chapter 4.

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We just ended to concert and I ran to my dressing room where no one will bother me. I grabbed my phone to turn on my music but as I turn on my phone I see I got two text messages. One from Camila and the other one from an unknown number. I open Camila's message first.

"Hey babe I am so sorry. I won't be able go to your concert tonight. My friends and I are going to hang out tonight. I promise I'll make it up to you. Bye I'll see you tomorrow." She texted. I rolled my eyes and open the unknown number.

"Hey Joel its Cezanne, the girl that you saved at In & Out. I just wanted to say thank you for saving me and kind of risking your life since there was a lot of people are who can also be fans of yours. Anyways once again thank you! -Cezanne ♡
P.s. I am absolutely obsessed with your music! Keep up the good work!!" Oh my God. Cezanne actually texted me !!! Nooo I'm totally not freaking out in my dressing room right now. I smiled at replied to her.

"Sorry I just finish a concert right now but hey no problem. I'm happy I can help. And I would risk my life for you anytime! And that's awesome to hear that you're a big fan of us! Honestly I'm a huge fan of your role in Problem Z. Haven't even missed an episode. Hopefully we get to meet each other properly soon but for now mind if we text each other here and there? If not I understand that your busy." I probably sound like an idiot right now to her but I mean it's worth a shot.

Smiling like an idiot I locked my phone and took a nap before we had to go.


I woke up in my comfy hotel bed. I yawn and checked the time on my phone. I saw that I had two message from Cezanne. I usually don't get any messages in the morning. I mean I have no friends and no one that cares about me.

"Hey I'm sorry I'm answering all late. I was on a "date" yesterday. I'll explain the quotation marks later. And yes of course I'll be happy to talk to you! And darn if I would have know you had a concert today I would of gone ): . Maybe next time. You better reserve me a seat eh? 😂 yay I'm actually happy that I'll be able to talk to my favorite singer! Anyways imma go now since I'm pretty tired and I have some interviews tomorrow. Goodnight Joel!"

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now