Chapter 1.

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People always tell you to follow your dreams, but sometimes that dream becomes a nightmare

"And cut! Thank you everyone we'll start again tomorrow morning." The director said as he got off his chair. I got off set and immediately my manager came towards me.

"Cezanne, we have an important meeting to go to with the director today at 5p.m. you are required to be there ten minutes early." She said while trying to catch up to me.

"What's the meeting about?" I entered my dressing room and started taking off all the makeup they put on me and did my usual makeup routine.

"Well we're trying to figure out more ways to get your name out there."

"I'm already on the most-talked-about TV show though. Shouldn't everyone know me by now?"

"Well they mainly talk about Rose."

"Hmm wonder why? Maybe because she's the star of the show." I reminded her.

"Cezanne, once this t.v. show is over what are you going to do next? Nothing cause nobody knows who you are! Now start getting ready we're leaving soon." She then stormed out of my room. I let a big sigh out and continue doing what I was doing.

While I was brushing my waist length hair, there was a knock on the door. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone right now since tiredness is slowly taking over my body, but I told them to come in anyways.

"Cezanne! There you are I have been looking for you everywhere!" The director said. Where else would I be but here or on set. I thought. I slightly smiled at him. "You do know you're on of my favorite actress on this show right?"

"Then how come you didn't let me play the leading role?" I asked.

"Because this character that I chose for you, suits you. Anyways I'm here to tell you that for the meeting I already have an idea how to help the show! Oh and you." He said as he patted my head. "I'm so excited!" He then left my room. I rolled my eyes and I just continue doing my hair.

I looked at the clock that was on my wall and it was 1:23 p.m.. What to do, what to do? I was feeling a bit hungry and decided to go to In and Out to eat a burger. I got out of my room and head over to my car. I decided not to bring any security with me because after all, what my manger said, nobody knows who I am.

Once I got out of my car people started to recognize me. At first it was a few. I gladly took pictures with them and sign autographs. Then more and more and more people started coming towards me. I reached to my back pocket to grabbed my phone but I remembered that I left it in the car. Then some security came.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"My car. Its that way." I said. I'll just go somewhere else. He then safely bright me to my car. "Thank you very much sir."

"Don't thank me, thank Joel for sending me over here." He then gave me a card with a number on it. I smiled then drove away.

Joel Joel Joel. Where have I heard that name before? I turned on the radio and reggeaton lento started playing. Joel!

*Joel's POV*

"Alright boys, we'll see you all later." The guy said who was taking over sound check said.

"You sounded great babe. I have to go somewhere with my friends really quick but I promise I'll see you tonight." My "girlfriend" Camila said as she kissed my cheek. She always say that she'll come to my show but she never does.

"Joel! You want to go with us to eat?" My band mate, Richard, asked.

"No I'm fine I'm going to my room to take a nap." I lied. He then nodded his head and left with the boys.

"Let me guess you just want some alone time?" My security guard Kevin guessed.

"Yea." I simply said with no emotion. He lead me to his car and he started driving around everywhere. I was sitting in the back seats where I was laying down listening to music.

I thought being famous means being happy. I mean it can be rarely. You have the fans, people yelling out your name, people taking pictures of you, meeting incredible people, traveling the word. But what they don't tell you is how miserable it can be. I don't even like Camila. I mean she's pretty but she's really mean and annoying. The reason why we are dating is because we get more fame for both our groups. CNCO and Fifth Harmony. It's an arrange relationship and I absolutely hate it.

"You want to eat at In and Out? There's one near by." Kevin asked.

"Yea I'm actually hungry today." Because of all of this happening I haven't been eating to well, I'm usually to depressed to eat.

Once we arrived I sat down at the table outside with my hood on so no one will recognize me. Kevin soon came back with our food. I grabbed the card that was on our table and started to analyze it. "Joel you better eat your food. I'm sorry that everything you don't want is happening to you but it's only for a little while."

"Yes you're right about the little while." I murmured so he won't hear me. A few seconds later a car pulled up. The girl who came out of the car was very beautiful but she was also familiar. A few girls ran up to her and took pictures with her as she was walking in. But before she could go in to the restaurant everyone surrounded her. For some reason I quickly wrote my number on the card I had and gave it to Kevin. "Kevin go help her and give this to her once she is safely inside." I told him.

"Don't get caught." He said then he went to go help her.

A few moments later he came back then we left. That girl that girl who is she. "Kevin do you know who that girl is?" I asked completely clueless.

"I'm surprised that you don't know. Its Cezanne Lopez from 'Problem Z' you know she plays the nerdy girl. What's her name? Oh yea! Yasmine." He said. That's right! I can't believe I didn't recognize my favorite character from my favorite show! Wow hopefully she gives me a call soon. I would love to talk to her.

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now