Chapter 21.

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Shawn is so amazing I freaking swear. He's been taking me out a lot since he doesn't want me to be bored at home. But I sometimes don't like going out because its harder to get by and go through paparazzi. At least they're still getting pictures of us because you know, its a fake relationship.

Now I am wondering are we still faking or is it real? I mean when we're in public we have to be all cuddly or you know stuff like that. But when we're not around the cameras we still have fun with each other. But I don't know if its just to make us feel more comfortable with each other or what.

Now I'm starting to hate this fake relationship because it is preventing me from having a real one. Hm who knows, if I wasn't in this relationship right now, I would have been with Joel.

We haven't been talking recently because I'm busy with work, therapy, meetings, interviews and all that stuff and him. Well I honestly don't know what he's up to. Yes I must admit I miss him so much right now but I need to loose my feelings for him because I know he will move on eventually and leave me there broken hearted.

Yes I know Joel likes me because he makes it so obvious. I mean the things he does like cooking for me, taking care of me, making me laugh and smile. Ugh. Fuck I miss him.

Right now I'm currently with Shawn at the park just relaxing with nature. "Feels so nice doesn't it?" He asked me.

"Yes it really does. But at the same time it's getting really boring." I said with a laugh. He chuckled back and he continued pushing me around. I can almost walk now. A couple days ago I took my first steps. It was pretty exciting. Hopefully today will be my last therapy. Well not today but hopefully in a week or so I'll be completely fine.

"You have therapy today don't you?" He asked.

"Yea at four." I simply said.

"Okay its 2:37 you want to eat before we go?"

"Sure." I said. He then pushed me out the car. I slowly stood up but Shawn picked me up and carried me to put me inside the car. I thank him with a smile and he smiled back giving me a kiss on the cheek. I looked over to my right and saw there are paparazzi there taking pictures of us. You see what I mean? I honestly don't know if its real or not.

We end up going to in and out. This place brings back memories. "Remember we came here at like 1 in the morning after filming Shawn?" I asked him.

"Haha yea. It was totally worth it stay up with you." He said with a smiled. The guy then came to get our order. When Shawn was ordering for us, I got a phone call from my manager.

"Yes?" I said with a little bit of an attitude.

"Cezanne I need you to come here as soon as possible because we need to talk to you." She said.

"Well I have a doctors appointment at 4 can it wait till I'm done?"

"Hold on let me talk to them." I heard some whispers going on, on the other line. "Yes but right afterwards you must come to my office understand."

"Yes." I said rolling my eyes after that I hanged up on her.

"Who was that babe." Shawn asked.

"My manager. She said that she needs to talk to me." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"About what?"

"I honestly don't know." The lady who was working the l at the drive through then have us our meal and we ate it on our way over there.


After the doctors appointment, we stated heading over where my manager works at. Update on my appointment I can officially walk now but with the help with Shawn or someone so I can hold their arm. But yay!

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now