chapter 7.

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I woke up the next day in Joel's arms. I'm having trouble remembering what happened last night. Oh yea. Wow we had a nice night yesterday. We got closer to each other, maybe a little to close. I tried to get out of his grip but he's too strong. I sighed and decided to be there until he wakes up.

"Good morning Cezanne." He said in his morning voice. Wow I just found another thing that I like about him.

"Good morning Joel. I was going to make you breakfast but I'm kind of trapped in your arms." I said. He then quickly let go of me.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I didn't -"

"Its fine Joel." I then got up and head to my closet. I realized that I am still wearing my clothes that I had on yesterday.

I grabbed my black sweats and a white tank top. I quickly changed in my closet. When I got out realized that he's not in my room. I put of my sandals and quickly went downstairs hoping to find him there.

"I decided to start on breakfast." He said. Fuck man he needs to stop. I smiled at him and helped him with breakfast.

While we were eating I started to think that this is becoming real. He knows me now. He's not only my celebrity crush, he's becoming my real crush. I'm not allowed to like another guy because I'm forced going out with Shawn. Ugh speaking of Shawn I need to tell him asap. We promised that we'll back each other up whenever we like someone. I'll tell him later if we're forced to do something.

"Are you okay? You are just staring into space." He smiled.

"Yes. I am I'm sorry. I just can't believe that you are here with me." I said. 

"Honestly so can't I." I smiled at him and we continued eating.

Joel's pov

After we ate and cleaned up. We went up to her room again and watch more movies. She was laying in my arms. Every second that ticks by, I am falling more and more and more in love with her. No one has ever been this nice to me since I've gotten famous. Honestly when I am with her, I feel like an underdog who got the girl. Like what Niall from One Direction sings in Truly Madly Deeply. She makes me so happy and safe and protected when I am with her. Yes it hasn't even been 24 hours that I have met her but man. I'm just a kid in love.

I got a text message from someone. "Sorry Cezanne. If someone texts me it must be important." 

"It's fine. I'm going to go use the restroom." Once she left I all of a sudden I felt empty. I checked my phone and read the text.

Camila: Joel we have to hang out right now. Meet me at the mall please !

I locked my phone and put my phone down. Honestly I'm so sad that I'm going to leave her. "Who was that?" She asked as she came out of the restroom.

"I have to go hangout with my girlfriend right now." I quietly said. I looked up at her and she seemed heartbroken. Wait why does she look like that? Does she like me? Please tell me she does. "Not my actual girlfriend. We're forced to be in a relationship Cez." I said.

"Oh I understand. I'm in a relationship with Shawn. Who's your girlfriend?" She asked.

"I thought you were a fan." I said trying to be all hurt.

"Joel I am! But I haven't been all caught up with the fandom recently because I'm so focused on my work." We walked out of her room and started to head downstairs.

"Haha its fine and its Camila Cabello from 5h." (I know she isn't in 5H anymore but here she is okay? Okay haha ❤)

"Oh. She's pretty." She said.

"And Shawn is more popular and handsomer and a better singer than me." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Yea but there's something special that you have that he doesn't." She said.

"And that is?" She was about to speak when my phone rang. "Son of a - Hello?" I answered.

"Hurry I'm here all alone." Camila said.

"Ugh ya voy." I hung up and looked at Cezanne. "Thank you." I wanted to kiss her cheek but I decided to wait. Or should I? I quickly learned over and kissed her cheek and left her house.

an: sorry for a short chapter!! Published: november 26 @ 10:24pm

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now