Chapter 19.

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I am back in Miami and I honestly hate it here. No I obviously don't hate the place but I hate working here. I mean why not just stay in L.A. where other artist go and record their stuff? I don't know, I.just hate being so far away from Cezanne.

After I went to my apartment to stuff, I went to the studio to record our new stuff. "Joel Pimentel de Leon. Where have you been this whole week? We have stuff to do! A lot of stuff and with you not being here we can't accomplish anything!" Our manager said.

"Joel we need to teach you these dance moves." One of the dance instructors said.

"No you cant teach him anything cause he needs to record his part of the song first!" One of the guys said.

"Well you need to hurry cause he has an interview to go to in 3 hours." Ugh! Joel this Joel that! Fuck I shouldn't have left but if I didn't, who knows if I would still be here in this cruel world right now.

First I record the stuff I needed to record. Honestly I like the song. Its really catchy. Then I went to the interview where I was greeted by the boys. Well where they were, they didn't greet me. And that is where I am right now.

"Ugh donkey face is back." Erick said.

"Who's donkeyface? Oh him? Nah that's shit face, cause he has the color of shit." Christopher said.

"Should I also be offended?" Asked Richard.

"Nah. You have the color of creamy chocolate. Mmmm." Then they all laughed.

"Hey boys? Please follow me." A lady said. We did what she asked us to do. We waited in the entrance. Once they called out our names we head out and went to the place where they were going to interview us.

"Hola Chicos! I'm so happy you guys were able to be here." The host said.

"Its honestly nice to be here Leo." Richard said.

"So, to whoever doesn't know you guys, they are the most talented Latino boy band right now. Its amazing to see how much you guys have accomplish and grow as a band. So was it difficult to reach to the spot you guys are at now?"

"Well it was a dramatic change for all of us. I mean one day you were just having a normal life then all of a sudden you're recording your own music for your own album. Which is cool. And well yes it has been difficult I think especially for Joel since he didn't really spoke Spanish in the beginning." Erick said. I don't know why but I feel embarrassed.

"Is that true Joel?" Leo asked.

"Yes. But I am learning everyday and practicing. I'm not very comfortable speaking it yet hut I do when I have to."

"I have to agree with you. My Italian isn't that perfect either. Haha. So aren't you dating Camila Cabello from 5H?" He asked me.

"We were dating. We decided not to date anymore because there wasn't any point of dating since we barely got to see each other. But we still talk to each other whenever we can."

"That sucks. Do you miss her? Because I heard you guys Loved each other." Ugh I have to lie.

"Yes of course I miss her. The time we spent together, it has made me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Shes so talented and beautiful and amazing but I know our decision was for the best."

"Joel is already seeing people though." Christopher said.

"Really? Who is he seeing?" Leo asked.

"Her name is Cezanne Lopez. As a matter a fact he left a week just to be with her. But she has a boyfriend, Shawn Mendes. Someone who is much better than him. But I don't know Leo. Something seems fishy around here. As a matter a fact I think he loves Cezanne. After a few days after splitting with Camila." He said. I swear I am going to kill him one day.

"W-wha-. I'm sorry we ran out of time. Stay tune because Bruno Mars will be performing next." Once the cameras were all off, we started walking to the parking lot. While we were walking Christopher was saying shit about me like always. I can't handle this anymore.

Once we got out of the building, screaming fans were waiting for us. Whole security was making rooms for us to walk through, Christopher continued saying shit. "Joel is such a manwhore and Cezanne is a crippled hoe. Hm maybe they are for each other after all." That is when I had it. I turned around and punched him in the jaw. Girls started to scream and the backed away.

I then continue punching him where ever I knew it will hurt. When I got him on the ground I got over him and punched him multiple times in the face. "DONT YOU EVER TALK ABOUT CEZANNE AND I LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN! I HATE YOU!" I yelled at him. Security then pulled me off of him and seated me in the car. I looked up to see which security guard it was and it was Kevin.

"What the fuck Joel? What the hell just happened?" He semi-yelled.

"I can't. I can't do this anymore. I'm - fuck!"

"Joel! What happened?" He asked once again.

"What happened? You're asking what happened? Kevin! You know damn well how he has been treating me since the band has been created. Always picking on me and making me feel bad about myself. And right now, he just ruined my reputation. Now everyone thinks I'm a manwhore now. A cheater on Camila." Well that part is true. "And now he is talking shit about one of my close friends? That one who has helped me with this whole mess? You really think I am not going to do anything about this? Move I'm walking home." I said pushing him away. He moved aside since I obviously can't push a big security guard.

I can't do this anymore. Soon it will be all over. I want this to be over soon. I find myself at a nearby bridge. I climb over the rails and sat there while my feet dangle down. Just one fall and it will be over. I closed my eyes and let the cool air refresh my face. While I had my eyes closed I started to think about Cezanne.

"Promise you'll be back?" She said.

"I promise."

"Please don't do it." I heard a soft voice say. I looked up and saw a beautiful red head girl with beautiful long hair and eyes. Oh no Joel.

"I-i won't." She then got closer to me and helped me back to the sidewalk. I accidentally tripped making me fall on her. "I'm so sorry."

I then got up and helped her up. "Haha it's fine. I'm just happy that you decided not to jump. Now if you don't mind telling me, what's wrong? Do you need to talk about?" She asked. Wow she's so sweet. I nodded and we started walking. While we were walking to who knows where, I told her everything.

"Wow I swear once I see those people especially that Chris guy imma beat his ass up even more. I'm sorry, what's your name?"

"Joel. Joel Pimentel." I said looking at her big brown eyes.

"Hello Joel, I'm Maddie Brown. Do you want a cup of coffee or something?"

"Sure but I'll pay." I said. She playfully rolled her eyes but agreed. After we had a cup of coffee we went to a nearby park and played on the swings. Afterwards we went to a nearby restaurant to eat something. And that is how my day was spent. Spending time with my new friend Maddie.

an: oo yess baby yess you go ahead and hit Christopher yasss king! lol remember this is a fanfic so its not real and i absolutely love Christopher as well, obviously not more than Joel hes my #1, anyways i don't hate any of the guys it just make sense cause Chris is older.  

published on January 17 @ 9:13 pm 

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