Chapter 11.

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I honestly don't remember what happened last night. I just remember drinking and then everything else is a blur. My phone rang once which scared me and then my head started to hurt. I couldn't open my eyes since it was too bright in my room. I started to look for my phone with my hands and I found it. I went under the covers to block out the light and open the message.

It was from Cezanne.

We then started texting each other. I was so stupid to ask him about Shawn. It does seems like she likes him. Hm wouldn't be surprise that she fell all over him. He's a million times better than me. She's two million times better than me so I don't know why I thought I had a chance with her.

I then lean over from my bed and saw there was a bottle of Vodka there. It was half way empty. Hm it'll be ashamed if that went to waste. I then open the bottle and started to drink. She then texted me "Thanks (:" I then typed her back and continue drinking.

What felt like hours I finally got up and head to the restroom. I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed some Advil for my headache. I took out two and put them in my mouth. I walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and drank them. I went to go brush my teeth & after I did someone came into my room.

"Baby! I'm here." I heard Camila's voice. She then came inside the restroom. She crossed her arms and just smiled. "You're barely getting up huh?"

"Yea." I said still raspy voice. "Camila what happened last night?"

"I kind of knew you won't remember. There was a party near by so you and I went. There was alcohol involved and you drank. Like a lot. Which I don't mind because you're so adorable when you were drunk. Haha so like once you got too drunk we came back to your room and.." She then paused.


"And we kind of had sex last night." She said. My heart just crushed to the floor. Hopefully I or her put on a condom. I walked up to her and hugged her. You guys don't really know what Camila and I have been through. I then started to kiss her all over her face and eventually I kissed her on the lips multiple times.

"I love you Camila. Thank you for everything." I said. (an: just a reminder he still kind of drunk but not drunk enough that he'll forget about this)

"You're welcome Joel. And Thank you for being the most amazing forced boyfriend ever." She said with a smile. I then smashed my lips against her and we moved back to my bed. I ended being on top of her. I helped her take off her shirt and she helped me with my and seconds later we we're there naked once again on my bed.

"I love you so much Joel." She whispered.

"I love you more." And I don't think you want to know what happened next.


Being in bed all day was amazing. Its now night time. Probably close to midnight. Camila was here laying her head on my chest. She looked so beautiful. I kissed her forehead and a smiled slowly appear on her face. My phone than ring so I grabbed my phone that was on my nightstand and checked it.

Cezanne: You're the jerk Joel. Don't you ever talk to me again.

I'm so confused. I checked to previous message that I sent.

Me: Cezanne you should be with me. We belong together. I'm more better than him. He's just a jerk who once took MY girlfriend and a player cause he just left her and a fuckboy cause I assumed he raped her. And now he's taking you. The love if my life away. You're so dumb for not realizing this. You belong to ME! You and Camila belong to ME. You guys are mine mine miiiineeeee

Fuck. She must hate me now. Ugh no no no no! Fuck!!

"Who was that babe?" Camila asked quietly.

"Just someone in the past now." Why did that hurt to say? She then kissed me and went back to sleep.

"Camila. I'm going to go talk to Richard really quick. I'll be back." I then quickly put on some clothes and head over to his apartment. I knocked on it multiple times before he opened it.

"Oh God Joel why are you up so late?" He asked.

"Richard. I fucked up. I'm confused. I need help." He then let me in his apartment and I totally forgot that he shares with Christopher. He was up on his phone. We just started at each other then he smiled.

"Hey." He said.


"Do you mind if Chris is here or can you wait until tomorrow."

"I don't mind." I said still looking at him. I then looked away and sat on the chair that was next to Christopher's bed.

"Okay what's up what happened."

"Long story short. Last night I went to a party with Camila and I got really drunk and she said we did it last night and I don't know if I put on a condom or not and like this morning Cezanne texted me it was going good until I got all heartbroken and started drinking again and then I send this very offensive text and I didn't know until she just texted me right now. And oh shit by the way I did it again with camila and again I don't remember if I put on a condom. I probably didn't which means she might get pregnant fuck Richard I don't know what to do!" I said trying not to have tears fall.

"Damn. Who knew little joel wasn't so innocent and is a little fuckboy. I like it I like it." Christopher said.

"Shut up Chris. Fuck Joel. You really did fuck up. If you got Camlia pregnant you're screwed. Because one. You're going to be a teen father. That's like another full time job there and Two. You just ruined your chance with Cezanne. After everyone finds out this happened. I don't think she will want to be with you and she'll just stay with Shawn or go with someone else."

"Hey Joel. Want to hang out tomorrow? You guys became my favorite." Christopher smiled. Fuck.

an: december 19 2017 @ 9:30 am.
finals week, pray for me

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now