Epilogue + Ending Note

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"We don't have all day... Genji.." 

I shoot my brother a fake scold from across the shooting range, then return my attention back to the target. I release a deep breath, pulling back on the string of the bow. Once my eyes lined up to the bullseyes I release the arrow, watching the arrow soar through the air...

..... and way pass the bullseyes.  

I put the bow down to my side sheepishly as I hear Hanzo erupt in laughter at my petty attempt at Archery. There was a reason why I chose the katana over the bow.

I turn to him, when I finally had enough his teasing. "Okay!! We get it I'm bad at Archery!!" I say thrusting his weapon out and against his chest. 

"Looks like you lost the argument... I'm sure I won." he says remarkly. 

I point my finger at him, "I thought you didn't have time for such obnoxious games." I say with a smile as he scoffs at our young memories. 

"I suppose it is only games that I favor." he says with a mischievous smile as it became my turn to scoff at him. "Anyways don't you have a mission to get to?" he asks as we walked through the automatic doors and into the hallway of bustling agents.

I give a quick wave to Baptiste who was walking with Orisa and Efi, then turn back to him. "That's in twenty minutes or so... I have plenty of time!!" I say brushing the detail off, he looks at me unimpressed. 

"Anyways, how is the wedding coming along?" I asked trying to excuse my inexcusable lateness, but also because I wasn't invited. What kind of asshole doesn't invite their own brother to their wedding? 

"Complicated... Jesse says he wants to wear white tuxedos while I say black one's are more traditional." he scoffs over the idea as if it was a bigger problem then I had thought. 

"Why don't you guys just wear different colored tuxes?" I asked, making him stop in his tracks which makes stop beside him. Was the situation really that complicated? 

Then he eyes me warily as if he was suspicious that I suddenly had a good idea. I would be suspicious of me as well, if I chirped up a good idea... ever. 

"Shouldn't you be at the drop off area for your next mission?" he says questioning me. 

I looked back to the clock, "Oh yeah..." I break into a jog, then look back at Hanzo. "But hey, you can both just wear zebra styled tuxes if you guys can't agree on anything." He laughs at the idea, but I'm already too ahead to be offended. 

Before making my way to launch area, I go to Winston's office to check on Zen. 

(Ya bois back -Author)

The automatic doors swished open as I stepped inside. Athena greets me first then tells me Winston was at the back. I nodded, thanking her for the info. 

"Genji, over here." he says, 

I look towards the sound of his voice to see him working on Zen. "How's he doing?" 

Before Winston can answer, Zenyatta perks up instead. "HORRIBLE!!" his program speaking out of the speaker Winston had connected him to. 

The scientist rolled his eyes, must've been hard to work on such a brat. 

A couple of months back, Winston had found Zen's orb in Angela's pocket. His program was still stored in his balls. Which was quite weird to say... Anyways, it took months resurrecting it. And now they've been trying to build him a body since he was only a program for now. 

To be honest I didn't mind him in a program form at least he wouldn't push me around now.

"Do you know how bad it is to be here without a body!!" He yells through the tablet, Winston rolls his eyes as he works on the rest of his soon to be body. "I can't even move!! God, how am I supposed to freaking bitch slap people!!" 

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