chapter 3.

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"It was every nice meeting you Cezanne. Really I'm so happy we'll become best friends."

"Likewise I can't wait to go to your concerts again!" I smiled.

"I also can't wait." He gave each other a friendly hug before I went inside the car. He open the car door for me and I thank him.

"See you later alligator." He chuckled. I smiled at him and he closed the door.

"Ah I see you guys getting along already." My manager said.

"I mean we kind of have to, he's my boyfriend isn't he?" I said once again in my bitchy attitude.

"That's the spirit!" She said with excitement. I rolled my eyes and I put on my music. Once I did "Hey DJ" started playing. I swear every time I put on my music CNCO plays. Maybe its for a reason. Maybe that reason is to text Joel for thanking him. I grabbed the card out of my purse and punch in the number to my phone so I can text him.

Hey Joel its Cezanne, the girl that you saved at In & Out. I just wanted to say thank you for saving me and kind of risking your life since there was a lot of people are who can also be fans of yours. Anyways once again thank you! -Cezanne ♡
P.s. I am absolutely obsessed with your music! Keep up the good work!!

I locked my phone and went to sleep for a little bit. I am finally home. Yes an 18 year old can own a house here in L.A. my house is pretty big for only one person. I mean I literally have 3 extra bedrooms that I don't even use. There's 6 bedrooms in my house. One for me obviously, one for my doggie and the last one is my entertainment room which I'll describe later. The other three are empty. Well except for one which is the guess room.

"Hi Honey!" I said as my tiny golden retriever ran up towards me. "Are you feeling a little bit hungry? Cause I am. Wanna eat?" I said in a baby voice. She jumped up and down with excitement. "Okay let's go eat!" I grabbed her dog food from the cabinet and pour some into her bowl. I also refilled her bowl of water. I then grabbed the ingredients I need to make myself grilled cheese sandwiches.

After I finished eating we went up to my room to watch some television. There was nothing really on today so I turn it on to Netflix and put on the movie 'Can't Buy Me Love' if you haven't watched that movie you should really watch it! During the movie I fell asleep under my blankets.

I woke up by my phone ringing. I groan and see who it was. It was my mom. I happily answer my phone.

"Hi mom. How are you?" I said answering the phone in my sleeping voice.

"Hi sweety. I'm sorry were you asleep?" She said concerned.

"Yes I was, its okay though I need to start getting ready since I'm going out with friends. What's up?"

"Nothing honey just wanted to catch up with you. So tell me what's new."

"What's new? Well I have a boyfriend now apparently, well not yet. We're going out on a 'date' and be sure paparazzi see us together."


"It's an arrange relationship to benefit both the artist and the show." I sighed.

"That's not fair, the director should find his own way to make is own show better not using his workers."

"Right? But I mean its okay though. The guy is pretty nice and we actually get a long quite well." I reassure her.

"Are you guys at least friends?"

"More like best friends. We immediately click to each other." I smiled.

"That's good sweetie. Alright *yawns* I'm starting to get sleepy, its almost 1 am here! Goodness! I'll talk you later Cez. Take care."

"You too mom, tell Lucas I said hi to him."

"Well do!" From there I hanged up. I rolled out of bed and head to my closet. They told me to wear something extra fancy since we're going to a very fancy restaurant.

I grabbed my white lace-y dress that I have been saving for a while. For what? I honestly don't know but I got it just incase. But just a few seconds after I got the dress Shawn texted me to wear something navy blue or blueish. I sighed but put it back and grabbed my navy blue dress.

But first I stared of doing my makeup. I am pretty good at it since my makeup artist on set teaches me tricks and everything. After I was done I quickly just brushed my hair and twisted two pieces, one on each side, then I connected them in the middle on the back of my head. I pulled out my baby hairs that I had in the front to make it more cute. Then I put on my dress. I grabbed my black heals and put them on my bed so I don't forget them. I then put on my diamond earrings and my little diamond cross necklace that my mom gave me before I left. Once I was ready, I jumped onto my bed and watch 'Family Guy' as I waited for him.

After about 15 minutes he came to my house. "Wow you live here?" Shawn asked in awe.

"Yea I do. Pretty big for a tiny person like me huh?" I joked. He smiled and led me to his car. He open the passengers seat and I got in. He then got to his side of the car and started driving to the restaurant.

Throughout the ride we were getting to know each other by the kind of music we listen to. I showed him all this Reggaeton and Latin pop music. And he showed me more of his songs that I haven't heard yet. Once we arrived we were immediately attacked my paparazzi. I looked down so I don't blind myself from the camera flashes. "Here grabbed my arm and I'll push us inside." I did as he said and we made it inside safely.

So much for a fancy restaurant for not having any security around. But then yet I am sure our managers planned it anyways so they can see us together. "You look beautiful by the way." Shawn said.

"Thank you Shawn, you look great also." I smiled at him. We then order our food and started to get to know each other a little more. I'm actually I am going to be stuck with him for a while and not some other jerk.

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now