Chapter 14 .

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*a couple of weeks later*

I've been doing some thinking. I really want to be with Cezanne. Even if I have to wait a million years for her. I'll wait. After what happened I realize that I don't want to be like that.

Today is the last day I'm with Camila. I have to admit , I am pretty sad she's leaving. I mean she knows what's going on and how I've been feeling about the band. Not Cezanne. Anyways even though she has never backed me up when Christopher and the rest of the guys has been really mean to me, she was still there for me to talk about it.

"Well I guess this is goodbye then." Camila said as she put her suitcase down.

"Yea." I sadly said. Her driver then pulled up in front of us. She then gave me a huge hug.

"Thank you Joel for everything." She said. The driver then put her suitcase in the car and went back to the drivers seat.

"You're very welcome." I said back to her.

"By the way Joel. I'm pregnant." She whispered. She then let go of me and jumped into the car. I stood still for a moment then went to her side trying to open the door.

"Wait Camila!" I said pounding on the window but the driver started to drive away. I just stood there. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Fuck. I went back inside and try to find Richard. Once I did I try telling him what just happened. But I couldn't instead I went to my apartment and just stayed there.

He opened the door and came in. "Joel what happened?" Richard asked. I couldn't tell him. He might tell the other boys.

"I- I'm going to miss her." I lied.

"Aw it's okay buddy. At least you will still get to see her sometimes." He then gave me a hug. Fuck I don't know what to do. We then watch some movies together to distracted me what is happening. But this reminded me of Cezanne. From that one day we hanged out. Fuck I miss her a lot. I haven't been talking to her lately. Maybe I should surprise her.

When Richard left, I grabbed my laptop and check for the earliest flight there is. There was one at 1 am. So I started packing to leave. Right before I left I wrote a note to whoever find this, telling them I'll be back in a week, maybe sooner depending what happens. I then head down to the uber driver who took me to the airport. Before I got out of the car, I put on my hoodie hoping no one will recognize me. But unfortunately they did. Only a couple of people though. I made it to the plane just in time and now we are taking off.

During the ride I couldn't stop thinking about her. Hopefully she'll listen to me. I mean after that time what I said about Shawn was really rude of me but then again I really don't like him.

I still kind of remember where she lives. I told the driver to leave me in the corner and that I'll walk the rest way to her house. After an hour I made it because I kind of got lost. I then climb over her gate and knocked on her door. Surprisedly she was up.

"Joel what are you doing here? Its 5 in the morning." She said. All I wanted to smash my lips to her. But I know I couldn't do that.

"I have to tall to you Cezanne. I did something horrible." She then let me inside and I sat on her couch. She then brought down some blankets and then she made some hot cocoa.

"What happened Joel? Are the boys bothering you?" She asked. She doesn't know what happened that one night Camila and I went to the party. When Christopher threatened to kill me.

"So Camila and I went to a party and I got extremely drunk. And like the next morning I didn't remember what had happen. I drank a little more and that was when I send you that awful text. And again I strongly apologize."

"Its okay Joel." She said. Fuck she's so beautiful. "Go on."

"I really don't want to say this part." I admitted.

"Its okay Joel let it out and tell me." She said grabbing my hand.

"I was still drunk the next morning and Camila came over and told me what happened last night and we did it again that day." She then let go of my hand. "Yesterday was the last day that we were a couple and right before she left she told me that-" I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"She told you that she was pregnant." She finished it for me. I nodded my head yes. I am so ashamed. I literally want to break down into tears right now. I looked up at Cezanne and she looked very disappointed. There was a moment of silence for a while. She looked very mad.

"You can sleep here for tonight. I'm going to bed. We'll talk about this later." She then quickly got up and left my side. At this very moment I know I fucked up really bad. I honestly don't know what to do. I really do feel bad.

*Cezanne POV*

"Who was that Cez?" Shawn asked once I went back into the room.

"Joel. Please be nice to him. I mean I know you guys started the wrong way but please."

"Okay okay I will. Now let's go to sleep." We then did went to sleep. Well I at least tried to. I couldn't go to sleep knowing Joel was here. I'm going to tell him that Shawn is here so he won't be surprise when he wakes up. Or maybe I should tell him right before Shawn gets up. I'm very disappointed in Joel right now but seeing him today right now, at this time made me start thinking. He traveled all the way here just to talk to me. No no no Cezanne you're with Shawn. You're with Shawn.

an: published January 5, 2018@ 1:05pm

I promise it'll get better later on !!

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now