Chapter 38.

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"I'm sorry Cezzy," Charlie said putting down the sunflowers on my bed as he came closer to me. "But you are going to be with him for a while." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"He's okay. He just got shot in the arm." Shawn said. A huge relief went through me. 

"Can I see him?" Charlie then got up and headed out the door leaving Shawn and me alone.

"Sorry for punching you," I told him once again.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I should have held on to you tighter," He said which made me smile a bit. "Cezanne do you want to explain why you broke your phone?"

"Well, it's nothing now compared to this. But what happened is that Rossy did an interview saying that I was fake, the worst person in the world because I took you away from her, that I was being a little bitch to her because I didn't get the leading role. After that, I checked my twitter and it was full of hate and it just got to me and well that's why I threw my phone because I was upset." I told him.

"Oh my God Cez, you do know you are the opposite of that right? You are not a fake, you are the most loyal person I know, well sometimes." He chuckled which made me giggle a bit, "You are not the worst person in the world, I think that's Donald Trump's title." He laughed lightly which made me also. Guys that comment was funny! "And I am sure you weren't being a little bitch for not getting the leading role, I am sure you were very much grateful for Yasmine. Cez honestly you shouldn't be paying attention to the haters, it's just bullshit what they are saying. They don't know the real you. Which really sucks because the real you is phenomenal." He said. I smiled at him and thank him. just seconds later Joel came in with a cast on his right arm.

"Hey Cez," He said with a huge smile on his face. I tried to get out of my bed but loads of pain went throughout my body. "I'm coming to ya." He then came towards and hugged me.

"Sorry to interrupt but Cezanne!! I'm going to need your help once you feel better obviously. I just came up with a song idea." Charlie said.

"Haha okay." I then looked at Joel who doesn't look hurt. No bruises, no black eyes, no bandages, just that cast on his shoulder.

"What are you looking at?" He said with a smile.

"Nothing, just surprised that you didn't get hurt other than that. How– what happened?"

"I had a gun with me the whole time. All those gunshots you heard, they came from me, and some from Christopher."

"Not that I care or anything but what happened to Christopher? Did he go to jail or—"

"We don't need to worry about that." He said cutting me off. I just nod.

"Cez, I have a question for you." Shawn asked.


"So Macy was like ranting to me about how she was scared that you wouldn't want to do the movie anymore. Well I'm going to be honest with you, she also said how she doesn't like you anymore cause she found out that Joel left, um what's her name? Oh Maddie. She's mad that Joel left Maddie for you and-"

"Maddie? Wait why will she be- oh wait. Oh okay. Go on." I said remembering how Maddie and Macy are related.

"Anyways my point is she's going to come and ask you if you want to take time off or go straight back to work, but my advise is to quit. I'm sorry but I know how much you love acting and being in front of the camera entertaining people but quit. Take a break for a while and sigh up for a new industry later on."  Shawn said.

I started to think about it and maybe I should quit. I mean Joel technically isn't in a band anymore since its all torn apart now, so I'm sure he won't be doing anything right now and if I quit, I can finally get my freedom back.

"Plus if you want to go to college or anything at all you can always come to us if you need money." He added.

"I'm getting a new manager." Charlie said out of nowhere.

"I'm quitting, I've lost so many things just to do this shitty job. I lost my proms, I've lost my homecomings, I've lost high school graduation ceremony, so many other things. I want to be normal once again." I said.

"Me too." Joel said while looking down at me.

It was a silent room now until someone knocked on the door. Charlie went to open it then close it quickly before I saw who it was. The person then open the door.

"That was quite rude of you Charlie." Macy said.

"I just finished talking to my agency and I am requesting a new manager." Charlie said glaring at Macy. Macy then rolled her eyes at him then looked at me and smiled.

"Cezanne I hope you feel better. So do you want to go back tomorrow or the next day, cause phew we have lots to work on." She said immediately.

"I quit."

"What?" She began to stutter a bit, "You can't quit."

"I just did right now."

"Fine who needs you anyways. You're just a little bitch who's still trying to get fame." She then storm out of my bedroom. I rolled my eyes but I started to smile. I'm done. I'm free again!

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked.

"I'm more than okay. I have freedom once again!" Then the rest of them smile once again.

"So now that you're free what are planning to do?" Joel asked.

"Move back to L.A.. Maybe go to college? Haha I don't know."

"One step at a time princess." Joel said.

"Whenever you want to you're welcome to come on tour with me." Shawn said.

"No with me!" Charlie yelled which made me laugh.

I'm starting be thankful for Christopher. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been here. I would of been going on my way to work about now. Dang. Thank you Chris.

an: yesss Cezanne

Sorry for the long wait my loves! But I hope you enjoyed it

Chapter 29 part 1 is crazy

Published on April 7th 2018 @ 9:38 pm

Ily -tinna

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now