Chapter 33 .

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It was about 5am when I was knocking on my door. About a few minutes Charlie answer the door. "Go straight to bed. Shawn's sleeping and we need to talk when you wake up." He said. I scoffed at him.

"You're not my dad Charlie." I pushed him with my shoulder as I walked inside and went to bed. I took off his sweater and held on to it as I fell asleep.

I woke up around 2pm. I let out a yawn as I stretched. I smiled when I remember what happened last night.

It was really nice that Joel and I are in good terms. We spent the whole night talking, making each other laugh and kisses here and there.

I rolled off my bed and head downs stairs to eat breakfast. Or lunch. Whatever. When I got to the kitchen I grabbed a strawberry yorgurt and a spoon. Before I head out I heard a conversation going on.

"Like what the hell is wrong with her Charlie? One minute she hates him so she comes crawling on me then when she sees Joel again she goes back to him."

"She's probably confused on her feelings."

"I bet she isn't. She's just using me to give her attention." Shawn said. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. I didn't want to hear the conversation anymore.

When I went inside my room, my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Cezanne your first day of work is starting mañana. Its the movie you audition for. Anyways do you want me to drive you over there or do you want to drive over there?"

"I'll drive over there. Um what time do I have to be there?"

"5 am. You can come in your pajamas if you'll like. Your outfits are here anyways."


"Alrighty I'll see you tomorrow." I then hung up and threw my phone next to me.

"Cezanne uh Shawn has to go." Charlie said.

"Oh um does he want me-"

"I think it's best if you stay here."

"Okay well tell him I said to stay safe." He nod and left.

Since I don't want to be here alone, I decided to go shopping for furniture since I have an extra room. I went inside the empty room and walked around to examine around. I stand in the middle and started brainstorming what I should buy and where it should go. Okay for sure we are getting a TV and putting it on the wall. Or should I get a projector? That is when an idea came up to my head. I went to the garage and grabbed a tape measure and started measuring the room. Once I got my measurements I went upstairs to get ready.

After I shower, I put on a yellow knitted turtle neck and a black skirt. I put on long black socks the goes right below my knees and put on my black combat boots. I went to my bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

Once I finished I Google a near IKEA store. Wait do they have that in Florida? Anyways I typed 'nearest furniture store' once I got the address I went to my car and drove over there while my friend Google gave me directions. When I got there an employee came up to me.

"Hello miss, can I help you with something?"

"Yes actually. I'm looking for sofas pillows blankets a projector."

"Alrighty follow me." I then followed him around.

He helped me find the things I need and wanted. I thank him as I left with some of the things I bought. The rest will come in soon.

When I arrived home I set the stuff down in the empty room and went to the kitchen to cook dinner. I decided to make spaghetti. I got the things I need to cook the meal.

It was now time for me to go to bed since I have to wake up early tomorrow. I copied and paste the address that Macy sent me to Google. I see that it was an hour and half away. I groan because that means I have to leave my house at 3 am. Well if I sleep now I will get at least 6 hours of sleep or maybe 5. I went downstairs to make sure everything is lock and the lights are off. Once I did I went back to my room. I closed the two gray wooden doors and went to bed. I cuddled my pillow and fell asleep.

Or at least I tried to.

"Ugh!" I then grabbed my phone and put on some music to help me fall asleep. And thankfully it did. Kind of. I woke up 5 minutes earlier before my alarm.

Really? I could of been sleeping for five more minutes! I rolled off of bed and put on a warm sweater. I put on my pink fluffy slippers and head downstairs. I grabbed my keys and went to the garage where my car was at.

I should of dressed up nice to make a good first impression but its whatever. Before I arrived I went to Starbucks to get a coffee. Afterwards I arrived at the studio and parked where it had my name on it. I got out with my coffee and I was greeted by my manager.

"Good morning Cezanne." Macy said.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Okay so follow me and we will get you prepared." I then follow her inside the studio. There's a lot of people here already. All dressed in black running around getting things ready. Macy led me to a room where it had everything I need for today.

"Okay so you will be trying this on to see if it fits. If it doesn't make sure to tell me. Oh my god I'm pretty excited! Aren't you?"

"Kind of. Can you tell me what the movie is about?"

"Its about a teenage girl trying to fit in since she just moved. She was pretty popular back at her old school so when she goes to her new school, everyone starts drooling over her. She is smart, athletic, pretty and everyone wants to be her friend. There's this boy who as well is popular but he has a girlfriend. Once that guy is taking to the new girl the other girl makes a plan to-"

"Ruin her life." I interrupted.

"To kill her actually. Hi Cezanne I'm Giovanni or Gio for short. I'm the director of the movie." I stood up to shake his hand.

"Hi it's nice to meet you too." I smiled.

"I'm so excited to be working with you. So do you have any questions about anything."

"Um who's the cast?" I asked.

"Today we are not filming so we will be rehearsing your lines and everything. And if it goes well we might film the beginning part today. Actually," he then looked at his watch, "why won't you follow me we are about to start in five minutes." I looked at Macy who nodded so I followed him with her behind me.

"You will be sitting right there. The script and everything you need is there." He pointed where I am going to sit at. I say down and a little after someone sat down next to me. I looked up and I couldn't believe who it was.

"Hi. I'm Shawn- oh."

an: BRUHH REALLY SHAWN WAS ON TOUR THOUGH! jk he's off tour now and now he is there with Cezanne 

published on March 13 2018 @6:29 pm


Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now