Chapter 40.

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"Good morning Hubby," I said.

"Good morning Wifey."

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked him as I sat up on my bed.

"I want to eat you." He said pulling back down.

"Hm, I think three kids is enough for now."

"Mommy! Daniel is bothering me again!" My little girl said storming in.

"Daniel stop bothering your little sister!"

"But she's being annoying dad!" He yelled from the other room.

"Mel stop annoying your brother then he'll stop bothering you!" I told my 5 year old daughter.

"Okay mommy." I picked her up and hugged her.

Then my three month old daughter started to cry. I looked at Joel and smiled at him.

"Fine." He then got up and went to the baby who was right across from our bed.

"Mel, what do you want to eat?" 

"Waffles!!" My 5 year old yelled with excitement.

I put on my slippers and went downstairs.

I never imagine my life being like this. Me with the love of my life with three beautiful kids. Daniel is 13 years old. He plays soccer does great in school surprisedly but he also has a passion for music, just like his father. He doesn't perform at school but he does perform here at home whenever he wants to. Daniel actually wrote a song for me, with the help of his dad. It was really sweet and you already know I have that song as my ringtone haha!

Melanie Faith. Or Mel. My little 5 year old. She loves to color and eat blueberry waffles. She's the top of her kindergarten class and she is very intelligent. I think one day she'll become a doctor because she always plays doctor with me. She also loves to sing. Her favorite song at the moment to sing is "How Far I Go" from the movie Moana. 

And finally Amanda Juliet. Or Julie. She's 3 months old. She's really cute and she has green eyes. I have a feeling she will become really popular growing up. Not only popular but also really smart. I want her to be a lawyer or maybe a psychologist. But if she doesn't want to do any of that and wants to be something else I'm okay with that.

Everything is just perfect right now. No drama no bad managers, no more bullying happening. Joel is happy which makes me happy. I can't even describe the love I have for Joel. He's been there for me from the first day he saved me. Ever since that day he never left my side. Yea I was with Shawn and he was with Camila and Maddie but he was always there for me.

Speaking about Camila. Her daughter, Gabrielle Isabelle, or whatever it is, turns out to be Shawn's child. At the time I got mad at Shawn but I guess now we're okay. Shawn and I have been talking here and there. I have to admit I miss him. Not in that way though! Like in I miss the conversations we had. It's not the same as before.

I took Melanie to get an ice cream in the afternoon. Once we got our order we went to the park. Luckily it was kind of empty. Mel and I finished our ice cream first before we go on the playground. I'm still small enough that I fit to go inside the playground and play with her. 

"Mel do you want to go on the swings now?" I asked her.

"Okay only because you like to go on the swings, don't you mommy?" 

"Of course I do." I smiled at her. I held her hand while we walked towards the swings.

"Cezanne?" I heard someone say my name. I stopped my swing and got off. I turned around and saw Shawn in front of me with a teenage girl next to her who seemed to be in tears.

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now