Chapter 15.

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I had some sleep last night. Not really. Im scared how Joel will react once he sees Shawn. I have no idea why he'll do something bad I don't know why I'm feeling like this. When the clock turned to 7:00a.m. I got out of bed and work on breakfast.

Once I got to the last step, I could see Joel sleeping heavenly. Okay so instead of waking him up, I'm going to clean the guest room even more, make it neater than it was before. Usually when I'm nervous or don't know what to do, I clean. Maybe that's why I always have my house so clean. Anyways I took off the sheets from the bed, head downstairs and throw them in the washer machine. While that is washing, I made the room more organized. I kind of want to remodel it now. I don't know. Maybe later. Once I finished I went down stairs again this time Joel wasn't in the couch.

I went towards the kitchen and there he was. Beating me into making breakfast again. I snuck behind him and did a little boo to scare him. He jumped a little but he threw some flour on me.

"Oh my God Cezanne! Jesus you scared me."

"And you threw flour on me!" I then grabbed a little bit of flour and threw it at him. "Payback bitch." I said.

"Haha you're so cute when you cuss." He said. He then continue making breakfast.

"Hey Joel?"


"How long are you planning to stay here?"

"Um i think a week. I don't know, I'm going to go look for a hotel right now though."

"If its okay with you you can stay here but Shawn will be coming sometimes even stay here and there. He's here right now by the way." I said.

"Oh. No I'll just go find a hotel. Um is he allergic to anything. Imma add some fruits." He asked kindly.

"No is isn't. Here let me help." I then pushed him a little bit so I had some room to help him. Making breakfast with him was actually pretty fun. I want him to stay.

"Go get Shawn. Imma get out of these clothes, where's the restroom?"

"Down the hall to the right." He then went over there's and I went to Shawn. When I entered the room I saw Shawn all fancy up.

"Damn Shawn why so fancy?" I said as I approached him.

"I need to do something later. And I want to show Joel Not to mess with us." He said serious.

"No Shawn. Joel, he's going through a hard time please he's a nice guy trust me."

"Okay but one wrong thing he does he's gonna get it."

"Get what?"

"He'll get to meet my knuckles."

"Shawn." I looked at him deeply in his eyes telling him that I'm serious.

"Okay okay. I won't. Let's go down for breakfast then." He then pulled me for a small kiss and we headed down.

We sat down in our usual spots and later on Joel came out. Before he sat down he shook Shawn's hand. "Nice to see you again Shawn." He greeted.

"Likewise." We then started eating.

The vibe here was awkward. Like really awkward. I connected my phone to the speaker and played some music. To kill the vibe. "Oo I like this song. Havana, ooh na-na
Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na
He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na
All of my heart is in Havana
There's somethin' 'bout his manners
Havana, ooh na-na." I then put some grapes and looked up. Bother Shawn and Joel were looking at me really shook.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No its just-" Shawn said.

"You sing really good." Joel said finishing his sentence. I then looked down at my plate and I can feel myself getting embarrassed.

"Oh." I simply said. We finished eating and then Shawn had to go. I walked him out the door.

"Please don't do anything stupid with him Cez."

"You think I'll cheat on you?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but I do. But I trust you. I got to go. Bye I love you." He then left in a hurry.

Wow. Shawn thinks I'll cheat on him. Well I kind of did on our second day. Oops he doesn't need to know that. Anyways I went back to the dining table to clean up but once I arrived it was already clean. Aye Joel. Always beating me into things. I went to the kitchen where he was washing the dishes.

"Here Joel I'll wash them."

"No its okay Cezanne. I'll wash them."

"Joel you already made breakfast and clean the table now let me wash the dishes." I said.

"I also fed honey."

"You see?! Joel please." I begged.

"Your phone is ringing." He said. I groaned then went to go answer it.


"Hey Cezanne is it okay you come in today? I want to film something really quick."

"Uh okay. Hey but I have a visitor here. Is it okay if he comes? I can just tell him to wait in the dressing room." I said looking at Joel who is now drying and putting away the dishes. Oh this kid.

"Yes that's totally fine."

"Alright I'll see you in a few." I than hung up the phone. "Joel um I have to go to work, if you want you can come." I said.

"Oh. Um no actually I'm going to go find a hotel right now."

"Joel you are welcome to stay here honestly." I told him once again, hoping he'll stay.

"Cezanne. I told you that I'm fine. I'll come and visit." He smiled. I sighed but finally agreed with him.

I headed to work just a little after he left in an uber. Driving over there I couldn't stop thinking about how Joel is going to be a father soon. But knowing that I still want to be with him even though I'm with Shawn who I also love. Love. Ugh it such a weird word.

The street light turned green so I go ahead and started to drive. As I was crossing the intersection a lot of horns started to honk and next thing you know it, my card started to flip multiple times.

I groan hoping someone will get me out of my car soon. I started to get this really bad head pain.. Well pain all over my body. I began to cry of all the pain. I feel like im going to die. I grabbed my phone and call the first person.



an: published on january 7, 2018 @ 11:48 pm

goodnight, school in a couple of hours, pray for me ):

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now