Chapter 32

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(Sorry for the time jump)
~1 week later~
Jace's POV
Its been a week and Madelaine is still unconscious. During this week not much has happened. The only interesting thing would be that Alec and Izzy and I have worked every thing out and they aren't mad at me thank the angel

I just hope Madelaine can forgive me once she wakes up. Anyways every night I sleep on the small couch in Madelaine's room

I basically stay with her all day along with Alec and Izzy.

I just wish she could wake up. Its been a week and a half and no progress what's so ever.

Currently I am sitting by myself in her room since Alec and Izzy are showering in Magnus's guest rooms.

I look at Madelaine and I feel tears forming. Every time i see Madelaine I can't help but feel guilty since this is all my fault

 Every time i see Madelaine I can't help but feel guilty since this is all my fault

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"Mads why couldn't it be me in your position? I wish it was me. I wish you didn't have to go through this pain. The world would be better off without me. Life sucks without you!" I say and I feel tears make their way down my face

"Life would suck without you too!" I hear a voice say and I turn to see Alec leaning against the doorway

"Madelaine doesn't like when you say things like that. I don't either. Stop blaming yourself. At first I blamed you because I was mad that this happened to her but it isn't your fault  hell its not even Clary's fault! This is Valentines fault. There isn't anyone else to blame!" Alec says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Alec" I whisper and he smiles softly before taking a seat next to me as we both watch Madelaine sleep

A few moments later Izzy walks in and she sighs seeing Madelaine

"Still nothing?" Izzy says and before anyone can come in Magnus runs in with a panicked expression

"We have to pick up Madelaine and lets go! Dozens and dozens of circle members are here!" Magnus says

I quickly scoop Madelaine up in my arms as Magnus opens a portal. We all run through it and it leads us to the institute

I make my way quickly to my room placing Madelaine gently on my bed before walking out to see everyone gearing up

"Where are we going?" I ask and Izzy laughs softly. "Jace don't be so dumb. We aren't going to let circle members stay in Magnus's apartment!" she says and I nod my head in understatement

We portal our way back to Magnus's and we watch from a corner as circle members look into a rooms.

Alec counts to three with his fingers and we all run out to attack.

We don't have even one minute to stop attacking as more and more circle members come

As I am finishing off one of the last ones I hear a voice yell

"JACE WATCH OUT!" I quickly spin around to see a seraph blade seconds away from coming in contact with my skin


Thank you so much for reading. I'm  sorry for the short chapter but I have been busy lately. I should be updating the next chapter in two days hopefully. Also I apologize for any grammar mistakes and please leave a vote or comment unless you don't want to. Anyways have a fantastic day lovelies

 Anyways have a fantastic day lovelies

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