Chapter 1

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(Madelaine above)
~Madelaine POV~
I walked through the institute in search of the three most important people in my life.As I'm walking more into the heart of the institute I hear a voice."I don't approve of this mission."Says Mr.Alec Lightwood himself.

I see his black hair all the way from here and he is standing next to my gorgeous parabatai and my idiotic brother.

I practically throw myself on Alec's back with a huge grin on my face.He stumbles forward slightly but soon breaks into a grin knowing I'm the only person who does this to him.He gently places me down and turn to look at me with the worlds best smile and hugs me tightly.

"I missed you Maddie"he says letting me go.Before I can even respond I am tackled into a hug by my parabatai Isabelle Lightwood.

"I thought I told you to tell me when you were coming back!"she says.I laughed hugging her back."I wanted to surprise you guys."I responded I let go of Izzy and looked at my brother Jace Wayland who has a huge grin in his face.

He quickly runs up to me and twirls me around which leads me to giggling like a school girl."I missed you dumbo!"he says still twirling me."Hmm can't say the same....."I respond in a serous voice.His face crumbles at my response and his grin turns into a frown."Just kidding!"I say pulling him into another hug.

The clearing of someone's throat makes me break away from him and stand next to Alec and Izzy.I look at the red hair girl who was staring at me with jealousy in her eyes.What crawled up her ass? "Who are you?"I question but before she can even respond Alec speaks up making my full attention turn to him.

"that is Clary Fairchild" He says annoyance clear in his tone."Look I get you guys are having a moment and everything but my mother was kidnapped by Valentine and we can't let some random girl get in the way.We have to find Dot!"Cary yells at everyone.

Alec's eyes turn ice cold and he glares at Clary taking a threatening step forward."Some girl?"He says pure hatred in his voice.He looks like he is about to attack her and before he takes a step further and beats the poor girl I quickly grab his hands and turn his body to face me.

His face softens when he looks at me and he places both of his hands on my waist while I place both my hands on his face."Its ok Alec leave the girl alone her mom got kidnapped for gods sake."I tell him softly even though Clary basically hates me for no reason.

Alec simply nods his head and turns back to facing Clary his hands still on my waist basically hugging me from behind.Clary looks shocked and confused glancing at Alecs hands and then looking at Jace who is busy looking at something on the screen.

I look at Izzy who has a huge grin on her face and she winks at me.I blush and look in the opposite direction which happens to be Clarys direction.

I look her straight in the eye and say,"Look you can be rude to me all you like but don't disrespect the people i love and the only reason I am going to be nice to you after you were rude to me is the fact that Jace has taken some interest in you."I say then walk away from Alec's comforting arms and in the direction of Izzy's room with her hot on my heels.

Izzy then fills me on the mission details and we get ready together matching while we talk about random things.

"So Alec was really defensive of you today."Izzy says while we walk to Alec's room."He was just being sweet Izzy."I say softly.

I have been in love with Alec for as long as I can remember and Izzy being my parabatai knows that."Madelaine why is it so hard for you to realize that Alec feels the same way as you."Izzy says.

"Izzy I don't want to talk about this right now"She simply nods her head and we knock on Alec's door.
As i hear his footsteps walking to the door the only thing I can think about is why can't the guy I'm in love with feel the same way.Or is what Izzy said true?

If your reading this thank you so much you don't have to vote if you don't want to but i would appreciate it.I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and leave a comment if you have any questions or if you want anything to happen in upcoming chapters.Also sorry for any grammar mistakes or if something doesn't make sense I'm not exactly a good writer.Anyways thank you again for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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