Chapter 39 part 2

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"Sir you have to go now. She's about to give birth." The nurse said. He looked away and follow the nurse. Wait I thought Joel was the father. Or Wait. I'm confused.

I stayed in the hospital for about an hour. I got bored so I went to the cafeteria to see what they have. I grabbed a chocolate pudding and sat down at a table. My phone started to ring right when I opened my pudding.

"Yes?" I said knowing it was Charlie was calling.

"Um Cezanne." He said through the phone.

"What happened Charlie?"

"Uh well your house is on fire."

"WHAT?!" I yelled but some nurses hushed me.

"April Fool's! Haha." He laughed.

"What the hell Charlie. It's not even April first."

"It's still April. Anyways where are you?"

"In the hospital."

"There now no time for jokes." He said seriously.

"No I really am in the hospital. But it's not for me. I'm waiting for Joel. His baby is on the way. Or maybe Shawn's."

"What do you mean?"

"Shawn is here also with her."

"Oh my God. Hi Cezanne!" A teenage girl said.

"Hold on Charlie," I said to him. "Hi there." I smiled.

"You are my idol. Oh my God. I can't believe I'm here with you. Can I please take a picture with you?" She asked.

"Of course." She then pulled her phone out and we took a picture.

"I know you are done with the whole filming thing or whatever. But I really hope sometime in the future you go back. I miss seeing you on my t.v. haha. Whenever I see you on my t.v. screen my day gets so much better. The reason why I am still here in the shitty world is because you're here. I love you so much Cezanne." She then gave me another tight hug. "Anyways thank you." She the pulled away and smiled.


"What happened?" Charlie asked.

"A fan came up to me and told me how much I mean to her. I think I want to go back to acting."

"I think you should wait a while Hun. I mean yes continue acting only if it makes you happy."

"You right."

"Start of by modeling for my music video."

"Oo which song?"

"Mm maybe done for me since you sang it."

"I guess so."

"Guys Cezanne Lopez is here!" I heard a deep voice say I looked up and I see paparazzi running towards me.

"Charlie I got to go. Paparazzi is running towards me and I have no security." Before he said anything I hung up and started running.

"Wait wait wait!" I said as I run towards the elevator. The person stick their hand out and let me in.

"Hi Cezanne." I heard someone say. I turned and smiled.

"Hey Kylie! Oh my God is this little stormi?" I asked while stroking the baby's cheek.

"Yea. She's adorable isn't she?"

"Of course. How you've been Kylie?" I said now giving her a hug.

"You know. Busy but happy. How about you? What are you doing here?"

"Mm well you know Joel right?"

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now