Chapter 26.

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I heard someone's phone ring. I was too tired to answer it so I kept my eyes closed. I guess it was Joel's phone since he answered it. "Hold on." He gently moved me off of him but I helped him by moving myself off. He then left the room and closed the door leaving a little opening. I didn't want to eardrops but I kind of listen what Joel was saying.

"Hey Maddie- whoa what? No-wait stop yelling. Maddie can we- no! Can we talk about this later?! Maddie.." I then heard him sigh. By now I am wide awake. I turned around to face the door where he soon entered.

"Are you okay?" I asked him once he came in and sat down on the bed.

"Yea. I'm okay." He said with a small smile.

"I know I shouldn't be asking but who's Maddie?" I have an idea of who it is but just to make sure.

"No one. Do you want breakfast?" He asked changing the subject. I nod my head yes. Before he left my phone than rang and I answer.

"Hey Shawn." I said looking at Joel he then slightly rolled his eyes and left my bedroom.

"Lol this isn't Shawn. Its Jasmine dumb butt."

"Oh sorry," yes I purposely said Shawn in front of Joel because I know that Maddie girl is that girl. Ugh.

"Anyways can you give me a ride to work? My car kind of broke down."

"Yea just let me eat breakfast and get ready."

"Alright I'll see you there." I then hung up the phone and went down stairs to eat breakfast. Instead if seeing Joel in the kitchen I saw him sitting on the couch with Honey on his lap. I didn't say anything to him so I went straight to the kitchen and serve him and myself some cereal. I walked up to him and handed him the cereal, he took it and I sat down and turn on the t.v.

"And now is CNCO Member Joel pimentel involved with a red head girl after breaking up with Camila?" One female said.

"These pictures shows Joel and that mystery girl together at a Miami amusement park kissing. What do you think Elizabeth? Do you think Joel had moved on from Camila?" The guy asked.

"I honestly think that he has because these pictures are proof that he has moved on but at the same time, he could be Camila's baby daddy."

"I just saw on Twitter this morning that Joel and Problem Z star Cezanne Lopez, hung out last night." I then looked at Joel who shook his head lightly then put my attention back to the t.v.

"Ken, they're best friends we always see them together. And plus do you really think Cezanne will ever go out with Joel?"

"I think so." I whispered hoping Joel did heard that.

"Yes at the same time no. Yes because I mean wouldn't you like to date your best friend? But at the same time I don't think so because Cezanne is more famous than Joel. She's more popular and I think deserves way more than him." I rolled my eyes at the t.v. at this point I am done with my cereal so I got up and left my bowl in the kitchen.

"You can change it Joel, I'm going upstairs to get ready for work." He quickly grabbed the remote and change the channel.

I headed upstairs and changed into a nice outfit. After I got changed, I brushed my tangled hair and did my makeup. Once I finished with all of that I put on my shoes and head downstairs. "Mm you can leave that there. One of my maids are coming today." I told him as he put the dishes down.

"Okay. Hey it was nice seeing you again Cez. I'm actually going to go visit my family for a bit." He said.

"Okay. Well if you need anything or need someone to talk to you can always text me." I told him. He then smiled and went upstairs to grab his stuff.

"Joel make sure you lock the door on your ways out!" I yelled. Before I closed the door behind me, Joel yelled back.

"Cezanne wait!" He then came running downstairs. "Well when I was shopping one day I saw this and it reminded me of you. It symbolizes that you bring light to my darkest days even when we are miles apart. Oh and it has stars on it because you're the star that always guide me home and well you are literally a star." He giggled a little. It was a gold moon necklace with little stars on it. I smiled and then he put it on over the one I had already had on. I turned around and hug him.

"I love you so much Joel." Whoops. Were those the wrong words to say? Shaking My Head. I should really think before I say anything.

"I love you too Cez. Now you should go wherever you are going to. Which I'm guessing is work. You don't want to be late." I let go of him and agreed with him. I head out to my car and drove away to Jasmine's house.

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@cezanne: thank you @joelpimentel for the beautiful necklace. love ya bsf. 😜💕

@celebupdatess: "bsf more like bf!"

@jasminez: stop taking selfies and come and pick me up! but awww how cute, I need details!!

@kyliejenner: when are you coming over to see stormi?

@moonlightbae: but what happened with you and Shawn?

@cezanne: @kyliejenner soon! I promise !! Maybe later tonight? I don't know I'll text ya!

Once I posted that picture I called Jasmine since I was literally outside her house. "Finally you're here. Ugh I don't want to go to work because then it's one day closer of you leaving!" She said now bending over to the side in a weird way. I rolled my eyes at her and headed to work.

an: I'm hella tired omg . I'm thinking of changing the title of the story because.. well I don't know, we'll see

Published 2/25/18 @11:13 am

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now