Tired Angel

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Genji's P.O.V.

I walked into my room to finally let out the breath I've been holding. Trying to process everything that happened tonight.

I kissed Angela...
Actually she kissed me first..

"Ooooohhhh~" a cooing voice emerged from the middle of my room. I turn around to Zenyatta sitting down on the floor next the table. "Something happened!! Tell me everythinnggg!!"

I jolted and crossed my arm. "I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Let's not go through this bullshit, you know I'm like mad good mindreader!" Zen says pointing at me.

"You're a monk..."
"That got nothing to do with ma religon!"

He pats on the space across the table. "Sit down!!" I did what he told me to do and stared at me with a look of focus. But it was kind of hard to tell, since I was only looking at a blank face with blinking eyes.

"I'm glad that you have come to peace with your home and family, you even fixed your relationship with Angela.   Remember we have a mission. " Zenyatta points out. "Plus you left all the work to her! What kind of boyfriend are you?!" he yells at me. 

"AHH!!" I screamed in panic, from Zenyatta's yell. "Calm down! I'll help her!! GAHHH!!" 

Mercy's P.O.V. 

I gulped down the rest of my coffee. My fifth cup to be exact. However, the caffeine didn't do much to keep me awake.

Work was the only thing keeping me distracted of what happened today. My face flushes, me and Genji are together. We kissed, we love each other.

I shake my head, I need to get back to work.

I stare at the blue screen blankly, then my mind started working agaun. writing up my report from the notes I took. Something weird was going on in Shimada clan. Have they really withdrew from their violent traditions.

I looked at my arm. Thinking about the two assassins that attacked me yesterday. The girl who slashed me, she sounded so familiar.

A high pitched voice, that was usually quirky but flirty.


I shake my head, the pink girl has been nice ever since we came here. There was no way someone like her could join the Immortals.

I sighed, however maybe she's just a wolf in sheep's clothing. Waiting for the right moment to devour her prey.

I yawned, I haven't done enough these past two days. However, I'll just rest now. Won't do any good if I'm a walking zombie by the morning.

My heavy eyelids finally pulled down, as I softly snore my way back to sleep.

Genji's P.O.V.

I knocked on her door, pushing the slide with ease. She didn't lock it?

I look over to see her sleeping soundly on the desk with papers scattered across and a laptop screen shining on her face. On top of the papers was her mug that said ''#1 healer" with a bunch of ripped packets of coffee mix.

I sighed, staring at her mess. "If you were this tired, why didn't you just ask me for help?" I whispered, afraid of waking her up.

I pluck, Angela from her desk and carried her over to her futon. Laying her head down gently on the soft pillow and placing a blanket on top of her small and delicate body.

I sat next to her, she looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I reach over to pull back a strand of hair in the back of her ear. So beautiful. I stop myself, wow I sound creepy. I push myself off the ground and look at the pile of work on the desk.

I sighed, "Somone's going to have to type up the reports!" I smiled over to Angela who was sleeping soundly. "Rest up my little dove~"

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