Chapter 35

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Madelaine's POV
"Bella?" I hear Alec say skeptically and the red head grins shaking her head up and down

"I have been sent by the clave and I immediately came because I remembered you were in this institute." I hear the girl who I guess is named Bella says

Alec looks at her again skeptically and I can't help but turn on my heel and run to Izzy's room

I have a feeling they had some sort of history and I can't help but feel hurt. I don't know why since I know Alec would never hurt me

"Mads what's wrong?" Izzy says and I quickly turn around

"Do you know any of Alec's female friends called Bella?" I ask and Izzy shakes her head.

"No.....I mean before you and Jace were taken in Alec had a friend named Bella they weren't really close but it was the only other female besides me Alec would talk to. I never met her but I know she moved away before you guys came and I'm pretty sure that was the last time Alec even talked to her. Why?" Izzy says all in one breath

"She's here." I say bluntly and go into her drawer taking a pair of leggings and a sports bra out before throwing it at Izzy who glares at me after the clothes hit her right on the face.

"Training room. Five minutes?" I say and she nods quickly before I walk out and change into my own pair of leggings and sport bra

Izzy meets me there in exactly 5 minutes which is surprising because she is usually late

We fight each other for a while before deciding it was time to head back to our rooms.

On my way I see Alec and Bella is standing next to him.

Too close.

I shake my head from my thoughts and take yet another shower before putting on a fresh set of clothes

After that I decide it was time to finally see Alec. So I walk to where i last saw him and when he sees me a grin breaks onto his face

"Mads!" he calls out before running over to me and hugging me tightly

From the corner of my eye I see Bella glare at me but I shrug it off

She doesn't know me and I'm probably being paranoid.

"Alec is this your sister?" Bella pops up placing a hand on his shoulder causing my smile to drop.

"No....." Alec says slightly moving closer to me so her hand falls off causing her to frown.

"Bella meet Madelaine. This is Jace's sister and my sister Isabelle's parabatai. Also my girlfriend." he says with a proud gleam in his eyes causing my smile to come back

"Oh well I'm Bella its nice to meet you. I am an old friend of Alec's." she says holding out her hand which I hesitantly take

"Nice to meet you I don't think I have ever heard of you" I say giving Alec a look who just shrugs

"I'm going to go find Jace I will stop by later ok?" I tell Alec who nods and I peck him on the lips before trying to find Jace.

"Izzy I don't want Madelaine to go. Only us and Alec." I hear Jace says and run I hear Izzy sigh.

"Don't know where your going but I'm going to!" I exclaim entering the room and Jace groans.

"No! I won't risk you getting hurt" Jace says and I shake my head. "Not up for arguments I am going. Plus I want to use my whip so......" I trail off looking down to my whip that was hanging on my wrist as a bracelet

"Hopefuly we won't be fighting." Jace says and I frown slightly at his tone

"Where's Clary?" I ask since I haven't seen her around and Jace looks slightly annoyed

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