Chapter 9

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"Wake up lazy ass." I head Christopher yell when he walked in my room. I quickly got up because I don't want them to hurt me.

"Joel you're in trouble! You and your little hoe Cezanne." Erick said right in my face. I grabbed his shoulder and push him against the wall.

"Don't you ever call her that!" I said right in his face. He smiled at me.

"Rumors are spreading that she's dating Shawn Mendes. Someone way better and talented then what you are." I then let go of erick.

"You're lying Christopher."

"Either way you shouldn't be with her since you're with Camila. Oh Camila who cheated on you with Shawn Mendes. Remember?"

"I don't care. You guys know that Camila and I aren't a real thing."

"Mhm that's not what you said back then when you were crying like a little girl that whole week."

"You know what Erick shut up or I'll -"

"You mess with him you'll mess with me." Christopher said while he pulled out his pocket knife.

"Get out so I can get ready." For once they did as what I ordered. Honestly I can't believe Christopher actually pulled out his pocket knife at me. I need to get away from this band as soon as possible. They all hate me so why stay? Why stay and continue to live with demons?

I heard a little knock after I got dressed. I went towards the door and it was Richard. He's has been the nice one to me these past years. But only when were alone. When he's with the other guys, he's an ass. "Hey buddie. Can I talk to ya please." He asked.

"Uh. Yea sure. Come in."

"I want to let you know I'm sorry the way I have been treating you. Fuck how the whole band has been treating you. Honestly they're just jealous of you. They complain about it all the time. I honestly don't know why they're trying to ruin you. Youre honestly the most forgiving, honest, trustworthy, nicest guy I have met. I feel so bad and so much guilt building inside me when I am with them instead of you. I promise you I'll try my best to change. I don't like how I am right now. I want to be nicer to you but still be friends with them. Fuck why can't we all just get along?"

"Its okay Richard. Really. Don't need to apologize. You're the only one who has been nice to me. I appreciate that a lot."

"Joel if you ever need anything. Just tell me." He then gave me a hug and left. Whoa. That was weird. I try to ignore it and continue with my day.

Today has been really weird. When I say weird I mean weird. We didn't do much. Mainly unpacking our stuff. But once we were done Zabdiel invited me to play video games with Erick and Richard, since Christopher wasn't having it. Now I'm noticing that its him who is against me and making my life miserable. But why?

After we play we went to go eat and explore Miami a little more. Again they're extremely nice. A couple of fan spotted us and then reality hits me. The fans were telling me shit. Not all but a few. I try to ignore it and just pay attention to the loyal ones. Ugh I really don't want to do this anymore. Traveling, getting attack, getting love, getting hate, waking up early in the morning, getting picked on etc. I just want to be a normal guy again. I'm tired of this. But then yet if I wasn't doing this. Cezanne would of never talked to me. So at the same time I'm happy I have the opportunity to do this.

"Let's watch some t.v. shall we?" Christopher said. We all agreed and now we were watching Saturday Night Live with Jimmy Fallon. Surprisedly Cezanne and her crew was on.

"I am so glad that you guys are here." Jimmy said.

"Well thank you for inviting us." Marcus said.

"So wow! Season 3 is so dramatic. This season is so good that my wife and I finished it in like two days. You guys are so young yet so talented."

"I think the most talented one is Cezanne since she's the youngest one and her acting is on point." Rose said.

"Yes I remember in the first season my character was so mean to her and she started crying. And mentally I was oh my god did I just made her cry? And later off of set I went up to her and asked her if she was alright and she's like yea I was just acting." Kianna said.

"Wait Cezanne is it true that you and Shawn are dating? Or at least have a thing going on?" Jimmy asked her. The camera zoomed in to her while her friends were "ooo"ing at her. She was blushing.

"Yea we're dating." She said with a smile.

"Really? So you are confirming here that you guys are official?" He asked.

"Yes we're official. He's actually here right now waiting. Is he performing tonight?"

"As a matter of fact yes he is. So how is he like?"

"He's the sweetest, handsomest, amazing person I have ever met. I like him. A lot."

"Awww." Her friends all said. Honestly I'm dying inside. I feel like an idiot for kissing her. But if they're going out, why didn't she stop me from kissing her? Ugh I'm so confused but you know what it doesn't matter anymore.

"Oi. Sorry Joel. Guess you're not good enough for her." Chris said.

"She's just a friend. I'm dating Camila and I would never cheat on her like she did with me."

"Then where were you last night? Before you went out with Camila. Because I know for sure you didn't go back to the hotel since we had to pack your stuff." Chris said.

"Chris calm down. We were in L.A. I'm sure he went out with family or slept over there since you always make him feel uncomfortable" Richard said backing me up.

Chris just looked at him and then back to me. "Tomorrow I want you to go kill yourself. If not I'll do it for you." I heard Erick and Zabdiel laugh in the background. I got up and head towards the door.

"I might even do it today just to please you." I said.

"That will be amazing!" I then left his apartment and head to mine.

I then started to think why would I want to make him happy if he's making me miserable.

an: ooo double update !

published december 10, 2017 @ 11:23 pm

btw y'all gunna love the next chapter and chapter 11 I believe it was

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now