Chapter 8

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Madelaine's POV
"Mmmhhhhhh" I let out through a tie that has been tied around my mouth to shut me up. I try my best to get free from the restraints but its not use as circle member use a whip and hit my back multiple times making my skin split open.

"What's wrong princess does it hurt?"One of them laughs as they hit me again. I make sure to make no other noises after that. "Ok kids that's enough." Valentine says walking into the room.

"My dear Madelaine come on join me and the other circle members."he says with a smile. Hahahahahaha. Did he think I was actually going to join him?

"Mmhmhhm"I try to say but the tie prevents me from doing so. "Oh yeah sorry say that again."Valentine says removing the tie. "I will never join you asshole." I say glaring at him.

"Boys!"He yells and the people from before coming running back inside."Go back to torturing but use the knives."He says and leaves.

"This is going to be fun."One says as he takes a knife and suddenly plunges it into My thigh. Then another slices my bicep. They continue to stab and slice my skin until I eventually pass out for the third time.
Alec's POV
"Alec we have found the possible location of Madelaine!"Jace says and I run to the computer screen to analyze the labd Izzy right next to me. "How?"I question.

"Well Izzy says she couldn't track her and neither could we so she had to be near water so we searched all buildings near water and a camera slightly got footage of Madelaine being brought into this building."Jace responds getting his weapons ready.

"Good job gu-Ahhhh!"Izzy yells falling to the floor for almost the fifth time. "Izzy!"I say gently picking her up. "Alec it hurts."She says her eyes filling up with tears.

"I know Iz but we are going to Go get her now come on your a lightwood your strong and fearless."I tell her and she wipes her tears and walks next to Jace.

"Alec?"I hear a voice calling my name. I turn around to be face to face with Clary. "Look I know this must be hard for you but just know I'm here for you and Jace and Isabelle."She says.

"If it wasn't for you none of this would have happened."I say coldly and walk away to rune my arrows. "You didn't have to be so hard on her man."Jace says next to me geared up and ready.

"I don't care."Is all I say and walk out the institue. We all walk well more like run in silence only hearing the click of Isabelles heels.

When we make it to the building we see about 8 circle member guarding the door. I shoot some with my arrows and Isabelle gets them with her whip as Jace and Clary pry open the doors.

"Guys split up!"I say and we all desperate. In walking down the hall with lots of closed doors but their is one at the end of the hall that is opened.

I walk down and as I get closer I hear a sound almost like something hitting skin. I quickly get my arrow ready and peek in to see Madelaine all chained up passed out. She has blood everywhere and their is around 3 circle member still stabbing her.

I shoot them and quickly  unchain Madelaine. She goes tumbling down to the floor but I catch her before she hits herself. I run my stele over her iratze rune but there are so many cuts that it didn't seem to stop completely

I place her bridal style in my arms and carry her out the building. I sit down on one if the steps holding Madelaine tight against me. Pulling out my phone I quickly diall Isabelle and Jace telling them I have her and to leave the building.

"Madelaine!"Isabelle cries as she is the first person out the building. She immediately runs to me and holds Madelaine's hand. "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you"She whispers and kisses Madelaine on her forehead tears coming out her eyes.

"Hey Iz its not your fault."I tell her and then Jace and Clary walk out. Jace quickly runs to his sisters moving the stray hairs off her face. "Little tart what did you get yourself into."He says softly.

"Come on guys she needs to go to the infirmary."I say and we all rush to the institute. We barge in like crazy people. "GUYS WE NEED HELP IMMDEDIATELY!"I yell and Hodge comes into the room.

His eyes widen when he see the tiny dirty blonde bleeding out in my arms. "Quick over here!"He says. "Isabelle come with me. Jace,Alec,Clary your going to have to leave. The only reason Isabelle is with me is for their parabatai bond now out!"He says

"I'm not leaving her!"I struggle but Jace hold me back."Come on Alec we are distracting Hodge from saving her life lets go."he says and I walk to the training room and continuously punch a punching bag.
~·~·~·~A couple hours later~·~··~·~·~·~
"Alec she isn't going to wake up until a couple of days. Her body needs time to rest since she lost a ton of blood."Hodge informs me as I stare at the dirty blonde laying peacefully on a bed. "Ok"is all I say and he leaves. I take a seat right next to Madelaine.I grab her hand and start talking to her. "Please wake up soon beautiful."I whisper in her ear laying my head down on her stomach still holding her hand. "I'm not leaving your side until you wake up i promise."I say pulling my head up and studying her face.
"I'm keeping my promise. I will always be there for you. I'll never leave you again."I say.

Thank you so much for reading. Please leave a vote and comment unless you don't want to. I apologize for any grammar mistakes again I'm not exactly the best author. Anyways I hope you have a lovely day 💞💞💞💞💞💞

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