Chapter 10 .

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"Cezanne sweetie. Its time to wake up." I heard Shawn whisper while he run his fingers through my hair. What a great feeling.

"5 more minutes." I said.

"No babe we need to go out today since the interview of us confirming aired last night.

"Mm okay. What should we do today?" I ask while my head was still on his chest.

"We can go out to the movies. Or have a picnic at the park. Or go shopping. Whatever your heart desires." Shawn said.

"We should um. Go on a picnic? Then afterwards we go to the mall and watch a movie then shop a little if we have time ?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a date." Shawn smiled.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked. But then. The doorbell rang. I remove the blankets from me so I can get off the bed. But then Shawn grabbed my shoulders and gently pulled me back.

"Breakfast is on me." He then put on his shirt and went downstairs. Wow Shawn he's like spoiling me lately. I grabbed my phone to text Joel good morning. I do it everyday. I don't know why but I do. Hopefully he's doing okay though. I wanted to go help Shawn with breakfast but as soon as I got up he was already here.

"Breakfast is ready." Shawn said as he held up the bags. I smiled at him. I grabbed on of the bags and got back to bed. He did the same and we started eating.

After breakfast he helped me clean up the room. Afterwards I got ready for the day. I put on my white dress shirt and my light brown pencil type of skirt. Put on my brown sandals and my brown sunhat. I then grabbed my sunglasses and my small purse and head out.

We're going to Shawn's hotel room first since he needs to shower and get ready. Once we arrived at the hotel there was a lot of paparazzi there im assuming waiting for us. Once Shawn open his door, cameras started going crazy. Once I got out with him, the camera clicks got even crazier. I grabbed Shawn's shoulder so he can pull me in with him. Once we made it inside, we immediately went up to his room.

"Well that was wild. I'll be back in a bit. Feel free to lay on the bed and watch something on t.v. as I get ready." He said. I then sat on his bed, grabbed the remote and turned on the t.v.. I honestly can't stop thinking of Joel. Man, this guy is on my mind 24/7. But I'm stuck with Shawn. I mean there's nothing wrong about Shawn, its just, he's not Joel. I know a lot of you are like "but Shawn is way better than Joel, more famous, more popular, more hotter." But I don't care about all of that. There's something about Joel that makes me want to stay by his side forever until death. Ugh I don't know.

I wonder what he's doing. While I wait for Shawn I'm going to text him. I pulled out my phone from my purse and turned it on with a picture of Shawn with the bouquet of flowers that he gave me yesterday.

I then unlock my phone and saw the picture of Joel and I on my bed when he slept over that one day. I like this picture because we we're both laying on my bed with my hair all over the place on the pillow and Joel just there looking cute while you can see a little bit of my double chin. I laugh lightly then I went to my messages to text him.

Me: hey Joel. What's up? I'm bored ):

Just a few seconds later he answered

Joel: hey Cezanne. Not much and why are you bored ? Aren't you with Shawn right now ? Lol sorry its cause I was on twitter and saw some picture of you two together today.

Freedom // Joel pimentel Where stories live. Discover now