Chapter 16.

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"Everything will be alright ma'am. Just breathe and keep your eyes open." The parametric said. We then arrived at the hospital where they were. I honestly don't know.

"Cezanne. Oh my god." I looked over and saw Joel next to me.

"Sir please wait in the waiting room." One of the nurses said.

Joel than grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I'll be right here Cez. Please fight through this. I'll never let go." He said. But he did let go of my hand, he stop walking with me and I can see him from a distance until the doors closed.

*Joel's POV*
When I got that phone call, I didn't know what to do. It was like my body was doing things on its own. When I arrived to the scene, Cezanne was about to leave. I went towards her car to grab her phone where she told me she'll leave it. I then went back to the uber and told them to follow the ambulance.

Once I arrived at the hospital, I quickly look for Cezanne and found her. I went towards her and my god she looks horrible but still beautiful.

"Cezanne. Oh my god." I said. She lying in the hospital bed with an oxygen mask on her. She turned over and looked at me with a slight smile.

"Sir please wait in the waiting room." One of the nurses said to me.

I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I'll be right here Cez. Please fight through this. I'll never let go." But one of the nurses pushed me back leaving me behind, making me let go of her. Then of she goes in the distance.

I walk towards the waiting room and sat on a chair. I pulled out my phone, thinking I had to call someone but I didn't. So I put it away, crossed my arms and waited impatiently for her.

"For Cezanne Melanie Lopez." One of the nurses said. I stood up abs walked towards her. "Are you a relative?" She asked.

"I'm her friend. She doesn't have any relatives here." I said.

"Hm okay, well I need you to fill out these forms for me please. And give them to the nurse up front when you're done." I nodded my head and she left.

First I didn't know Cez had a middle name. And secondly I don't know anything medical stuff she has. So I decided to pull out her phone and call her mom. After three rings she answered.

"Hey sweety!" She said in a very happy tone.

"Uh, Mrs. Lopez?"

"Yes who's this and why do you have Cezanne's phone?!" She panicked.

"Um Joel Pimentel. I'm a member of a boy band named CNCO. I'm a friend of Cezanne. I have Cezanne's phone because she got in an accident. She's at the hospital right now. Since I'm the only one here I have to-"

"Oh my god. My baby! Is she okay what happened please tell me she's going to be okay."

"I- I don't know ma'am they haven't said anything. But I'm filling out some paper work and I need some information." She then agreed to give me the information I needed. After I got it she hung up the phone but told me to call her again once I hear from her. I then gave the clipboard to the nurse and sat back down.

I also decided to call Shawn because, well that's her boyfriend and he has a right to know.

"Hey ba-"

"Shawn its joel. Cezanne is in the hospital and I have her phone because she told me to grab it."

"What hospital?"

"Kaiser Permanente hospital."

"I'll be there as soon as possible." He then hung up.

I waited. And waited. And waited. Shawn then came in running up to the nurse at the front desk. "I'm here for Cezanne Melanie Lopez. I'm her boyfriend." Why did that hurt to hear?.

"Okay Mr. Mendes she's out of the operation room. She's in her own room now but no one is able to see her at the moment. But you may wait for her here."

"How much longer until I get to see her?" He asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Okay thank you." He then walked where I was and sat next to me. It was a little awkward. Well it wasn't a little. It was very awkward. I opened my mouth a couple of times but nothing seems to come out. It was quiet until he spoke.

"I hope she's doing okay." He then put his hands in his palms.

"I hope so too." I replied.

"How- why- how did you guys meet?" He asked.

"At an in and out. She was mobbed so I send my security guard to get her back safely to her car. Then later on she texted me to thank me and well yea. From there we talked whenever we could."

"Oh I see. Why did you come to her house last night?"

"She's the only person I trust and I really needed someone to talk to."

"Why her? Don't you have band-mates?"

"Yes." I simply said.

"Well then I think it was really unnecessary for you to come here."

"It really wasn't actually. The guys don't listen to me. As a matter a fact," I then lightly laughed, "they want me to kill myself. They don't really like me."

"Stop lying." He said. I was about to say something but the doctor came in.

"For Cezanne Melanie Lopez?" We both stand up and walked towards him. "Please follow me." We then did exactly what he said to do.

"She's going to be here for a while because she's not capable to walk or move yet. She's not paralyzed but she cant move. She'll be in physical therapy for the next few days until she can move her arms again. Then later on come back to work on her legs. When she goes home she will need help all the time. Day and night. If you guys have any questions please contact me."

We entered the room and I stood still as Shawn approached to her. I don't like seeing her like this. She's always full of life. Always happy, caring, puts a smile on everyone face. Now she looks so pale and sad and ugh. I'm not saying she's ugly. God no. She can't ever be even when she tries. She still the most beautiful girl I have seen. She is still the girl I want to be with.

"Hey babe." Shawn said. I saw Cezanne open her eyes and slightly smile.

"Hey. Where's Joel?" She asked only looking at him.

"He's. Right there." He then looked at my direction and so did Cezanne. Her smile became wider.

"Hey Joel. Thanks for going over there to the scene. Did anyone from work called?" Then her phone started ringing.

"They're calling right now." I then went over there to hand her phone. But then shawn grabbed it and put towards her ear since she can't move her arms that much yet. I was about to leave but Cezanne grabbed my hand making me stay by her side. I looked at Shawn and he looked at our hands. I tried letting go but she held tight. I look at him and his face turned red. Fuck.


btw guys I need a way for Cezanne to hate fame. I have an idea but I want to hear your guys idea also. So leave a comment !

also im a ta and Ta's usually doesn't have anything to do so like expect more updates haha.

published on January 8th 2018 @ 9:11 am (smh i started school again)

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