he would give me the 'look' or what he calls the resting bitch face. 

"Because then I'd be looking better than all the hoes at the party." He says tightening the box on his neck. 

I blink in confusion, how is this guy a monk? I sighed, "C'mon we're already a couple minutes late to the party!!" I told him, as I started to walk. 

"Angela isn't coming with us?" He asks

I shake my head, "Unfortunately no. Sakura said she sent some maids to help her dress up for the party. However, she'll meet us there." 

Zenyatta looks down, "That Sakura girl gives me an uneasy feeling to be honest." 

I stop in front of the doorway which led to the party, stopping my hand to reach for the knob. "I know what you mean. Ever since I met her she's always been a doll with no soul. I fear she might've joined the Immortals." 

"Why do you even care for that girl?" Master asks, folding his arms across his chest. "Aren't you with Angela?" 

I nod, smiling at the thought of her. "Yeah, I am. But Sakura is still my friend. She isn't dead to me." I sighed sadly, "Not only that, I feel guilty of the things I've done to her."

"You should try meditation, it can clear your mind from your problems."Zenyatta says, probably the first time he's actually provided monk advice. 

I smile, "Ready," I tightened my tie and took a deep breath before entering the party. 

Mercy's P.O.V.

I feel  uncomfortable. 

Those three words were the only thoughts going through my head. Everyone's eyes were on me, my extravagant dress which was the color of gold decorated with beautiful yellow roses a bow tied to the back which was the traditional kimono style. 

And if it wasn't even worse... 

I was the only foreigner at the party, my blond hair was pinned up into a sliver pin. The color of my hair was whispered among the party guest. 

"A foreigner..." 

"Her hair is the color of gold..." 

"What a beautiful dress." 


That was the inside me, the one screaming because of their whispers which wasn't so quiet. However, on the outside I kept my composure, for I was representing Overwatch, such behavior would disgrace our name. 

But I do feel so uncomfortable in this dress. 

The texture felt kind of itchy. And the height of the skirt could never be appropriate. How am I supposed to fight in this? If a wind came by everyone would see my undergarments. 

I look at the crowd, everyone chatting with wandering eyes locking onto me. I felt so uncomfortable.... "Where is Genji?" I whispered under my breath. My eyes wandering trying to find the green haired cyborg. 

Then I caught him entering the party, my eyes light up as I start to run up to him. 

But then... 

Someone catches my hand. 

I turn around to see a man with a blue vest and a white collared shirt, with black hair slicked back and a blue mask covering his eyes. "Would you give me the honor to dance with a beautiful lady like you." he says his hand carrying mine. 

I blinked, this guy sounds a bit familiar. I look at the hand cautiously, well I sighed inside. It's for Overwatch's reputation. I force a smile, "How could I not?" 

Genji's P.O.V.

What a nice party, uncle Giichi really outdone himself with the welcome party. 

A nice food table, people chatting and beautiful Angela dancing with some mysterious stranger. 

Wait what, 

My eyes widened when I see the man's hand on her waist, with his filthy fingers intertwined with her's. What gives him the right to dance with my girlfriend? What gives him the right to touch her? 

Jealously boils through my veins, however this feeling feels to familiar. "I'm going to kill him.." 

Zenyatta meanwhile rolls his eyes, smacking Genji with one of his harmony orbs. Already dealt with Angela being jealous, Genji was basically the same. "Just think of good thoughts, Naruto, ramen, Angela's hugs?" He flinches, when he literally see's fire emitting from his skin. 

"Or... maybe not?" 

Mercys P.O.V.

He twirls me around and the scene swirls in front of me, where's Genji? I couldn't stop thinking about him. But the man takes me by the waist to stop me from spinning. 

"I believe it'll be polite to introduce ourselves...." I say staring into the eyes of his mask. 

The man chuckles, "Do you want to find out who I am?" 

"I feel as if we've met." 

The man reaches into his pocket, but I'm too busy staring at his face to notice. "Oh really," 

"Yes, and I believe it'll help me a lot more if you told me who you were." I gasp, stoping me from continuing my sentence. I felt a sharp blade poking my back, I scold at the man I was dancing with. I shouldn't have taken his hand from the start. 

"You'll be coming with me Dr. Ziegler," he says in a low voice, making sure the guest around us didn't notice. "I hope you won't cause anymore trouble." 

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