Chapter 17.

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Shawn hanged up the phone and I was still holding on to Joel. "Look! I can grab someone! I can move my fingers!" I said happily. I looked at Shawn who smiled then at Joel that looked worried. Whoah, now that I'm looking at them, it might of been awkward waiting for me.

"So um I guess I'm not going to work for a while. Which really sucks cause I love my job but hate my manager and other people." They just nod their heads.

"Hey so like they're going to have a stunt women of me and like she'll get run over by a car, not literally though, but yea so I still get to go to work once I have my arms working again, which is exciting." They still didn't say anything for a while.

"Hey I'll be back. I'm going to go walk around a bit." Joel said. I said okay and he left. I took this opportunity to talk to Shawn about what happened in the waiting room.

"Hey so what happened in the waiting room?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Well I think he got mad at me when I said that he was lying about his band mates telling him to kill himself." He laughed. I wanted to hit him but I couldn't.

"Shawn! You don't- oh my god. His band mates do hate him! And it sucks cause he's stuck with them. Shawn. Ugh. Please go apologize. You have no idea what he's going through."

"He was-"

"Go apologize please!" He then stood up and left the room, leaving me behind. I let out a sigh then payed my focus on the t.v.

*Shawn POV* (an: oooo)

I left the room where Cezanne was in. I tried looking for him but he was no where to be found, that was until I saw Camila.

"Camila!" I yelled out her name. Joel then turned around to look at me and left the building.

"Oh hey Shawn. Long time no see." She smiled. Whoa she's still very beautiful. Wait you're with Cezanne Shawn!

"Yea. Hey what are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

"Yea everything is fine. I just came for a checkup, turns out I came into the wrong building though." She smiled. Aww her smile.

"Oh okay I see."

"Hey I'll catch up with you later." She then gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. "Maybe we can write a song together." She pulled away and winked at me then left. I just stood there and didn't say anything back to her.

Since I lost Joel, I headed back to Cezanne's room. When I entered a nurse was working with her.

"Look Shawn, I can move my arms now!" She said so happily, like if she was a kid at a candy store.

"Good job baby." I smiled at her. Looking at her made me realize that I love her a lot. But now that Camila is single I don't know. During the time when Camila and I were writing the song, I Know What You Did Last Summer, I fell in love with her. I knew that she was with Joel at the time but I didn't care. I was happy that I was with her. Fuck now I'm confused with my feelings. I think if I don't ever see Camila, I'll be fine. I'll just put all my focus and attention to the girl I am with now.

To the girl that now has my heart. To the girl that makes me smile everyday. To the girl I am not ashamed to show off to the world. To the girl that I want to be in my life forever.

*Joel POV*

When I walked out of Cezanne's room, I accidentally bump into Camila. Perfect just what I needed! "I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Its fine, just- oh hey Joel what are you doing here?" She said when she looked up at me.

"Um. I have a friend here and I came to visit her."

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now