chapter 5.

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I decided to text Joel because I wanted to get to know him better. Like I know the basic stuff, well I know what every fan knows about him. Like his name, his birthday, what city he grew up in, his family. You know? But I want to get to know his personality. His real personality.

In the fame world you can be yourself but a lot of celebrities rather not because they want like a little secret for their own. But I try to act myself wherever I go. And I honestly don't care what people think of me. I have a lot of secrets they no one knows but me. Like for example, I own a house on my own. People think I live with my parents and with my brother. I keep my private life private because I need a little bit of privacy.

I can't really explain what I mean. Just think of someone always knowing what you are doing, where you are going, your schedule, everything.

I got a reply a few seconds later saying that he can't since he has an interview. I sighed in disappointed since I really wanted to talk to him.

"Cezanne let's go. We need to start going to our next interview." Rose said.

"I'm coming!" I said nicely. I put my phone away and follow her out.

During the car ride we started talking about whatever came to mind. "So Cece, can you please explain this?" My coworker Brianna asked.

"Um, Shawn and I went on a date yesterday." I said shyly.


"I think that is what she said Rose. Now stop yelling!" Marcus said.

"Details!!" Jasmine added.

"How did you guys meet?" Kianna asked.

"Well we got invited to a private party a while back and Shawn performed there. Thanks to Rose who is always blasting his music and taking me to his concerts, I knew all of his songs and sang along. I guess he noticed me singing along because after he performed he came towards me and we just talked for the rest of the night. Then yesterday we went on a date and that's all." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh my God! Thanks to me you guys are dating." Rose said excitedly.

"Did you guys kiss?!" Lucas said being overprotective.

"No Lucas we didn't." I reassure him.

"Guys we're here." Our driver said. We all got out of the bus and head towards the building. We then head towards our dressing room and changed to the outfits they have left for us. After we got ready we waited until it was our turn.


"And now please welcome the cast of 'Problem Z'!" Ellen said. Everyone in the audience cheered for us when we walked out. Once we reached where Ellen was I gave her a huge hug.

After that we all sat down. "Hi! Welcome." She said.

"Oh my God I just hugged Ellen." I whispered to Marcus.

"Yes you did!" She said then everyone started laughing.

"Oh shoot, I forgot that I'm mic-ed." I said.

"Cezanne is such a huge fan of you." Jasmine said.

"Honestly! There was this one time that we were on set shooting a very dramatic scene and her alarm went off and she ran out and went to her dressing room to watch your show." Kianna explained.

"Oh yea I remember that day. And now because of her we have our one hour break at 3." Rose said. I giggled when she said that.

"Oh that's great to hear! Because I am also a huge fan of your guys show! I mean its so amazing and makes you want to know what's going to happen next. Now I am in the process of watching season 3! So far its better than the other two seasons!"

"Yea I think season 3 will be the most unexpected season. I mean there's a lot happening." Jasmine said.

"Wow I want to congratulate you guys because you guys are nominated for 3 Emmy's! That's fantastic."

"We're very excited because we all work very hard to be where we are at right now." Lucas said.

"I bet. Do you guys do your own stunts or does someone else does them for you guys?"

"Well it usually depends. We usually do them cause we're not afraid. But if its something crazy that might cause us loose our lives, we have a professional do it who knows what they're doing." Lucas said.

"Just to be clear, the director doesnt want anybody do deadly stunts. What Lucas is trying to say stunts that might give us a concussion or something like that." Marcus said.

"Makes sense now. We ran out of time. But stay tune because after the break we are going to play a game."


After the interview I wanted to go home and relax. "Cezanne where are you going?" My manager asked.


"Uh no you're not. We need to look for an outfit for your date with Shawn tonight." She said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her car.

"But I don't want to go!"

"I don't care! You are coming with me!" I then bite her arm so she can let go of me. I started running towards a coffee shop that I knew. That place is pretty private which is great. I sat down far away from the entrance but close enough so I can see who comes in the door. Just soon after a boy comes in.

*Joel POV*

After the interview we headed back to our waiting room preparing for us to sing. "Joel I have a question." Erick said.

"What is it?" I mumbled.

"Why don't you kill yourself already. I mean you are really useless and nobody in the band likes you, damn nobody in general likes you."

"Verdad?" Zabdiel said while Christopher laughs in the background. I looked at Richard who looked disappointed but didn't backed me up.

"Here let me help you. What do you prefer? A gun or a knife?" Christopher said. I can't believe they are actually saying this to me right now. I quickly ran out of the building and started running. Running with tears running down my face.

I wish it was the middle of the night right now, because some fans spotted me. Out of breath I started running again. This time I stopped at a near coffee shop. I sat down at a booth where there was no windows. Once I noticed the fans continued running away, I relaxed.

"Joel?" I heard a sweet female voice said. I looked up and saw someone who actually made me happy. Cezanne.

an: guys im writing a Christmas book. I really want to publish it this year since I didn't last and I changed like all of it and I like it and its almost Christmas idk. imma do it btw im currently writing chapter 8 on this book. So far so good haha .

Published: november 21st @ 11:50 pm (just too see how long you guys have been waiting)

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now