Chapter 3

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Madelaine POV
"What the hell?!!"I yell standing up but quickly wince and fall back down due to the pain coming from my thigh. Thankfully Magnus is too busy looking around to notice. I sit as if I have no intention of getting up which I don't

"I'm sorry for just doing this Madelaine but you have to understand your life is in danger. Valentine doesn't only want Clary he wants you too."Magnus says looking me straight in the eye. I stare at him in confusion

"Why me?"I finally ask. "He thinks that you and your brother are one of the best fighters he has seen and wants you specifically. For what? I have no idea but all I know is that he wants you brought to him alive or dead."Magnus says.

"I don't und-"I cut myself off as we hear a huge bang. "Valentine...."Magnus whispers."Go get everyone out!"I say standing up ignoring the pain and taking out my seraph blade.He nods and I run towards the direction of the bang.

"Madelaine Wayland what a pleasure. Valentine will like this very much."A voice says behind me. I quickly turn and see a circle member . "Tell Valentine he can suck it......if you make it out of here alive." I say lunging at him. I swing my blade but he leans to the side making it scratch his arm. He kicks me in the face making my lip bleed then kicks me again in the stomach thinking I will fall back. Instead I kick him in the side of the head and shove my blade through his heart. "Now i can't have anyone to tell Valentine he can suck it" I pout taking my blade out as the man falls to the floor."You can tell him yourself"I hear a voice. I look up to see about five circle men in front of me. "Hey!Its 5 against 1 how is that fair?"I say pouting."Oh well!" one of them say as they quickly run towards me. I quickly dodge a guy trying to kick me and instead elbow him in the face as I stab another guy in the stomach. As i am dealing with the last two guys one of them sneaks up behind me making me drop my blade. I struggle against his grip as the other grabs onto my legs.I kick the other guy as hard as I can in the balls then try to attack the other one but he punches me in the face making me fall down from impact. As he comes to pick me off the floor I grab my blade that was next to me and plunge into his heart making his body lay limp on the floor. Just as I stand up another blade is pressed to my throat.

Before I can do anything a voice cuts in."You better let her the hell go or this won't end very pretty and I won't hesitate to put this arrow in your head." A cold voice says that instantly relaxes me knowing it was the person that i trusted the most holding his bow and arrow in his hands

" A cold voice says that instantly relaxes me knowing it was the person that i trusted the most holding his bow and arrow in his hands

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Alec's POV
All of us quickly dash into the abanonded looking building.We all split up and I go in the direction that i hear grunts of pain. I see Madelaine getting up of the floor bodies limp next to her. Relief floods over me as I see she is ok but quickly vanishes when some asshole places a seraph blade to her throat. I quickly hold my bow and arrow to him making sure that when I would release the arrow it will go directly into his skull.

"You better let her the hell go or this won't end pretty and I won't hesitate to put this arrow in your head."I say. The asshole has the nerve to turn around look at me and smirk. "I'm sure you wouldn't want anything to happen to the girl would you..."His voice trails off and he applies more pressure to the side of Madelaine's throat causing it to bleed.

That's it. I release the arrow causing him to fall down and Madelaine as well. I quickly grab her face looking into her eyes. "Are you ok?"I say softly. She weakly smiles at me causing something weird to happen in my stomach like it does every time she is around."I'm fine but i don't think I can walk." she says in a tone that sounds defeated like she was disappointed in her self for letting that injury happen. "Maddie it isn't your fault come on let's find the others." I say lifting her up and carried her bridal style until we found a room that everyone seemed to be in. I placed Madelaine on the couch that was in the corner and sat next to her. Jace,Clary,Isabelle, and Magnus were having such a heated discussion they didn't realize we were here. Isabelle then saw me and Madelaine next to me and ran up to us. "Madelaine your ok oh my god I was so worried." she says pulling her parabatai into a hug. I smile as I see Madelaine looking relieved that Izzy was ok. Hearing the girls reunion Jace looks over and runs up to Maddie. "Don't ever do that again Madelaine you scared the shit out of me."He says.
What would have happened if j hadn't killed that guy?would the gorgeous girl next to me be dead? If she died I would never get pass the guilt that i didn't make it in time.

As if sensing my thoughts Madelaine leaned into my side looking up at me "I would be dead without you Lightwood. You better not leave me."she says leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Ill never leave you Maddie you know I'm with you until the end no matter what."I say pulling her even closer that she was practically on my lap.

This girl was crazy if she thought I would leave her. Leaving her is impossible. She is my world. My everything. I'm in love with Madelaine Rose Wayland

Thank you for reading I apologize for any grammar mistakes and please leave a vote unless you don't want to and leave a comment on what you would like to see in this book thank you lovelies and have an amazing day 💗💗💗

Here is Just a little extra because I love their bromance

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